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cdk 4219

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Everything posted by cdk 4219

  1. No, but he speaks better veitnamese than you speak engrish. Better yet he has an e55 wagon an you probably drive a Kia
  2. Trickle charger is good, battery disconnect seems to work better. Full fuel tank,stabil,fresh oil change.
  3. If this is the only illegal thing you do, pay the fine to look good. If you decide to drive home from a tailgate party, and possibly had more to drink than is legal, put the front plate on and worry less about possibly getting pulled over because it isn't attached.
  4. I am sure that a picture of Hillary Clinton in shorts or possibly short sleeve shirt would get one of his hands reciprocating.
  5. You are the preacher, trying to bring your message to everyone else. Please don't act the martyr. Your message would be better heard on a message board with teachers, government workers, and general doofuses like yourself. You seemingly know everything about lots of things, but really can't understand the writing directly in front of you. The Internet for you is definately for you to argue, and then as you brought up, to masturbate, both of which, it seems, you enjoy. Please explain why the fuck you left your homeland and moved out here to preach?
  6. With this regime , the more I work, the more I get penalized, it's just that simple. The fact of the universe is that bad things will drag good things down to their level, and you and Hillary Clinton's government are no exception. The government as we see it is broken, Hillary clearly will not repair it with her thinking,only drag most down monetarily. $12,000 a year for health insurance is just the beginning, instead of regulating lawyers that suck up billions per year with law suits, and drive all prices to astounding levels because of giving stupid people money for not knowing the coffee was hot when they spilled it on themselves. Just another example of stupid people dragging others down.
  7. Thanks Hillary, just got my affordable health insurance bill $980 per month for 3 people in good health. This has been the affordable way to triple my bill in 6 years. Keep dropping coverage to make it "affordable" , but it guess I will have to work harder to pull everyone else up the hill of shit. And by the way if you haven't noticed Geeto has no head in the cloud, it is up his rear end. Hopefully he has great Obamacare for his head extraction.
  8. But it can and will for quite some time if done correctly. The 4.8 is actually a much stronger unit per ci than the 5.3 or 6.0. Good fuel system, good wastegate, and somewhat efficient turbos will allow a mechanically healthy 4.8 make those numbers. It will not last forever,but with a good tune and rpm kept in check it can last 2 to 3 seasons. Attention to details is the key, but the actual turbo itself isn't what takes the engine out, shitty non repeatable wastegate,injectors that work 99.3% of the time, or a fuel pump setup that is borderline. Spend your money on chads turbo, and inter oiler,and go for good supporting hardware, fuel,gate,etc.
  9. No chrome shops in Columbus, that I know of. I believe there may be one in Chillicothe, it is very expensive, and if the chrome is pitted, even more expensive. I try to stay away from projects that need chrome work, as the last 60s car I did required $5000 in chrome work, and that was some small trim parts, and bumpers. Most replating shops are out of state, and rechroming requires removing all of the existing plating, repairing all imperfections, and replating. I would only consider this if you cannot buy these parts brand new, or they are one off parts.
  10. Well apparently you don't own enough German cars then.
  11. Doesn't really work like that with German cars. I would take a 190k mile Toyota over most German cars. I own plenty of German cars to compare to the Scion xB service vehicle I have. When German cars work, they tend to be very enjoyable, when they break, they tend to be very expensive, and time consuming to repair. If that mini is an automatic run like hell, even if it isn't, usually the German cars I have don't like to be left for more that 2 weeks without starting, as they will eat batteries quickly. If this is a Florida car sitting for a while, it will more than likely need a battery tender or it will be dead..
  12. Don't worry, he will be very mad when the " competition" tuner that runs his V-twin ass dildo, is recalled.
  13. First be careful with the roundup, it can also hurt large trees, and runoff can kill downstream plants off of your yard. Shaded sloped grass areas are difficult to maintain as well. Fall and spring are the hardest on the grass. Too much moisture in the spring, not much sun year round, and in the summer with leaves the trees will not allow moisture to get to the ground. Add to that in the fall the trees will extract most of the moisture in the soil. All of this and a slope it's usually some sort of watering system in the area, overseeding in the fall,as well as correct choice of seed. Killing in the fall sounds good, but the weeds will probably grow quickly in the spring, and if you till the seeds back in the soil and weed rate goes up.if you can't get the grass to grow quickly, the weeds will move in fast, then you will have a mess. Topsoil is great, but some contains weed seed , and keep in mind that it will compact to around half volume quickly, so what looks good when you finish may not be good next year. you may want to take the plants out this fall, roundup early spring, and topsoil and seed after that.
