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Everything posted by desperado
Darwin strikes again. http://www.davesdaily.com/videoclips/119-kid-leans-out-of-car.htm Nice fiberglass work http://www.davesdaily.com/pictures/363-motorcycle.htm And yeah, I most likely would http://www.davesdaily.com/pictures/365-younghottie.htm and for all you l33t bitches http://www.davesdaily.com/pictures/313-ifyoucanreadthis.htm
Dude, be assured that I am not trying to make this into some Iknow more contest. I just been a study of Holley's for a long time, and read EVERYTHING I can find on the subject. And to be perfectly frank, there is alot of shit that I have ran into that the 6 or 8 books that I have on Holley's have been the difference between throwing up my hands and sending a guy down the road happy. Even as late as when I started setting Marc's car up, I came close to over drilling the butterflies inhis carb. I went back to the book to verify the starting size of the holes. I was thinking 1/8 and the book said 1/16 or 5/64 to start. Had I drilled it at 1/8 I would have been replacing the butterflies because the motor would have had so much air at idle it wouldl have idled at around 2500 or so. I have started looking at EFI and turbos now. Specifically blow through carbed setup's. So sometime down the road, in a few years I will have some knowledge on that topic. I figure it will be several blown motors, spend turbos and hopefully a few blown trannies and twisted driveshaft's as well. But I am finding out that some of the stuff I knew, was right, and some of it was bullshit.
After years of helping guys out with their carb problems, building carbs from my stack of used stuff, I have become carb poor again. I am looking to aquire some old used Holley's, Predators and Edelbrock carbs that are laying around doing nothing for parts carbs. So if you have a 4 barrel that needs rebuilt, or is screwed up somehow and you are using it as a paperweight, let me know. I'm not looking to buy working carbs (actually I'm not looking to pay working carb prices, especially for Holleys). With that in mind let me know what you have and what you want. I am also looking to get a couple single plane intakes. Again let me know what you have hiding in your garage and we will try to work something out.
Uhhh, gonna have to question this. An open power valve feeds fuel to the primary metering circuit (boosters) so if the carb is set properly, the power velve will not richen the mixture untill the carb begins to draw fuel from the boosters. Now if the diaphram in the powervalve is ruptured then because the vacuum that makes it work is a manifold source, then fuel will go through a ruptured power valve and richen the mixture at idle. But running the idle mixture screws in will indicate if this is a problem becasue the motor will continue to idle wiht the adjusters closed. And as far as going way down in the power valve numbers to a 4.5 or lower is a good way to lean out an otherwise properly tuned carb and cause real problems. Not knowing his combination, making a suggestion like that is a bit irresponsible. If he gets that carb jetted correctly, and runs a 4.5 or lower power valve, with a vacuum secondary carb, there is a possibility with a mild profile cam that his manifold vacuum will climb above 4.5 and going down to a 2.5 it becomes a real possibility at WOT, amd for sure at around 3/4 open throttle. This is going to lean the car out 6 to 10 jet sizes, and could put the motor in a serious lean condition, at a high RPM under load. If his secondary spring is a bit too heavy (typically the case) it's only going to increase the problem, both causing the manifold vacuum to increase at WOT as the motor moves up in the RPM range, but it spting not letting the secondaries open will not add the additional fuel causing the lean condition to get worse. This is why folks HATE Holleys. If they are setup right they work great, but getting them setup right, typically sucks ass.
Old??? that ain't even close. Man created computer, then made up this story. I know it's been around 10 years minimum because they were telling it at Microcenter tech support in 95 when I worked there. And I have heard it about Microsoft, Adobe, Microcenter, Packard Bell, and Gateway. We did have a guy fired at Microcenter fired for telling someone to take back their computer because they were to stupid to use it. But on the flip side we had a customer walk into a SUN TV (yep worked there too) way back in the day that screamed at a sales man for 5 minutes that their Pack Bell was not IBM compatible, because it didn't have an ANY key. Try to explain that one to a customer and not laugh at them for being so fucking dumb.
Nope, Glenn Beck
Oh yeah, power valve,,,, although going to a 6.5 will possibly work, the correct way to get a power valve is geta vacuum gauge and find out what vacuum the motor idles at, then go 2 FULL numbers below that. Meaning if you idle at 10 you want an 8. You want to verify that your crusing vacuum is higher than that as well though. If it's lower then go 2 numbers under that. You don't what it opening except under high loads and under accleration. If none of this woks chances are that your carb's emultion tubes or idle air and main air restrictions have been fucked with. In that case, you will need to either send the carb off to have the air restrictions drilled out and replaced with jets, or replace the main body. I have two bodies here that are fucked up. One I screwed with, before I knew better the other was one that I replaced with one of mine when someone brought me a carb that someone else had "modified". Good luck and let me know if you would like some hel sorting out your carb problems.
