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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. I prefer Hoppes, but with older guns or surplus arms, I'll use Ed's Red and THEN Hoppes. If the bore is SERIOUSLY cruddy, I'll fill it with Kroil overnight. I usually clean the chamber first, then brush from chamber to muzzle when possible. I use Lubriplate 144a for grease (or automattenfett for my Swiss guns), and Hoppes Oil.
  2. Walmart and Krogers on Georgesville have booths...I think they said they would be doing Hilliard Walmart next weekend.
  3. I always did like the seats on the GTU/GTZ versions. About as supportive as you can get without going aftermarket. I've got some of those black GTZ rims on my Shadow.
  4. Then again, the current Camaro was supposedly slated for a turbo-4 as an option in the base when the rumors were still going around... I got to drive one of those 4-cyl 80s 3rd gens back in high school...it belonged to a friend whose Dad was smart enough to realize a teenager needs a cool LOOKING car, but not one with actual horsepower. Ever lose to a school bus from a roll? That car did.
  5. Not sure if they still have it, but Vances had CCI standard velocity "seconds" in 100rd boxes for 7.99 a box packed loose in cheap plastic boxes...the regular stuff runs 7.99 per FIFTY rounds in those cool little trays. The "seconds" are just as good as the regular, and half the price...I've noticed ZERO difference in performance.
  6. There is a magazine store on Grandview between 3rd and 5th that has it frequently.
  7. My uncle had one. Got great mileage, but wasn't fun to drive at all. He did a couple cross-country trips with it, I can't recall him mentioning any real problems.
  8. Good God, that thing looks like something Top Gear would never do a segment on...because the cameramen were too scared of it.
  9. All of the ODNR ranges are steel friendly.
  10. They are beautiful and luxurious, beyond any doubt...but how can it be FUN to have somebody else drive it for you? If you have a chauffeur, you might as well be riding in a yellow Crown Vic...
  11. http://jalopnik.com/5886063/how-not-to-lower-your-car :dumb:
  12. Show up at his business with big ass piece of wood. Bend antennas right and left. "SEE?" Profit!
  13. Honestly, I'd have to guess that it was because the tapes would have shown one of their "valued guests" being pushed around and threatened for several minutes mere feet away from where their "security" was sitting and watching the feed at, while the camera viewpoint changed.... They didn't even leave their little hidey-hole down that hallway that Funny Bone was in until I'd already solved their problem for them.
  14. Compound charging goes back to the 20s, Curtiss experimented with compounded supercharging to maintain engine output at high altitude. This was developed through the 30s, in WW2 many US aircraft used an integral crank-driven supercharger and a remote exhaust gas driven turbo. The turbos were usually bypassed for lower altitudes, with more flow being added to maintain rated power as altitude increased. The B-17 and B-24 bombers used this system, as did the P-38 and P-47 fighters. If you want extreme...the turbo-compound motor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbo-compound_engine
  15. The brass-capped handguard is an uncommon, pre-war part...they kinda got shuffled around during the post-war work done on the Soviet weaponry. Did the rings hold well? I've been thinking of trying that setup with one of mine.
  16. I had one on my 89 Escort GT for a while, back in the day...damn thing sounded like a quartet of chainsaws.
  17. Looks like he's got the rear sight removed and some super-high rings mounted on its dovetail. I see hex reciever, brass handguard ends, and a stock with no band grooves or toe splice?....TELL US MORE!
  18. I can remember the old Sears catalog that came in the mail...trying to decide if that was a nipple or not. Kids today have it so much easier than we did!
  19. He's an idiot. She got it from him, and no doubt will be welfare-babying it along soon enough.
  20. I haven't been to Easton since 2001, and see no reason to return. I got jumped in the hallway between the theatre and the east garage by two drunks coming out of the Funny Bone. Easton security watched it happen on their camera and did not intervene until I'd dealt with them, then wanted to hassle me because I'd reversed one guys knee after he was "down". They tried to prevent me from calling the police, tried to prevent the police from talking to me, and flat out refused to allow the police to view the tapes. Both guys got arrested for disorderly, but no witnesses and no tapes meant they skated on the assault charges. Since the one got a broken nose and the other will never walk right again, I call THAT part square...but fuck Easton.
  21. Get it down out of the clouds, and keep the Pontiac powerplant.
  22. Well, he did say the manual wasn't in the car. But yeah, utter fail otherwise. I'm wondering what the heck he was lifting the car by back there, it looks like part of the bumper structure... And those scissor jacks are badass, the one that came with my Voyager has been used HUNDREDS of times on various cars over the years, and more than a few things have been lifted that should not have been.
  23. Adjust for inflation, and there's a factory in Belfast as evidence of that kind of thinking!
  24. The other old Eddie Bauer warehouse out by Rickenbacker is even larger. Fisher was 4+ million square feet, Rickenbacker was 6+ million. I think the largest single warehouse in central Ohio is hovering right around 8 million or so.
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