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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. Guys, please do NOT do business with Ace. There are other companies, hit the yellow pages. Ace has been busted so many times with stolen VETERANS GRAVE PLAQUES that it is sickening. They KNOW, they damn well KNOW, that no cemetery is going to be scrapping 50 or 60 of those, yet they still buy them from the dogshit cuntrags that bring them in, KNOWING full well that they are stolen off of somebodies TOMBSTONE. That place is also the favorite final dump for all the stolen cars that get chopped in Columbus. Hit up the Dispatch website, the TV sites, hell even just google and see how many times they've been busted with known stolen cars.
  2. Call her back, she needs to know she's diabetic.
  3. Wonder what the truck had in it.....
  4. I was there most of the day yesterday, from opening until 2ish. Didn't hear anything about it, but it must have happened after I left. I certainly didn't hear any shots, just the usual stun-gun zaps and people cursing when they bit into the "Hotter than H" beef jerky. Nothing on any of the TV news sites or the Dispatch site either.
  5. Sooner or later the dog WILL come to realize that when it barks, it gets shot with a pellet gun.....
  6. The in-car one looks like a testing gear display or an F-1 display. I wonder why the close-up has two gas gauges though....
  7. Probably not, violating safety rules is considered justifiable cause for terminating employment, and means no unemployment benefits. Maybe they would have had to make the payments, dunno how it works from that side, but he would not have gotten cent one out of it.
  8. No, I started in the stock room at a local grocery when I was 16, technically I was a bagger, but I was the one on the power lift unloading the truck, thanks to a manager who was usually passed out drunk in his office by that time of the evening, which meant I was also usually the one stocking the shelves too.....and 18 years is CLOSE to 20 years, thank you so much for reminding me of that upcoming milestone in my life. Call it 16 of those years spent in various warehouse/distribution jobs, to be precise.
  9. Technically true, and if OSHA ever actually responded to complaints, then this would be the way to go. But they are so buried in false complaints that they just take a report, and then it disappears into the sea of red tape. Believe me, in close to 20 years of working in warehousing, I've had to deal with trying to get unsafe conditions corrected, and I long ago realized that complaining to OSHA is NOT the way to go about it. The fire marshall, on the other hand, WILL show up that very day, WILL shut the place down until the problem is fixed, and WILL refer the manager/owner for criminal prosecution, especially if they get multiple complaints. BTW the pedestrian does indeed have right-of-way, but many companies have marked no-walk zones. However, since all the right-of-way in the world doesn't stop a 10,000 lbs forklift from popping somebody like a grape, if somebody steps in front of the lift on purpose....they get dropped for creating a safety hazard.
  10. Not OSHA. The Fire Marshall is where you want to go. A chained fire door is a mandatory $5,000 fine for each occasion. Changing food dates, dunno about that, but again not OSHA. Probably county Board of Health.
  11. A big second on the Comp-tac M-Tac. I've got one for my .45 XD, and it fits perfectly in the 2 o'clock position I favor. The XD is a fairly thick piece, but I show almost no printing unless I tuck my shirt in TIGHT. Quality construction too, the Kydex is nice and thick, and they use that thick thread for stitching the leather pieces together. And I've had no holster wear yet on the slide.
  12. Holy crap, I used to live right next to where that happened! Chatford Dr, in the Club at Eagle's Pointe on the East side. Back behind the Bob Evans on Brice road, parallel to I-70.... I even know how he ended up in the ditch like that....that road goes over a little bridge for that ditch, then dead-ends into the complex. That little piece of open ground is the ONLY other space wide enough to get a car through, there are trees planted between the buildings. I'll bet he went around through the lot, then gunned for that "opening"....
  13. BAC can also be elevated by exposure to heat in the event and post-mortem. Both of those situations occured, and probably are the reason for the BAC level. If you remember that case with the OHP last year, the county coroner initially reported that the troopers were legally drunk. It turned out that their BAC was a result of blood decomposition after the fire.
  14. No, I don't think he's an idiot. In fact, I highly doubt he could manage idiocy if you spotted him a "stupid" and gave him a running start at "just plain old simply dumb." What the hell do you need a car for anyway? Is it really that difficult to find places to be a fool at within walking distance?
  15. Charlotte and Emily Bronte's older brother died while standing, leaning against a fireplace mantle. Supposedly, he knew he was about to go, and made a bet that he could die and remain standing afterwards. Dunno if he collected, but if I had bet against him, I would have paid up....
  16. Flathead stroker, with some sort of vintage heads, preferably Edelbrock. Lincoln 3-speed. Pontiac rear. Buick finned brakes. Dunno for the body. I kinda like the old-skool rustbucket look.
  17. That's just retarded...... Shit, now I'm gonna get boycotted.
  18. Especially since Georgia STARTED the war.....Got into an argument about this at work today. Georgia used military force to invade a smaller area, South Ossetia, that had traditionally part of Georgia, but had sought independence, and seemingly received it. That smaller region had been given diplomatic recognition for many years by a superpower nation, the CIS. When the smaller region was invaded, the superpower stepped in and threw back the invaders. He maintains that the superpower is absolutely wrong to have stepped in, and should be punished for doing so. I told him to change the names around, and now he has to give Kuwait back to Saddam Hussein and the Iraqis! He left the breakroom at that point.
  19. Fixed Trijicons on an XD. I love them, but I had to modify my Comp-tac a tad to get them to holster without the rear touching the Kydex.
  20. Licking County Sheriff told me 90 days for a burned out taillight, about a year ago.
  21. Make sure you read the qualifications to purchase from the CMP before you go. It ain't like hitting Vance's. And the north store is most likely pretty darn empty right now, the National Match pretty well cleaned them out, and they haven't caught up yet.
  22. Since when do they not permit CC? They had no sign as of last weekend.
  23. Not an XR4Ti, it's an Escort RS.
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