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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. Go old school...Colt Pocket Hammerless. Ergonomics are PERFECTION, reliability isn't an issue, and they are standard all others are compared against. The only drawback is it's chambered in .32ACP, but when you can pick which freckle you shoot them through, that isn't really a factor...
  2. Camaro was a 350/4-speed SS car from the news reports...16 year old driver. Back end looks smashed to hell, but that may just from the recovery. The old Chevy looks to be in very nice shape...
  3. Old experience from back in the day...my '89 Escort GT got the doors shaved in the early 90s. Ran me around $500 if I remember correctly, but that included new paint and everything done RIGHT by a good shop, and that was 1990 dollars too. If the battery went dead, the doors would either unlock automatically or would stay locked until they could be unlocked by the remote since the alarm used a seperate battery backup that also ran the door solenoids....selectable setting on the alarm IRC. Trunk was not shaved, so I could have gone in that way too if I needed to. Honestly, it looked cool but was a pain in the ass, the door poppers didn't have enough strength to pop them open, which I hadn't thought of before. I sometimes had to pull on the window frame to get the door open, and if it was parked nose uphill, forget it.
  4. Check it for doubled rings...I had a ZX2 (I know, I know...) that buzzed a filter off in less than 5 miles when the old ring got left on. My fault for not doing it myself, and no harm done, but it was MESSY underhood for a while.
  5. http://img2.netcarshow.com/Renault-Fuego_Turbo_1982_1024x768_wallpaper_01.jpg
  6. Some of it in .30 and .50 cans, my .22LR ammo is in a 40mm can that doubles as the range bag for when I go rimfire plinking. My 54r is in crates on pallets, because that was good enough for the last 40 years.
  7. Decent little rifle for what it is. Accuracy is pretty decent, figure on groups inside 1.5" at 50yards.
  8. Cliff Notes version? Bunch of geese all over both sides of the road, van stopped for them in front of me, honking his horn at the geese. I got out of my car to get them out of the way, and he stomped the gas and ran me down when I was in front of him. Sore knees, scrapes and bruises, but I saw him coming at the last instant and squared up. Took out his grill, headlight, destroyed his hood, took off one windshield wiper, and shattered his windshield. He took off, but there were witnesses and he got caught a couple miles away. Tried to claim his van was stolen, but since he was IN IT WHEN THEY CAUGHT HIM....
  9. Car accidents bring them out of the woodwork...last Monday, I got run over by a van and lord GOD above by Friday my voice mail actually started crying in pain.
  10. So did my coworker...I was impressed. It's been three years and that thing is still ticking away. Literally.
  11. I had an 84 or 85 Rabbit with the N/A diesel...that thing was a TURD for acceleration. If you go over 2,000 pounds for the whole rig, you BETTER go turbo. Mine was right around 2,000 with me in it, and 0-60 took longer than most onramps. Great mileage though!
  12. I'm running a Canyon Creek tungsten guide rod on my Springfield XD...it does reduce felt recoil and flip, how much I can't say, but it is noticeably less. I've heard of similar reports for 1911s and Glocks with other brands as well. But more practice and perhaps a change in grip will help more.
  13. Carroll Shelby's recipe is GREAT: http://www.food.com/recipe/carroll-shelbys-chili-185564 I've got a friend from Louisiana who is a true Creole swamp boy...he does a crawdad and gator gumbo that is AMAZING...he says add pintos and black beans with less beer, and it makes a good chili too. I'll see if he'll part with a recipe.
  14. Yeesh, I've seen worse crown jobs, but none quite as bubba as that.
  15. There is a new gun shop right in Pataskala...http://foxsarcheryandfirearms.com/ I have not dealt with them myself, so I can't recommend them, just noting that they do exist. Personally, Dale at DeltaEpsilon gets all my non-C&R business. And I avoid Aumillers like the fucking plague.
  16. Ten foot long length of heavy chain and two padlocks...chain through each rim, with a padlock to hold them there. Simple and easy, and a MASSIVE pain for them to deal with.
  17. I wonder why it failed...it wasn't under load, and RPMs were back to idle, or revving down at any rate.
  18. Nascar doesn't have SHIT on Gran Prix racing for killing off fans. Or rally. But the solution is easy...let's ban high-capacity engines.
  19. VW is trying to "butch" their image up. Hellaflush and intentionally rusty hoods were bad for market share.
  20. Why make it easier for careless idiots to rear-end you?
  21. I'd take a 60 over a 10/22 any day. The factory trigger on a 60 is better than most aftermarket Ruger ones, and accuracy is right even too.
  22. We do tag at work sometimes...helps pass the time and keep you awake.
  23. Drive crappy POS forward into crowd of spinning idiots. Find shady attorney. Let video evidence speak for itself. PROFIT! Purchase new crappy POS and look for next idiots to sue. 'Merica!
  24. Sounds like they got the guy who did the EXACT SAME THING to my friends HHR when it was there.
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