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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. SUV drivers are usually female. Ever see a 30-ish soccer mom react to an unexpected event INTELLIGENTLY? Nope, the response is almost universally scream and swerve.
  2. Can't wait to see the little powderpuff dogs at Westminster trying that stuff...
  3. http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2007/03/russian-ballistic-missile-carriers.html
  4. Tannerite. Kidding, not in the city. And it isn't all that effective anyway. You can rent grinders at Lowe's.
  5. Yenner, the bit you highlighted isn't the entirety of the passage...
  6. She was in the middle of the shutdown area, call it a half-mile. It'd be about a two minute drive with most golf carts, they generally top out at around 15mph at best. And he wasn't hurrying to rescue her, he was checking the track for oil and debris as he went along. I don't get why the safety crew or top-end safety guy would have just been watching a car sit on the track for that long though.
  7. That's the way to do it. That motor will either live forever...or the crater will be seen from orbit.
  8. That was inevitable...the other 51 weeks of the year, the road is covered with oxygen-deprived drivers in SUVs. Lots of incidents on the switchbacks, we saw three wrecks on our trip up, two more on the way back down. Usually it's brake fade related, but lots of them simply spin off.
  9. I have AB- blood. What's a mosquito? I get bitten maybe once a month if that. Black flies don't like me either.
  10. The dyno run...that's BEYOND awesome.
  11. And NYPD uniform for duty cops requires steel-capped boots or shoes. Seems clear-cut to me...when a cop LAWFULLY tells you "No" and you do anyway, you will lose.
  12. Yeah, 130hp was not enough for that car. There are a few out there that have had the Euro-spec 150hp motor fitted, and a few more that got the Eagle Premier version of the PRV installed by owners. I've seen one with an Alpine GTA Turbo motor installed...280hp moved it out pretty well.
  13. I loved riding my bike downhill...not so much the getting back uphill though. The first time I can remember Mom being really and truly PISSED at me was at 5 years old when I rode my bike (with training wheels!) down the length of the hill my Grandparents house was on. Actually, it wasn't so much me riding in the road that pissed her off, it was when Mrs. Speers who lived three houses down told her that the run I got caught on was my THIRD of the morning, and during the first I'd passed a car...
  14. I read "Battlefield Earth" on a bet once...all 1,100 pages of it. If you thought the movie was bad....the book is worse. And the movie was only about 40% of the book...
  15. I don't have much experience with the newer ones, just a couple round swaps at the range. They work well as far as I can tell. But the older ones didn't, and frankly I think that impression from back then may be biasing me against them. Three rounds and then you start chasing zero...that's just annoying.
  16. I always eat Skittles with one of each of the colors together.
  17. The drag center and mounting point of the chutes is above the metacentric height of the bodyless car...when they deploy, they tend to lift the rear end of the car. This is overcome by the downforce generated by the body, but without the body...also, when the body blew back over, it lifted the car before the hinges failed. Modern cars run smaller but deeper chutes to allow them to be mounted as low as possible. 70s cars like that had them pretty high up on the chassis.
  18. Hmm, I may not laugh the next time a Miata owner throws out the word "HANDLING"...
  19. It's a tight fit, but do-able. I'd swap that motor into something like a K-car myself, preferably a wagon. With woodgrain sides.
  20. Diesels run away because they don't use a throttle to control airflow, there is no equivalent to the throttle blade in the intake of a gas engine. RPM and idle are controlled solely by the amount of fuel metered into the engine, so if the injectors stick open there is NOTHING to keep RPMs from increasing until the engine either fails or reaches the peak RPM for that amount of fuel. The only way to shut off a runaway is to either kill the fuel supply (good luck shutting off a mechanical fuel pump quickly) or blocking the airflow. Most diesel shops keep a pie tin or pizza sheet around to slap over the intake if necessary. An OHP officer I know told me the reason they only carry CO2 extinguishers instead of other types...when a truck crashes, frequently the cab will be destroyed but the motor is still running. Just discharge the extinguisher into the intake and it'll stop the motor when you can't get to the key.
  21. Here's the odd thing...while the video depicts an A-413, the script more accurately describes the functioning of an A-604.
  22. Remember the white 5.0 convertible from the video? Supposedly it turned up in that junkyard by the drive-in on south High a few years ago.
  23. Wonder if they'd let you run a Legends rod body?
  24. At 5:21, look at the donkey in the top right area.....funniest damn thing I've seen in gun camera footage EVER!
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