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cdk 4219

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Everything posted by cdk 4219

  1. How would you explain the skilled workforce of World War II? Were the women of this time taught these manufacturing skills in colleges before the war? Was there an over abundance of schooled engineers from the 30s waiting to manufacture tanks, planes, boats and such? Maybe people were just more educated back then? Skills can be taught to willing people with some pride.
  2. I would suggest giving up your Arlington home to an underprivileged family. You should start a trend. Better yet we should take the Upper Arlington police out of Arlington and have them patrol and mentor the Hilltop area. How about cutting the Arlington police force by 80% or so and redirecting the funds to the inner city? Those would only be small sacrifices and certainly would help, and your community wouldn’t have any downsides.
  3. So Greg what would you suggest? The US is mostly a consumer, but as any consumer if you keep consuming without generating revenue to consume, that revenue will deplete, then you can’t consume. Most jobs here are directed to keep the dollar rolling around within the country, but we are buying most of our products from elsewhere. How do we keep generating revenue to consume without actually being a producer of goods, and better yet how does an American company compete with overseas countries such as China that can produce product at a much lower cost? At some point the We must generate more income than we spend, and producing products to sell is the way to do that. Most jobs that are in the US are directed to maintain the US consumer, while most of the products purchased by these companies are imported. That leaves quite a bit of subtracting for the US as a whole. How would you go about producing products in the US more cost effectively, or making Chinese products more evenly priced with the US market? Keeping on the path we have been is. Sry good for cheap products, but as again with any consumer you must generate outside revenue in order to keep consuming, as well as take care of the rest of the family that decides to keep conuming and not generate.
  4. hat's the social program that pays enough to live on and I don't have to work? because I want some of that...oh wait it doesn't fucking exist except in your own mind. Being a lawyer gets pretty close, and you were the one who said that China was struggling to keep up with the US, I just stated they didn’t give a shit. I’m glad you finally realized this is a car forum, or can’t you argue on a political forum. I guess it’s just your little world, But like a cancer you get an A for effort.
  5. Not really that complex, China can build things cheaper because of less regulation and litigation, the us government is willing to pay people not to work, people would rather do nothing and get paid by the taxpayers than work, because they can. Most of the skill involved requires determination and effort and much less skill. The US has been attempting to keep what assets they had in the country, little by little it has depleted leaving it difficult to sustain the lifestyle. Keeping the money rolling inside the US without producing things is a downward slope. You have to make money in order to spend money, someone has to produce goods to make money, the US has a difficult time doing that,
  6. It is very clear how small your little world is, for the last 20 years or so the world is manufactured through China. Everybody has taken advantage of the fact that China could make a product for a fifth of the cost of manufacturing in the US. The United States doesn’t manufacture much of anything , simply because of the cost of doing business from government fees/ taxes to lawsuits and such. China is in no way struggling to “keep up” with the US for anything, especially concerns for the environment. We all shop at harbor freight, it we could buy Snap On tools couldn’t we. If China decides they like something , they just reverse engineer it and sell it back to us without regard to any rules the US manufacturers have to follow. The only question I have is that if the borders are closed, who is going to fill the jobs that he would like to create, not many Americans are wanting or willing to do a days work anymore, because the government will take care of them.
  7. Could be the catalytic converter as well.
  8. Lots of those have weaker flexplates or possibly loose converter bolts, misfire would certainly exacerbate the noise. They do make slip on rockers and cab corners. These are pretty good trucks and pretty reliable.
  9. Again you are an idiot. I have forgotten more car related things than you have read. You seem to be misinformed about many things, good to know you are smarter than the rest of us. How many fuel injection swaps have you done? Just like your other worldly posts you only have small parts of the puzzle.
  10. As with most things, you are missing most of the details, engine trans harness for the v6 manual, flywheel, slave cylinder, interior dash harness, driveshaft, shifter, steering column, to name a few. I thought you said you were smart, apparently not realistically intelligent. Much nicer truck than any of the previous, rockers and an corners rot from the inside out, once younvisually see rust on the outside they’re usually gone. The trans noise could maybe be a cracked flexplate.
  11. I found a definition of Kerry in the dictionary as well. It seems you are named after a large piece of shit. The definition is spot on.
  12. You’re right Hillary Clinton clearly better. We haven’t been governed by common sense in my lifetime, hopefully some can find its way to the establishment in Washington. BTW it was because I told my wife not to vote for Hillary that she didn’t win. She was spot on
  13. A 302 is narrow and this coyote engine is much wider and taller. Ford ohc engines have a difficult time fitting in trucks, much less e36s. That’s why it’s strange.