Power valve has NO effect at idle. None. The power valve feeds throught the boosters just like the main jets do. So at idle, they are dormant. OK, things to check 1. Fire up the car and pull the air cleaner, look down the thoroat of the carb and make sure that you are NOT getting any fuel off the boosters at idle. It you are then you have high floats/to much fuel pressure. (I just went through this myself). 2. If you are not getting fuel, then there are a couple other things that need to be checked. You will need to pull the carb, and check the adjustment on the butterflys. There is a slot in the side of the venturi that you need to locate. Ther should be only .07MM showing, if you have more showing, thenyou are into the intermediate circuit of the carb. This gives the motor extra fuel during the tip in of the motor, where you lightly apply throttle to put in fuel ahead of the acclerator pump shot. This is a FIXED amount of fuel flow, by that I mean that there is no interchangeable jet feeding it. If you are showing alot of the slot, you need to readjust it to what I said then drill a 1/16 or 5/64 hole in both p[rimary butterflys and thenreinstall the carb and see if it will idle. As Malibu Stacy about this, his car went from not idling below 1200 RPM to idling at 600 RM once this was done and it gave the carb back the ability for the idle mixture screws to work correctly. Another quick way to see if you are needing to do this is to run both idle mixture screws in, the motor should die. If not you have the carb improperly set. THe cause of this is a lot of duratiion in the cam, or too big a cam for the rest of the motor. 3. When was the carb rebuilt last, and did the perosn that did it know what the hell they were doing? Ham fisted shade trees will most always over torque the screws holding the float bowels on and they will warp and leak internally. THe other thing I see occasionally is the gasket between the main body and the throttle plate leaking into the venturi. That will cause a rich condition. Also, rare but not unheard of is a cracked main body, causing fuel to leak into the intake tract. I've personally never seen this, but the rest of this shit is all first hand stuff I have delt with.
I seen I seen!!!!! It a twin supercharger 4 carbed fuel injected V-24 with 6 turbos, and NAWWWSSS. It's the most powerful motor ever built!!!! It makes more power than the space shuttle, and that's at half throttle. The thing makes so much torque that if he punches it in first gear it changes the spin of the earth on it's axis. I heard he roll raced a SR-71 Blackbird and beat it by two length's and that was starting at Mach 1. My God, it's the baddest thing EVAR!!!! :D In all seriousness, it's a bad ass car. But, half the coolness of it is that no one knows what it is, and the ones that do know ain't talking.
I think he means something that you actually have, not your bench racing vehicle. Or the one that only exists late at night when you are staring at the inside of your eye lids. You know the one that you pimp around with Jenna Jamison as your navigator.
I was listening to the radio the other day and some cooke called in and was talking aobut the hurricane and who caused it. They started in that the CIA has some super secret device that makes weather, and they created and controled the hurricane. Now it gets wierd. The dumbfuck said that the CIA was in with the Red Cross, because the Red Cross was nothing but spys, and they get to go anywhere that there is a disaster anywhere in the world and not have their presents questioned at all. So the CIA creates hurricanes and other "Natural" disasters and the Red Cross goes in to do relief work, while all the time they are really just spying on the country of location that the disaster happened. They went on to say that the reason that they hit New Orleans is that there were so many democrats down there and they needed to be broken up and peppered all over the country so that the state would swing to a red state. And George Bush master minded the whole thing with the help of the CIA, the KKK, and of course the Red Cross. This is your brain on drugs.
I will check with the guy I sold all mine to, and see if he has any of them.
§ 2913.06. Unlawful use of telecommunications device. (A) No person shall knowingly manufacture, possess, deliver, offer to deliver, or advertise a counterfeit telecommunications device with purpose to use it criminally. (B) No person shall knowingly manufacture, possess, deliver, offer to deliver, or advertise a counterfeit telecommunications device with purpose to use that device or to allow that device to be used, or knowing or having reason to know that another person may use that device, to do any of the following: (1) Obtain or attempt to obtain telecommunications service or information service with purpose to avoid a lawful charge for that service or aid or cause another person to obtain or attempt to obtain telecommunications service or information service with purpose to avoid a lawful charge for that service; (2) Conceal the existence, place of origin, or destination of a telecommunications service or information service. © Whoever violates this section is guilty of unlawful use of a telecommunications device, a felony of the fifth degree. (D) This section does not prohibit or restrict a person who holds an amateur service license issued by the federal communications commission from possessing a radio receiver or transceiver that is intended primarily or exclusively for use in the amateur radio service and is used for lawful purposes. (E) This section does not preclude a person from disputing charges imposed for telecommunications service or information service by the provider of that service.
I was told they were illegal in a vehicle by a buddy of mine that's a deputy sheriff. I figure that he would know the law.
