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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. 9/11 I was in the waiting room of the Dodge dealership on East Main...can't think of what the name of the dealership was. I was waiting on them to finish prepping the Avenger I'd bought. Other days that stick with me are the Challenger explosion..I was in Mrs. James 5th grade class, they had pushed the TV cart into our room and everybody else had to bring their chairs with them! January 17th 1991...when Desert Shield became Desert Storm, the Reds had come to Watkins Memorial to do a charity basketball game with some alumni and teachers. I got autographs from Paul O'Neill, Kal Daniels, Barry Larkin, and Tom Browning. And oddly, November 24th 1983...the Sesame Street episode with Mr. Hoopers death.
  2. Now THOSE are some nice rifles! I've had one on my wish list for a couple years now, but my line-of-sight keeps getting blocked by Garands...
  3. Any video of the actual engine ITSELF running?
  4. Ever see the prices on the few Bob Ross paintings that come up for sale? Most of his work goes for upwards of a grand, and the ones actually used for the "Joy of Painting" shows hit 5 figures sometimes! But...for all the work he did, NOBODY is willing to part with them, so they rarely come up for sale.
  5. The title had me laughing...start off with a "Top Gun" clip, then two clips are of NAVY aircraft, one is Marine Corps, one Royal Navy, one Belgian Air Force, and two French Air Force. Also, these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UntN_cZUQg8&feature=related
  6. Betcha it was a Remington 141 or 760 in .35 Remington. Great rifles, and a great cartridge. Back in the 60s and 70s, if you weren't hunting with a .30-30, you had a .35 Remy.
  7. That'd be a neat daily once you repainted it. Wonder which I6 it has, the 4-speed makes me think 200 or 250 cu.in.
  8. Fake. Russians put cameras in their cars to record possible traffic accidents due to some oddities in their legal system. They don't put GOOD cameras in their cars though. The smoke fades away downward to the horizon... The car doesn't swerve, or slam on its brakes, or show any sign of the driver reacting to a jet HEADING RIGHT AT HIM... The car doesn't jar or bounce from the shockwave of the jet going overhead. The semi doesn't react to the sudden appearance of a horrendously loud and extremely close jet flying by unexpectedly. That jet has variable geometry wings, which sweep back at high speeds and forward for lower speeds. That plane is going SLOW to stay in view for that long, and the wings are somewhat swept...which indicates a faster speed. No flaps, either.
  9. The Russian that AIM sells is good stuff. The Czech light ball ammo is about the best surplus, but it's hard to find now. Hungarian and Bulgarian were okay, but Polish gave me poor accuracy and was DIRTY. I've fired a LOT of the Russian "188" factory ammo from a LOT of Mosins, and it's very consistent. http://7.62x54r.net/MosinID/MosinAmmo.htm
  10. The white one you saw is probably a local...it's a BEAUTIFUL car, very clean. He's been to a few shows around town, but mostly just DRIVES it. Probably has more miles on it than just about any vintage Lambo out there, he was over 120k with it when I talked with him a few years back.
  11. Nice car, and a great swap, but I honestly wouldn't go over 6k for it if I was buying. Fiero would be a better choice, and a Citation X-11 would be a COOLER one.
  12. No offense taken! I should have recognized the head shape, I was looking more at the overall color and the markings. I used to have one years ago, but I sold him when he hit 8 foot and got too hard to safely handle. I've never actually seen a juvenile though, oddly enough, and mine was so faintly marked he might as well not have had any patterning at all.
  13. Did some digging around, it could very well be a foot locker. All the ones I've seen had hasps for an external lock, but there were some with built-ins. There would most likely be a stamp on the underside of the lid somewhere with the manufacturer name and date, and probably the servicemans name would be on the outside...but they could easily have been painted over or worn off over the years.
  14. I did say PROBABLY...you're right though, head looks different. You're right on some sort of rat snake, but there is such a range of markings/color variations that it's tough to pin that down.
  15. Eastern Fox Snake...probably. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantherophis_gloydi Totally harmless to humans, sudden death to mice. They do bite, but are non-venomous. It feels like somebody snapping an alligator clip on you, it hurts but not much at all. If you have a garden, let it go there...it'll eat all the mice it can catch, then move along.
  16. What are the dimensions on the trunk? Any markings or stamps on the inside anywhere? It doesn't look like anything military to me...very few military issued cases had locks built in, they almost always used external padlocks. It does look like something from the 20s or 30s though.
  17. Any car that you could possibly see driving on a street in the US, you WILL see at the Dream Cruise. I've seen pictures of everything from a Miller Indy car (!) to a turbocharged AMC Encore convertible.
  18. Same people who don't wear seatbelts while NOT street racing.
  19. So...given that the current styling trend has been to take cues from the cars from 40 years previous ('05-65', '10-'70)...does that mean the 2015 will take its styling cues from this: http://www.seriouswheels.com/pics-1970-1979/1975-Ford-Mustang-Cobra-II-1280x960.jpg
  20. Pataskala got those Chargers for CHEAP too...and they offset some of the cost by finally selling off those MP5s that Chief Wilson bought back in the 90s.
  21. I've been in that WV Cabelas a lot...the fish tank and trophies are impressive, and there are some BEAUTIFUL rifles and shotties in their high-end room. But frankly Cabela's is over-priced. $175 for a run-of-the-mill refurb'd 1942 Izhevsk 91/30, $275 for a Carcano carbine with a nasty stock, a 5.4mil SA Garand for $1200...
  22. The problem was our version, the GATR series, used tandem axle trucks based on stock chassis. They are HEAVY...and they beat the living hell out of track surfaces. Tracks would have to resurface after a GATR race, which is expensive, plus the track would be out of commission for several weeks. Just not enough profit in it to make it worthwhile for the tracks.
  23. The USA used to have two racing series with semis...they even ran at Daytona! There is a clip in "Days of Thunder" of one of the wrecks. Look at Great American Truck Racing for clips and stuff...
  24. When I was a small child, we fell off raised surfaces all the time. And we liked it! We appreciated even HAVING raised surfaces to fall off of. Not like kids today, with their dozens of raised surfaces. They need to learn to appreciate their raised surfaces, and not take them for granted. Why, there are millions of starving children in Africa who would dearly love to have just ONE raised surface to fall off of, instead of having to settle for getting eaten by lions.
  25. Trying to find pictures of the first van my Dad had back when he worked for the EPA. It was a 74 Dodge Tradesman with the long body, a 4x4 conversion on military tires, and a 440 for power. It was a SERIOUS offroad van, it didn't get stuck PERIOD. During the blizzard of '78, the Governor required all state employees with 4x4 vehicles to assist rescue efforts of people snowbound. Dad happened to be driving past Fort Hayes when the Guard came out to do rescues up 71. The first two vehicles out were a pair of M113s...he ended up unsticking both of them several times on their way north to Mansfield, they kept high-centering on the piled snow underneath until the tracks were off the ground and stopped them.
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