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Everything posted by jeffmeden

  1. +1 for leaves 'em on. One for the TV and one for my workstation. They are both relatively low power tho, between them they only draw 200w doing normal stuff. Its good to have temp sensitive fans, and the CPU throttling enabled, so that when youre not there it can idle nice and low. Otherwise, you will just end up vacuuming dust into your PC and wasting a lot of electricity to do it.
  2. How much more is frangible ammo on average? I shoot $30 worth of ball on a good day at the range, saving a few bucks on the lane doesn't help if it costs twice as much to actually shoot!
  3. Sorry if this is a threadjack but what's the status on racing games between the two systems? Any personal favorites? I hated that PGR3 got rid of the lower class cars, I have played it some at a friend's and found it wholly unappealing (might as well be NFS). I am looking forward to seeing Forza 2 on the 360 and am considering getting one just for that purpose. Any other good games to look out for on any of the three systems?
  4. Maybe a 'bad driver' isn't one that simply pisses you off, maybe it's one that actually breaks the law? You can argue about annoying drivers all day but in honesty everyone has been both annoyed and annoying at various times in their life. How about measuring the times a law or other very commonly accepted convention (like talking on a cellphone) is broken. Difficulty: If they are tailgating they have to hit you to quantify it...
  5. +1 for see a doctor. You would be surprised how much you use that thing, if it ends up healing out of shape you will regret it!
  6. Did it occur to any of you that the outrageous auctions on ebay were from fraudulent buyers? If you look back at just about any auction that ended over $2000 it was won by a now deceased ebayer (meaning he never paid, the auction is null). Now that they have things cleaned up and the 17 yr olds are done screwing up the free market, the prices are around $1000-1100. Not that I am defending gamers or game profiteers, but you all make it out to be some big deal...
  7. I get em off ebay, its usually around $20 shipped for a kit with coils, tap, and insertion tool, all you need to add is the drill bit which you can usually get from the same place if you need one. I f*ing HATE aluminium...
  8. jeffmeden

    Plasma TV's

    Am I the only one holding out for a 1080p screen? Interlaced is for blind people ;-)
  9. The thing to look for IMO is pixel depth. A lot of bargain MFRs panels are actually 6 bits/subpixel instead of 8, which they counter with an interpolation effect but it's still not nearly as vivid as an 8 bit screen. Some research is required to ensure the panel you are getting is 8 bit, since marketing literature is often deceptive. DVI connector is a must, refresh rate should be 12ms or lower, contrast should be 800:1 or more, these features are easy to find on modern panels. I use dell LCDs exclusively (not trying to be elitist they just look great). I use this one at home: http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=320-4688 which can often be had for close to $300 if you wait for a dell sale or get a coupon. That display is so good that 4 of my friends wound up getting one shortly after I did, no one I know who shopped for a LCD could find a better one.
  10. So do you care to break down the time writing that post as it relates to your newfound appreciation for wage-by-coin-collection... It must dilute the profit somewhat when you consider how long it must have taken you to put together such an elaborate thesis ;-) and fwiw I am currently only eyeing coins valued 1.8c or above
  11. Heres a good rule of thumb... Don't trust a technical review by someone who looks like this: http://www.itvidya.com/system/files/pictures/picture-1682.jpg Not to play sony or ms fanboy, all I am gonna say is let the games speak for themselves since that's what this is about anyway. Just to discredit anyone playing the MHz card, look at the PS2 with its paltry 350 compared to the Xbox's 733, and then look at which console is multiple times more popular in raw sales and in game sales (hint below). It's all about the GAMES. PlayStation 2: 111.25 Million consoles sold Microsoft Xbox: 24 million consoles sold (most current figures, independent for each system)
  12. Windows = suckage. If you are using default windows drivers, you can set a profile for a digital cam to move pics, but when the camera is seen on a different USB port it thinks its a completely different one. This can also happen on the same port after a reboot. To get the settings back simply plug the cam in, find it within 'my computer', right click on it and hit properties. Here is where you can tell it to automatically copy or move the pics from the camera, and where they go. Once you save it unplug the cable from the camera and plug it in again, and it should fire right up.
  13. It might be related to recent accusations that satellite radio providers (XM in particular) are using terrestrial repeaters that violate FCC output regs, are completely unlicensed, and a multitude of other things. I wouldn't be surprised if they are toning it down until this blows over. Here is a link to more info: http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/oct2006/tc20061030_011865.htm?campaign_id=bier_tcv.g3a.rss1030l
  14. I am looking to get the exhaust redone on my saturn, right now it just has a 2" stainless header and nothing else (since i just got done rebuilding everything). I want some place that can weld a good 2" cat, catback, n muffler on there for a decent price. And, i'd rather not have to drive all over town on account of the complete lack of muffling on the thing now. Can anyone recommend a good shop in the far west side (hilliard) area?
  15. The concept of an idiom is lost on you and others? This is news? You could have at least opened with something witty like "When Kerry is ever a threat greater than 'death by boredom', the President can start to worry...". See? That was fun!
  16. +1, even the dumps in clintonville go for $250,000. no joke... The closer to the outerbelt you get the better off you are as far as the price/quality ratio (unless its dublin).
  17. Can you open it and spin it by hand with relative ease? you may have worn through the gaskets the drum rides on, or there may be something small jammed in one like a coin or other pocket fodder. Dryers are typically really easy to take apart, just pop the top up and hinge it open (assuming its held in place by snap clips in front) and then unscrew and pull off the front panel including the door. Once you do that the drum will be loose and you will probably see what the problem is (if its mechanical).
  18. +1 to the benefit of self defense tools. http://meden.us/coppermine/albums/userpics/10001/optianipic.gif
  19. Just park there instead of them when you see it's free. If they come to bitch give them the same 'oh its a friend of a friend who had a pass but has to leave it to go to the osu game but has class til 10 and is on crutches and blah blah blah...' Tasting one's own medicine is often enough to unplug the deepest head from one's ass.
  20. jeffmeden

    What do you do?

    DF: I left there at the end of 2004. Is your dad one of the seniors there?
  21. jeffmeden

    What do you do?

    Darkformula: I worked at the bank one NSP site with vi tran for about 9 months and decided it wasn't for me... coty061885: I can't say a bad thing about Liebert, they treat the employees well and that really builds a pleasant place to work for everyone. You won't get rich there, but you will still feel good about it...
  22. jeffmeden

    What do you do?

    Two people in a row posting jobs i had... I work currently in the delaware office east side, for the dp group.
  23. jeffmeden

    What do you do?

    This is scary Which office? Which site? I work/worked at both...
  24. Obligatory: It's got a cop motor a four-hundred- and-forty cubic-inch plant. It's got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks; it was a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas... radio waves may be faster than cop cruisers but you can't get caught when you're on a mission from god!
  25. The intruder can be extracted with a hot wire? Fun! So it basically fills the cabin with solid styrofoam... how is that not supposed to kill whoever is trapped inside? Not that i am on the side of thieves but come on guys, the punishment should fit the crime. The next thing will be cops wanting surface to surface missiles for their cruisers to they can 'intercept' speeders from afar... when will it end? Just get a car alarm with a 2-way remote and get on with your lives.
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