  14. It’s how MSN decides to write it. With words like “joining the protest” and subtle “alternative study hall” leads most people to believe he was suspended because he didn’t join the protest. This is exactly how mainstream media,and most media write these stories. Why not joining students in study hall, or alternative protest? Not quite as outrageous. Shoemaker had the choice to either go to the protest,or go to study hall. He decided to stay in the classroom alone,which wasn’t a choice, an action that he was told by teachers he couldn’t do, because they had to leave the classrooms to supervise the study hall and protest where the rest of the students were. Shoemaker was suspended for staying in the classroom. No outrage in the above paragraph, just the story as it happened. The MSN story is swayed towards their agenda, not really the facts, as much of the news is. Most people are already outraged when they read the headline, and most of these headlines again sway towards the agenda of the news company very liberal or whatever you would like to call it. Given the correct facts, without bias would be helpful. Hopefully more people can understand that they need to question their news, and possibly the news will do their job, delivering the facts, clearly and unbiased.
  15. Maybe you could relocate to Area 51? From now on, as in John Carpenter’s movie, you will be referred to as “The Thing”.
  16. Sounds like you may be the virus.
  17. h see, the "lie profusely" about it is the rub. Most politicians feel like they have to lie profusely about it because the majority of Americans will judge them, even if the sex is consensual. Well it’s good you can look past these small character flaws. With that logic we could overlook Jeffrey Dahmers errors, because he was a good cook. I am glad that you consider yourself intelligent, I will chalk it up to the Dunning-Kruger effect. No fixing that.
  18. Again, absolutely reaffirming the continuing problems we will have in this world. When is it appropriate to act like that and then lie profusely about it? I would guess they taught that at law school. Hopefully you can teach your children your wisdom, seems like a very educated path.
  19. Originally Posted by Geeto67 View Post Although I genuinely expected a bigger conservative backlash from people when he literally said he wanted to take guns without due process. We really don’t have that much time, we have to go to work to pay all the fees, taxes, permits, licenses, as well as dragging all the unfortunate people up the hill. You seem to have plenty of time, maybe it would be better for you to redirect your hours of typing into some useful charitable events. They might not argue there, so you may not like it. Nothing like a genius lawyer arguing on a car forum.
  20. Kerry, I don't profess to understand economists and their fancy math. Well that makes 2 of you, because he is a lawyer. Argument and confusion he does understand. These are that same people who attempt to run the country. Lawyers are definitely good for argument, most of the time they don’t know what they are arguing about. Lawyers definitely live in their own little world, with rules that they make. These rules leave common sense behind .
  21. You sure bring your class directly from Manhasset, and it shows. The true colors of a New York buffoon. Keep preaching
  22. And for those that may need an abridged version of him, above he simply tells everybody that he is smarter than the people of Ohio,or at least you are dumber. His words not mine. He also believes that since he already is smarter, that you should believe what he believes in as well. Geeto lets you know that he is superior to you in his previous posts. I also find his comments about the cost of living here vs where his liberal people are from interesting . I can only guess that because they are smarter in New York that most things are much more expensive, and with the logic it is less expensive here because of our lack of intelligence. That is geetos world and how he feels about people in the Midwest.
  23. We are just fine out here, I suggest you go elsewhere, you seem far too smart for living here. I guess the smarter attorneys got to stay home in New York ,and they shipped the lower paying people to Ohio. Appears like we got the shitty end of the deal. Maybe one day you can get promoted and go back, you’re not wanted here , I thought I had made that clear.
  24. Originally Posted by Geeto67 View Post This idea that "nobody wants to work" is nonsense. It's one of those conservative lies to justify xenophobia or cutting social programs. You seem to live in your own little bubble, and the drug test , you can thank countless litigation rocedures from your profession for that. The people who want to work have a job ,and the people who don’t want to work find some way to get government assistance. Why again did you leave your NY home? If these policies are working so well, why don’t you move back and take advantage of all you preach? It seems your perfect place would be New York City or close to there. All of these policies and regulations are already in place, and according to you work very well. Please explain again why you decided to leave the place that has all these great policies and regulations in place , and move to a place that has not enough of these rules. I am certainly hoping you can find your way back home.
  25. It will come apart much quicker with that cam, simply because you are raising the powerband substantially. The 5.0 isn’t the best balanced engine out there and spinning it up high makes it come apart much quicker. Keep it about or under 5500 rpm or so it will live for a decent time.
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