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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. LoL...look for the "Made in China" tag...there are knockoffs being made in the States now. Fucking IRONY right there!
  2. Columbus FINALLY has the highway system it needed in 1965. Too bad it isn't 1965 NOW though... Honestly the issue is how many layers of planning there are, so many agencies and bureaus are involved at that level. The Interstate system could not be built today...We owe a LOT to Eisenhower riding a CCKW down the Autobahn in 1945! Us old guys can remember how bad it used to be. 315 through town was INSANE, lots of bends because of how the old Spring/Sandusky interchange was incorporated. They straightened it in the 90s, eliminated a few ramps, and now it moves relatively decent. The 256 exit used to back up all the way to Brice starting about 3pm EVERY day. Put a wreck in, and it wasn't uncommon to have cars back to HAMILTON. Pickerington was maybe 25% the size it is now, and there was NOTHING at that interchange but a couple gas stations. Sawmill was the same way. Roberts used to take me 25 minutes to get from the tracks to the freeway. It's what happens with the traffic AFTER it exits the freeway that fucks everything up. And all it really takes to solve a lot of those problems are flyover exits, dedicated forced exit lanes, getting rid of the grassy medians, and the total elimination of the goddamn C-weave!
  3. Call your insurance company, tell them you want to put a teenager into a F-body, listen to the number they tell you, then say "Lord Jesus NO!" and buy them a Camry.
  4. If it's a DIN 1.5 faceplate, you can install just about any Mopar headunit up until the mid '00s. Not the best looking things, but if they have the external CD changer you can adaptor through that. The Infinity units pop up on http://www.turbododge.com from time to time, and sound pretty good. If it is a two-shaft, there was a company that would rework modern chassis to work with them...Vintage Audio, I think.
  5. Has anyone seen it locally? Supposedly it came back out as a "Limited Edition" which appears to be actually limited.
  6. Might have seen a cruiser drive by, and decided to hide under the truck. One of the dealerships on West Broad had a similar case years back. Guy had gotten most of the lot stripped already, went back for a couple spares, got a Toyota pumpkin to the chest. Made the Darwin Awards even!
  7. My parents park their trailer at Wallyworld...it's a nice enough place. The primitive sites are usually nearly empty. Showerhouse is pretty nice, but runs out of hot if a lot of people are in it. They have some pretty good live bands and entertainment for the kiddies. Has anyone stayed at the State Park campsite or rented a cabin there lately?
  8. On that note, Rt.78 is freshly paved as well. Unfortunately they are doing work all over 664, 180, and 374. Did see one Lambo going past Old Man's Cave on Saturday, poor bastard was stuck behind 5 minivans.
  9. Oh cool...I had no idea they were still even being made! Thanks!
  10. A friend of mine just picked up an '81 Escort for free...Car is PERFECT, might as well be brand-new, so he has decided to be that guy at the car show with the incredibly maintained totally boring car that has no idea just how scary his level of interest in his vehicle is to everyone around... Tires on the car are dry-rotted to hell. He has some Tempo 14s on it for actually moving it around, but wants a set of 13s that'll hold air for at least a day, preferably Firestones. Junkyard has NOTHING, and even the State Park docks use nothing smaller than 15s as fenders now.... Anyone have anything that size hanging around?
  11. The auto-braking and steering systems don't do nearly as well with vehicles that bend in the middle, have wildly variable weight and load distribution, and are 60+ feet long. Airbrake ABS is inherently less precise as well, and until that is replaced with another system, that's going to be a big hurdle.
  12. It's been a rumor since about 1966....
  13. Get a snake. Seriously. Leave it in a bucket with airholes inside the car overnight. The smell of snake will cause mice to relocate.
  14. It's amazing the amount of damage done by essentally one cylinder not firing....the fuel charge fills that cylinder, then backs up into the blower case, then BOOM... The blower and head straps have saved lives for sure. Back in the late 80s/early 90s, Eddie Hill LAUNCHED a cylinder head into the left lot at Trails. Pure luck it didn't hit anything, just imagine the energy it takes to do that!
  15. From the video I saw, the one probably had just enough to time to realize he was utterly fucked. But he died instantly on impact at least.
  16. Based on a '68-'74 Ford van, according to the door hinges.
  17. Doorbell connected to activate camera flash on the porch. Make 'em think they just got busted.
  18. May I present: the Bristol Hercules. Displacing 38.7 LITRES, up to 2,500 horsepower, and probably the most complex reciprocating engine ever devised. BTW, that diagram was drawn by hand, not CAD rendered...
  19. I've had a lot of luck with the flea market down at Caesars Creek, mostly with hand tools though.
  20. LOL..."Closed Course"....*bridge* *road sign* *road sign*
  21. With dishwashers, look where the hot air vents are on the door...95% of them exhaust steam directly below the control panel full of corrodable contacts.
  22. Last year I spotted the remains of a C-123 forward fuselage somewhere on Rt23 south of Chillicothee...but when we went to Portsmouth yesterday, I couldn't spot it. Can anyone refresh my memory of where it was, or know if it is gone?
  23. I hate to say it, but the days of having photographers and media right beside the track NEED to be over.
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