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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. And if you up-armor the sunroof glass, you'll be okay...AK-47=Arab Mortar.
  2. So wait...the article says that police didn't actually see any traffic offenses, but they confiscated the cars and fined the drivers solely on the strength of witness accounts? Oh, Canada... I saw Celine Dion, Justin Beiber, and Chad Kroeger speeding the other day...please take away any form of transportation they own.
  3. Impressive numbers, but those are SERIOUSLY the most god-awful ugly rims ever put on a GTO.
  4. How about FIVE? http://ramchargercentral.com/open-discussions/chrysler-multibank-%2830-cyl-engine%29-restoration/ Or SEVEN? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSC_Zvezda_M503 Or NINE? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lycoming_R-7755 Or a mere THREE...but look how they do it! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napier_Deltic
  5. I liked Steve Jobs quitting before they were cool... Just getting in ahead of the iTrendoids.
  6. Very much so...my brother is big-time into RC cars, and knows the guy who was running the camera. The old guy swinging is his uncle.
  7. Hmmm, that video is OLD. REALLY old. So old that it pre-dates CR by half a decade or so...so it may very well not have been posted before, because everybody thought it'd be a re-....
  8. That too...I had a hellacious Nolan Ryan collection going, 500+ cards...I had everything he appeared on between his rookie year and about 89 or 90, and then in two years the number of card companies went through the roof, and there were THREE companies each making 144-card commemorative sets in 1994... Mom told me today that when she was a kid, she had a crush on Pete Rose...so she traded for a BUNCH of his cards, and had 75-80 of them. I showed her a picture of his '63 Topps card, and she said "Yeah, that's the one!" Grandma threw them all away after Mom left for college...:no:
  9. The problem with 80s and 90s cards is simple supply and demand...when there are 20-25 MILLION copies of each card printed, they aren't exactly scarce. Even quote-unquote Limited Editions had runs of over a million. Then throw in run-away licensing, the '94 MLB strike, and the steroid scandals...when the baseball card market collapsed, all the others went too.
  10. Might try Spencer's...or one of the party supply places.
  11. 3rd grade, on the playground. One of the 5th graders was picking on the little girls, throwing rocks at them and stuff like that. One of them stood up and yelled at him, and he straight out punched her right in the face. She went down crying...he turned around to say something to his buddies with a big old shit-eater grin on his face... Blackout...all I remember is when he pissed himself when I knee-dropped him in the gut, and one of his buddies tried to shove Ms. Groves out of the way to "save" the shit-eater. She was about 800 years old, and not much bigger than most of us kids, but she back-handed him so hard he landed on his face pointing back the way he came, and I mean that LITERALLY... I got a lunch detention and two broken fingers. He had a broken nose, torn shirt and pants, and his dad had to leave work and come to the principals office to watch his son get ten swats for starting a fight that left him with pissy pants...
  12. Vette driver SHOULD only be looking at the world through one eye, because the other SHOULD be the 300 owners newest antenna ball.
  13. Try Young's Jersey Dairy over in Yellow Springs. AWESOMELY good ice cream. Food in the restaurant is meh, but passable. But the ice cream is INCREDIBLE. Tourist trap stuff all around the actual Dairy. But they have ice cream that takes everything you thought you knew about chilled dairy treats and spins it into an entirely new dimension. Parking is difficult at best on the weekend. I realize the word "EPIC" has, as of late, been somewhat over-used...in this particular instance, the usage of that word for their ice cream is ENTIRELY appropriate. Did I mention their ice cream is quite tasty?
  14. Canned goods. Shotgun shells. http://poodfoison.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/gremlins2.jpg
  15. Hmmm...my buddy down in New Mexico just bought 3 crates of Mosin-Nagants from an online retailer. That'd be SIXTY (60) rifles....think that'll get their attention?
  16. Hey, if you do go catback, check with others who have bought the same system. One of my friends had a V with a Lingenfelter (I think...) system and the noise in the back seat was HORRENDOUSLY loud. Front seat wasn't much more than stock, but little kids in the back would NOT be happy for long.
  17. I've been using a Comp-Tac MTAC holster for my XD.45 for two years now...great holster, never any problems with it. The leather is rather plain, but they have a new version with a really nice finish.
  18. I've heard some of the radio talk shows he used to do back when...I think the "Top Gear" writers have an easy time with his scripts..."Richard, ad-lib something funny here, then something else after Clarkson gets done blathering."
  19. And the media has already started with the "Forever 27 Club" musician curse...seriously? She had ONE song that anybody can name, and the only reason that one springs to mind is because she turned it into a near-perfect definition of "IRONIC".
  20. There will NOT be a public or taxi version, other than the one dealership that already figured out a loophole in the sales contract to sell a FEW. Police fleet use only, and it'll be at least a couple years before any of them come up for sale.
  21. I assume that you checked to make sure she didn't have the brights on?
  22. Same here...top left is where you start reading from. Then LZRDGRL and GECKO TIME due to the colors. Then EXTREME GECKOS because Papyrus is possibly the most annoying font ever...I should clarify, I SAW it...but I wouldn't click on it!
  23. I'm getting where you're coming from...but a court will interpret that sentence to refer to three separate and distinctive classes of object: A) firearms, B) airguns, and C) other instrument used to explode..., rather than one inclusive grouping. That usage is common throughout legal wording, even if it technically is grammatically incorrect.
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