  14. You will need to get the temperature in the car above 145 degrees for at least 45 minutes to kill mold spores. The key to this is removing the carpet, as the carpet will hold the shit water forever, and the moisture in the car will allow the mold to continue. Believe me if the carpet got wet and has any foam rubber sound deadening you must remove it and dry it out and spray with chemicals and power wash, and allow thorough drying time in the sun. The rest can be taken care of with spray chemicals and ozone machine. Mold is much easier than rodent urine and feces, which is almost impossible.
  15. . Keeping the floor warm is the key to being comfortable, foam insulated concrete is really important, and I would highly suggest spending the money on insulating the concrete before pouring. When my shop floor gets cold, I get really cold, even if the air temperature is warm. I have hanging heaters, , but as said above, they are cheaper to install initially, but with a tall roof, most of the heat is 20' up , and is hard to get down. I would also suggest possibly not heating the whole area, but maybe just the area you actually work in.
  16. Not necessarily, I had issues with low pressure, and the engine wouldn't idle. There is not really any strategy for the ecu to look at low pressure, and if is occurs, the ecu doesn't know what it is. It's definately a place to start.
  17. Look into the fuel pressure and verify that it is being consistent when the problem arises.
  18. It's always a good idea to simplify the mechanical workings of a machine, especially the non important ones like brakes. While you're at it, there is no need for all of those lug nuts, they just will add weight, and are quite unnecessary. Half of them will do the job very well, and think of the time you will save when a tire change is needed. Make sure if you are working on the tapered wheel bearings and steering components, that you don't install cotter pins on the castle nuts, again extra weight, and possibly less mpg with that weight. If you have a blown fuse, you can at least double the amperage (if not more) for the replacement fuse, it won't blow again ( this applies to home breakers as well!)
  19. Call the dealer, I just went through this on an 04 Silverado that I was going to bend lines for. The dealer was the last place I thought to call, and the complete pre bent kit was $93. The box it came in was worth more than that.
  20. Lots of towing companies have agreements with business owners to tow cars from their lots. The agreements don't usually allow for junk car exclusions. If it is in violation the towing company that is posted gets a call and the car is towed( whether it is a Ferrari or a blown up Chrysler intrepid) and hopefully the owner picks it up and pays. Its not so much a problem getting the title, as much as it is with what the state sets the value of the car. The state looks at the good condition of blue book and values the car from that. There is no figuring in mechanical or crash issues. Unless they have changed the rules( which they may have) getting the title for say a car that may be worth $1500 actually cost more than the car. There are quite a few steps to go through. A few years ago Shamrock towing had to pile the impounds 2 and 3 high in the yard, because it was less expensive to do that than get the titles to these cars. Like I said this may have changed, I haven't looked into this in a few months.
  21. I didn't realize you could get a temp tag with a private sale and not having the title in your name. "Remember, the people in impound are in the business of possessing abandoned, stricken, mis-parked, etc. cars. If there wasn't profit for them somewhere, they wouldn't be in the business of handling "problematic" cars." It is very difficult and costly for owing companies to get these titles now. The towing companies are hoping you pick up the car and pay the tow and impound fee. Towing low dollar or damaged (or both) cars is not profitable at all. Ten years ago getting these titles was easy and cheap, not so much now.
  22. Most private towing companies won't impound these vehicles, as they are in the same difficult position getting the titles as lucore is. Sheriff will get involved when you decide to push the car out on to industrial parkway and ignore it, other than that he will inform you that it is a civil matter outside of their authority. If you decide that the car is worth the hassle, you must find the title holder, or direct family members and go from there.
  23. Something is not correct, you cannot get a temporary tag with a "bill of sale" . Only if the seller was a dealer, then a temporary tag would have been issued. Mechanics lien on an automobile is tricky when you are dealing with a car that your customer legally doesn't own. For all you know there may be a bank loan outstanding on the car from the original owner. If the car is worth less than $4000 you are looking af a time consuming and expensive event through legal channels that wouldn't pay out. Finding the titled owner of the car and contacting his family to pick up the car would be the best and possibly the easiest. But as I see it you as of right now, have performed services on an automobile that your customer didn't own, so filing a lien requires that the title holder of that vehicle be contacted , and they may want it back. Find them, contact them, and ask them what they would like to do. The way I see it is you really have only stored the car , so it's not like your out money for fixing the engine or transmission.
  24. 7/8" or 15/16" tilton or wilwood master with remote reservior. This will be linkage trial and error to get it correct, but shouldn't be incredibly difficult. Most difficult part is contorting under the dash to do the work. Determining the throw of the master is tricky, just remember not to permanently weld all until the length of throw is determined. I would certainly think someone has converted an sn95 to hydraulic stuff by now.
  25. They are less than $30 each,brand new.
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