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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. Probably they use data supplied by the manufacturers for most of it, with a bit of real world data from paid track testing sessions during the pre-production shakedowns.
  2. I gotta admit, the Syrian rebels have raised the ghetto weaponry level from what the Libyans were doing...
  3. It's an Osprey for sure. And they will fish in rivers and ponds, it doesn't have to be lakes. Dallas and Fort Worth have PLENTY of water to support them.
  4. There is the parking garage directly across High from the courthouse. Entrance is from Fulton Street. It's where all the various clerks and whatnot in the courthouse park, so it's patrolled and as safe to park at as anyplace downtown can be. I think it's $5 if you're there more than an hour but less than 4.
  5. Some of the groups shoots that I've gone to have burned through that in just a few hours. And that's without any full auto!
  6. Umarex...ugh. I had a Colt AR-15-22...worst piece of shit I've ever owned.
  7. I had a heavy rifle barrel arrive from UPS noticeably BENT. This thing was better than 1.25 inches thick, made of seriously dense steel, and they BENT IT a good 7-8 degrees.
  8. The technical term you're looking for is pre-travel. It's part and parcel of the two-stage trigger almost all guns use today. A good trigger job or tuning kit will greatly reduce that travel, and sometimes it can be eliminated entirely, depending on what your piece is.
  9. I have a totally unreasonable amount of various surplus 54r, and insane amounts of 22lr. Everything else, minimum of 500 assembled rounds ready to go, plus at least that many in components. Except for 9mm Largo, I only have 100 rounds of that at hand.
  10. Honorable? Fuck that shit. Honor is resisting the temptation to murder in the first damn place. Honor is PROTECTING women and children from violent maniacs. Honor is standing your place and facing your fate. He didn't "do the honorable thing"...he ran and hid like the cowardly piece of shit he was, and when his "heroes" wouldn't shelter him, he pulled the ultimate run and hide. Anybody contemplating a murder-suicide...do the entire goddamn universe a favor and begin with the one that starts with "s".
  11. EC-121K at 4:23, which means they filmed at Camarillo Airfield. How geek am I?
  12. I have to say that if I was to buy a factory 10/22 and NOT mess with it, I'd be going with the Mannlicher style version: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/ba/Ruger_10_22_International.png I just wish they made them with the 20" or 22" inch barrel. The 18.5" works okay, but I like a longer barrel.
  13. Side note: WTF is with Youtube load times lately? Shit's slower than shit that is very slow. I need my mindless blather!
  14. Way back in the day (20 years ago!) I caught a guy in an El Camino putting MULTIPLE door hits onto my car. He was some drunk fuck, couldn't get in the door of his car and kept slamming his door into mine. While he was still fumbling with the key, I banged on his glass and told him he better have his fucking insurance card with him, and not to bother leaving. He started the car up, slapped it into reverse, and ran his fender down the entire right side of my car, hard enough to blow out the door window. He'd have pinched me between the cars, except I jumped into the bed of his El Camino. He was laughing as loud as he could...then he tried to speed off to escape somebody who was actually INSIDE his car. I grabbed some chunk of 2x4 he had in the bed and just went to town on the cab of his El Camino...three HUGE dents in the roof, one on each sail panel, got the passenger window on the second swing, all while he was trying to fling me out of the bed by swerving all over the place. We went past a police car just as I finally took out his rear window, and I was mostly inside the car, beating the side of his head with both fists when he decided to stop. He jumped out, and got arm to the face tackled by the cop who thought the driver was the maniac who'd climbed inside the car. It took about an hour to get everything cleared up, luckily there were several witnesses who reported his trying to run me over. He ended up with a DUI and aggravated assault, went to the hospital with multiple injuries to the right side of his head. I got released after being charged with misdemeanor battery (prosecutor declined the case). He had no insurance, so my insurance company ended up suing him, and I heard from the agent that I'd done enough damage to his car to total it out, which combined with him spending three days in jail cost him his job. The last I heard of it (about 15 years ago), the insurance company had a lien on him. He'd get a job, get about 3 paychecks out of it, then his last couple of checks would be garnished away before he would quit and start it all over again.
  15. It was a helicopter- or drone- launched guided missile...not sure it was a Hellfire or the new Israeli developed one coming into service. Either way, about 20kg of combined effects warhead...basically a shaped charge for dealing with armor plus enhancements to the explosive to create a greater blast and fragmentation effect.
  16. Aaaa ha ha. Aaaa ha ha. Aaaa ha ha.
  17. Go to the Clifton Mill for breakfast or lunch. Get the buckwheat pancakes, they are as good as breakfast can be! Ha-Has for lunch or dinner. Their sausage and mushroom pizza is the definition of good Ohio-style pizza. Youngs for dinner and desert, and take home a couple of tubs. While you're in Yellow Springs, hit Dark Star Books. Great old-hippie-style book store with all kinds of cool stuff.
  18. That 10/22 is the firearms equivalent of a small-block Chevy...they are cheap, they are reliable, there are TONS of parts for them, andit can be used as the basis for just about ANYTHING.
  19. Man, that motor looks SMALL in that engine bay. Guess I've seen so many Cossie's with intake and exhaust piping everywhere that I just expect a lot of STUFF happening underhood! You may have some trouble finding a tank for that car...anything Merkur is scarce at best anymore. You don't even want to KNOW what a rear window runs now.
  20. I watched that video, looked at the single torn open envelope from today's mail that is the ONLY thing laying on the floor anywhere in my house, and now I'm cleaning the whole damn place and my skin ITCHES...
  21. Leaving aside the politics and humanitarian issues, I'm amazed at the variety of weaponry being used. Of course there's the magical Soviet AK/SVD/RPD triumvirate, but I've seen pictures of rebels with MAXIM guns! AUG, FALS, AR platforms, Mausers and Mosins, a couple M1 carbines, PPSh, PPD, what looked like a StuG, and even a couple Carcanos! Their logistical train would be a nightmare IF they were that organized...
  22. +1...I've been daily carrying a 5" XD .45 for 4 years with mine, never once have I had a problem with it moving or coming loose.
  23. If they are the same hats they had the last umpteen dozen times they did this promotion...well, it's a good deal, cause they are pretty good hats.
  24. I think the tallest portion is around 40 feet or so.
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