Fuck up a steel ball in a rubber room aye?
The govermnment will step in on this if it continues. Short of that, their customers will jump ship and go elsewhere for for connectivity. I don't know if anyone was effected by the ISP bring up a router replying to the 12.x.x.x subnet here a few weeks ago, basically kicking all AT&T customers off the rest of the web. From what I understand, AT&T is suing them for millions as are other companies that experienced a finianical loss because of the ISP's actions.
Bwhahaha!!!! Yoursig rocks man.
Yeah, shit I got my adjectives and prepositions twisted. But regaurdless of that, the NOUN part was right, and a "stall" is a place to keep livestock. All torque convertors have a stall, which is a specification, all convertors will stall (verb) at there designed stall(adj) specification. Convertors however are not referred to as a Stall (Noun), or a Stall (proper noun) Convertor. It's like calling a tire a "round" tire or a "rubber" tire. Walk around saying that you got a new set of "round rubber tires" for your car, and watch everyone laugh. Because, no shit they are round, and made of rubber, no one has ever seen a square fucking tire, or a tire that wasn't make of rubber, on a car anyway, just like there is no such thing as a torque convertor that doens't have a stall specification, it's simply assumed that it has a stall speed, figuring that if it didn't, it's either broke, or it's not a torque convertor. BTW, do you realize that it's been almost 20 yrs since I did any of this language arts type shit. I am lucky to remember at all. Damn I'm old. Damn damn damn.
Hmm, read ALL that, never once did I see any of those sites use "STALL" as a noun, specifically referring to a convertor, I saw it used alot as a preposition, referring to a specification of a convertor. English, do you speak it??? And both soda and pop are nouns, they are a common noun specificing ANY brand or flavor or the combination of soda water, sugar, and flavoring. You are doing something like calling Pepsi a Pepsi coke, which is how it's done in the south, they use Coke, as a common noun, but it's a proper noun, refering to a specific product. Not that it's correct, but what do you expect from a bunch of rebel flag waving rednecks? So your use of stall is like calling your car a fast. A fast what? Fast isn't a noun, it's a preposition that is used to describe something about your car (actually sitting on stands is a good way to describe your car in it's present condition, nothing fast about it). So, since you have a "Stall" which I can only find a definition of as far as a noun as being an inclosure for livestock, I will bring you over some livestock feed, but you will have to let me know when you butcher this livestock, so I can bring over the Wok, some garlic and spices, and cook it up and put it over some RICE. As far as the cooler, in all seriousness, high stall convertors create alot of heat, and trannies don't like heat. You might consider a trans temp gauge, if you don't already have one. Tinman ran a loose convertor in the Camaro, ask him about it if you are questioning my statements. But realize that just because you talk like a ricer, and make futile attempts to act like a badass, only to have me laugh at you, and pick apart silly shit like this stall thing, I still don't want to see you fuck up your car. Nor do I want to see you to generate problems for yourself that could be avoided.
The turbo is a holeset, it says is right on the compressor scroll, right at the big black greese mark. And a Semi turbo would have the intake outer diameter at about 6 inches.
Well, figuring that fitting in the pic is someplace between 5/16 and 1/2 inch, the intake side of the turbo looks to be between 1.5 and 2.5 inches. Also the cardboard tab on the box, those are typically 1.5 to 2 inches wide on most boxes so the output of the compressor side looks to be 2 maybe 2.5 inches. now, if that fitting takes a 1/2 inch wrench, and it seems to be the same size as the nut holding the compressor turbine to the shaft, then the input is 1.5 to maybe 1.75 inches. All said and done, it's a small fucking turbo, But who am I to judge. maybe he is turboing his lawnmower. Figuring that he needs to attempt to impress us with his ricer comments about his "STALL" convertor, you the fuck am I to judge. http://carcraft.com/techarticles/80098/ http://www.summitracing.com/landing/mustang/ln_02feature.htm?ID=%7B82417BC5-2BB2-4CBA-88AC-2C8F6A37BBC8%7D&Type=5 http://www.edgeracingconverters.com/converter_basics.htm http://www.fordmuscle.com/archives/2000/09/converter/index2.shtml Four articles about TORQUE CONVERTORS, not one calling them a STALL or STALL convertor. So are you having War Su Gai, or the Garlic CHicken with that RICE???
Good luck with the build up. Looks like you are getting into the steels a bit in the trannie. I hope you have a really big trannie cooler to have to be running the stall that high on a street car.
Dat gatta be da mos rasis fing I done evar seen, no wat Iz sayin?
There were several videos taken of dyno pulls of this thing that were posted on here on CR. Wierd combination, to wild for a street car and not near overkill to be a trailer queen. Here is prostreet, trailer queening at it's absolute finest http://www.dobbertinhydrocar.com/J2000%20Engine.htm