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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. Sounds like a couple teenagers just broke Dad's truck right on top of the evidence of HOW they broke Dad's truck...
  2. That she was the most hated woman in the country for several months and is less likely to get killed by passerby if they don't recognize her? Or maybe she just felt like going blonde, bitches do that.
  3. Is it on Versus this year? I can't even find TV coverage...
  4. It just amazes me that the market has so much room for so many different chamberings on one platform...everything from .17HMR to .50 BMG. Hell, I've even seen a 7.62x25 Tokarev upper a few years ago, and heard of somebody working on their own build for 8mm Mauser! On the other hand, my last four firearms purchases are chambered for cartridges that were functionally obsolete before Eugene Stoner's parents would let him have a BB gun, so...
  5. Jeez, what is it about the AR platform that causes such rampant chambering choice segmentation? You have one for attackers at under 50 yards, one to 100, one for 300 with gusty winds, one for left-handed red-headed blue-eyed male Eskimos with a slight overbite and a liking for Beatles vinyl...JUST PICK A DAMN ROUND AND STICK WITH IT...
  6. http://www.tumblr.com/photo/1280/13928178198/1/tumblr_lplx3hYlRa1qf0ggq Think this is the bottom of that road in Romania that "Top Gear" called the best driving road in the world...even if it isn't, that looks like FUN:fuckyeah:
  7. "Snuff", by Sir Terry Pratchett. The latest of the Discworld series, and it's a Vimes book too!
  8. Never trust the insurance companies estimates for repair or your cars value...ESPECIALLY Progressive.
  9. I work in a glass factory. As far as "unbreakable" glass...no, not LITERALLY, but we can do laminates using security wire and various interlays that are massively inconvenient to get through. Just as an example, we did the glass in the polar bear exhibit at the zoo...it's designed to take the weight of all that water PLUS the impact of a SERIOUSLY pissed off half-ton bear...and then some. The problem is, when you get to glass that strong, it's going to be THICK... then mounting and securing it becomes the weakness. Honestly, steel is the way to go...ever see a bank vault with a glass door?
  10. I keep one in the car so I have a backup 911 and accident photos source. The rest...well, lemme see... one died by .30'06, one by 7.5 Swiss, one by 20ga dove load, one by .45ACP, one by potato cannon and rock, one by "Will it Blend"...
  11. Been thinking about this some more. How about an 1894 Marlin? It's fairly light for carrying about, you can go with hotter .357 loads for larger game and self defense, you can run light .38 Special loads for small game... Or a semi-auto 20ga with slug and shot barrels. 20 will get you a deer just as well at close range, and (arguably) has better long-range performance. Buck and birdshot are only slightly less effective than 12ga, but you can carry more ammo.
  12. That M6 is an interesting idea...I'd been thinking in terms of one of the myriad .22LR/.410 combos with the swappable barrels, but a superposed would be a better idea. But I'll stick with my Garand... I've got a Schuster valve and a new Orion op-spring so she'll handle any commercial ammo, and .30'06 is pretty much capable of handling anything I'll be shooting at.
  13. A decently worked-over Turbo 3.8 V6 would be a neat swap. Doesn't weigh a LOT less than a small-block, but there is a reduction there AND it does move the weight aft a fair bit. Given that most C3s tend to be nose-heavy and prone to understeering badly...
  14. One of my work friends had one a couple years ago...it survived having a garbage truck land on it. Literally. Insurance totaled it out, but it was drivable with some hammer work.
  15. They do. International bills of lading and Customs forms are required, but they have online tools to walk you through that process.
  16. Mercedes 300D. Great ride, good handling, total drivetrain reliability, and usually fairly cheap.
  17. Even MacGyver can't fix 'em! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2073702/MacGyver-actor-Richard-Dean-Anderson-looks-clueless-car-breaks-down.html :gabe:
  18. Cup cars run laps of about 15-16 seconds; these are doing 13-14. Makes me wonder what the old Atlantic Super Mods could do there...or an F1 car with a Monte Carlo set-up.
  19. Yeah...that car looks ROUGH. All that rust around the rear window molding has me wondering what it looks like in the channel and the structure underneath. The quarters are shot for sure and I'm betting the floors are pretty bad too. Unless it has sentimental value, I'd be looking for a better body and calling that a parts car. You're going to be laying out a LOT to get it looking good, whereas solid 70s F-bodies are dime-a-dozen lately.
  20. If you have a sunroof, check the drains on it first before replacing the windshield.
  21. Gun World or something similar. I went in there once and the guy didn't even look up from his book until I got to the counter, then I got a glance and a "Yeah?" My money is pretty thin-skinned about that kind of service.
  22. They don't have any competition locally. Oh, I'm sure they know, but re: previous sentence. Try starting a gun store in a city and county that is actively hostile to firearms related activity without a MASSIVE amount of hassle just getting licensing. And there are a TON of internet sites, just buy there and use a local FFl for transfer. I used http://www.deltaepsilonguns.com/index.html for my last couple of non-C&R, he only charges $15 per transfer. He does have odd hours though.
  23. IF they keep to the old Stooge's style of slapstick humor, it'll be okay, probably. The key word is "IF"...what will probably happen is a bunch of fart and dick jokes, which means it'll be just another bro-tard comedy.
  24. "Easily shoulder-fired" springs to mind. Yes, I've seen it done with an AR-50...but their supporting arm was hurting after just a few seconds.
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