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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. He hopped again on the launch too.
  2. A sad day. I was going to do steaks on the grill tomorrow for dinner...now I'm going to make a pot of his famous chili.
  3. Oh dear God in Heaven above, NO! Just the first link that came up on Google.
  4. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1684671/maurice-sendak-dead.jhtml :no:
  5. Okay, how in the hell do they even get those tires over the rim flange? Or are they flared after the tire is mounted?
  6. But why would you LIFT when you see the car beside or behind you out of control? That's a good way to end up making yourself the plural part of "wrecked cars".
  7. It's worse for the less common and surplus rounds. Tokarev ammo is non-existant now, just a year ago it was going $89 for 1,260 rounds. 7.62x39 and x54r surplus are scarce, but 5.45 is plentiful still. .32ACP is tough to find the good quality rounds. .380 has gone INSANE, it's selling higher than .45ACP now! 8mm Mauser surplus is gone. I've got 19 calibers, 4 or 5 of which are essentially unobtainable at the moment.
  8. Never got a UV burn...did set my beard on fire once. I don't recommend the experience.
  9. Been to England? The Mini there is as the Corvette is here...now think what the results of the EIGHTH Corvette ever made coming up for auction would be.
  10. If you want complex...the Bristol Hercules sleeve-valve radial aircraft engine:
  11. More fixed. Donk Lambo. What a great idea. :fuuuu:
  12. There were a few jets that would eject the entire crew in one or two big capsules...the XB-70 springs to mind, and the FB-111. They were expected to make an ejection at Mach 2 at least theoretically survivable. They didn't work well though.
  13. Vance's has a couple of Glenfield and Marlin 60s in the used .22 rack...those are some decent little rifles for dead cheap.
  14. Well, yeah. But only if you don't let them wash frequently. And its way less noticeable in females.
  15. Why bother? Their own political system merely guarantees that anybody who does have the competence to actually spot potential trouble will never dare to point it out for fear of offending their superiors.
  16. +1 for this. They are like a smarter, less-shedding cat with almost hands. They litter-train pretty easily, more so than puppies. If you don't have kids already, a raccoon will teach you things about baby-proofing your house that you will NEED to know.
  17. You never know...AMC had good metal in those cars, so the body might be okay. It's all the REST of the parts that could be a problem. Engine parts are expensive if its a V8 but not bad for the I6, suspension bits are tough to find, interior stuff is utterly non-existant...I'd say go for it though. If nothing else, at least you tried to preserve something cool.
  18. Well holy hell...damn, that looks GOOD! I've only seen one other car that looked really GOOD in plain brown paint, and it was a Studebaker.
  19. I want to see a brown Lambo...or sort of a Toyota Sienna biege, all conservative...
  20. Mike-sells for me, they are pretty close to national now. I remember when they shipped in tins, long before the paper and then plastic bags... Locally, SHEARER'S! Kettle makes some good chips too, I like their Salt & Pepper. Sterzing out of Iowa is a good regional chip.
  21. It must've taken her a LONG time to get that fox in close, unless she raised it from a pup. They are VERY shy of humans.
  22. Just open the pumpkin and weld the diff...voila, locked diff.
  23. Doubt there will be any real increase...he pretty well saturated his market.
  24. Woodys is on McKinley, west of Central, near Buckeye Auto Parts. Cantley's is on Little...take 104/Frank rd west from 71, turn north on Brown, turn east on Little, it's at the end of Little. Don't forget Edison's, on McKinley across from the COTA barn. They have some good cars occasionally. And that place by the auto shredder near Alum Creek and 104.
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