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Everything posted by desperado
Those are a remake motor of the old CT70/90 and 125 CC original 3 wheeler (Honda) design. They are about bullit proof. I ran a CT70 around as a kid forever and it was solid as a rock.
do you still have the ladder?
Exactly what I was getting at, do it someplace frequency wise that no one else is listening. But Sub channels on an FRS radio work with something called PL tones. Basically it transmits a inaudible tone that the radio hears and opens the squelch so you can the transmission. Scanners and other receivers that do not have PL tone squelch turned on will hear your transmission. I know it sounds sort of James Bond, but if there was a sort of code used, or no direct references used, like calling the Thrift Store site 1 and Reynoldsburg Kroger site 2, then no one would know for sure where we were headed. Just a thought.
CB's or FRS radios either one would be cool. Not to mention, truckers talk about two things on the radio.... titties and troopers. A CB radio on channel 19 whips the ass of ANY radar detector. And a CB radio with 'extra' channels above 40 and below 1 are about a private as a FRS radio. Talking about racing and shit on 19 is about as bright as using a police radio. State troopers and Colunbus Freeway Patrol BOTH have CB's on channel 19, I talk to several of them at least once a week. As far as a big silly antenna, I run one but you can run a little cell looking antenna. It ain't gonna talk as far, but you ain't trying to talk to Fla or Canada like I do either.
Gee I wonder where you heard this before? Muslin defilement. In the 1800's there was a Muslim uprising somewhere I believe in South America, but not sure exactly where. An American Army captain, versed in the Muslim religion had a pig slaughtered, then blood put in a bucket and bullets put into the blood. Fifty Muslims were rounded up and 49 faced the firing line while number 50 got to watch. The bullets were taken out of the pigs blood and used in the execution. The 50th man was told exactly what they were doing and watched his Muslim brothers buried with the pig parts and told to go back and tell the others that this would be their fate if they continued to cause problems... the problems went away. Moral of the story, just because their religion is warped, doesn't mean that they don't believe it. Christians believe that the son of God walked the earth healing the sick, raising the dead and turning water to wine (neatest trick of all), is it true? Well, that ain't the point, point is that there are ass loads of folks that believe it's true. These fucks believe that pigs can defile them and close the gates of heaven or whatever to them... I say we load the shit up in a crop duster and fly over Baghdad or where ever, and then drop some bombs on their asses.
Damn Sam, that was a rather riviting story..... but I gotta call bullshit. Mind you it ain't because you couldn't pull it off, god knows that cute as a little puppy dogs face of yours gets the women hot. But I ain't never seen a two headed shower. So I gotta call bullshit, there ain't no such thing as a two headed shower.
This man has a point. And for once it's a good one. I'm impressed!
Professional call girls get upwards of $1000 a night plus perks, dinners at nice restaraunts, going to the theater. Shit like that, and get clean well groomed johns that act like gentlemen. But those are few and far between. Average hoe's with all their teeth and no habit are about $100 a trick and turn 3 or 4 a night. So if you are looking, either save your money up, or get a earily date.
Bwahahahaha!!!!! SOrry, but every time some one starts one of these threads I read a little it, go out and look at that big fucking engine compartment on my second gen camaro and laugh. Then I come read some more about how some one is fighting with there MAF or injectors because they are limiting their power because they have hit their design limits and I go look at me carb and laugh some more. Then I looked at (buying the new house put the temporary axe to the car funds, but the account use to float around 500 to 700) and giggle my ass off some more. I suppose if it weren't for being lazy, and blowing my car funds on tools instead of a crank, rods and pistons there would be another twin turbo project in the works. Oh well. As far as the guy with the SR5 w/ the federal emmisions package, go find a Carter or Holley off a slant 6 Dodge and your car. I got a fix for that carb. But it ain't gonna pass the tail pipe test I don't figure. And don't bother even attempting to rebuild that fucking mess they call a carb either. Those HAVE to be put on a flow bench and wet flowed to get them tuned correctly. Just fix it so it will run right for now and sell it when you head off to Cali.
I heard that the government pretty much has told the motorcycle manufactures that the 200 +/- is enough and they were going to ban the import of continually bigger faster bikes becasue of the number of people wrecking them running a buck fifty plus. I also heard from a different source, years ago that when Kaw was building the H-1 and H-2 3 cylinder 2 stoke bikes that were 500 and 750 CC's (heard claims they would toast a KZ1300 of the same era in hte 1/8 and were dead even in the 1/4) were banned from import by the US government. I can't verify either of these claims to be true, but if they are, we are seeing the fastest production bikes that are going to be produced and sold in the US. I realize that there will be faster bikes, there are faster bikes than the stock Busa's now, but they are not stock production. I don't doubt that we will see speed limiters on bike's, much like the ones in most cars before long. They will claim it's a tire safety thing like the SUV manufactures do. (Nothing like hitting 110 at a hard pull and having the fuel get cut)
Frustrations over Child Support get worse ...
desperado replied to chrismindless's topic in Dumpster
I really do understand what you are saying, and up to the point that she blatently told me the ONLY reason she got pregnant was so I would marry her was enough. Mind you I had questions about her being fateful, and was later told that my suspisions had alot of merit and she was indeed screwing around on me, after Keith was born and she ended up with the guy a day later after we broke up and then married him. Also, the part about her ruining him and bankrupting him, was told to me by him. We were friends before she ran off with him. As bad a person as I was for dumping her off for what she did, she was then and continues to be a criminal and usless piece of shit to this day. I mentioned that she never sent any of Keiths valuables to him when he moved back in with me, what I failed to mention is that she has a history of taking the kids toys game systems and even new clothes and either having garage sales and selling the stuff or pawning it. If she can turn it into money, she will. I assume that with her track record she took his collection of 1940's silver dollars and bought cigs with them, getting only face value for them. She is really that fucking stupid. Yes, I realize that I was the dumbass that slept with her and got her pregnant, and my only real defense is that teenage male hormones is a DAMN POWERFUL thing!!! As far as giving my sona good life, I am doing that. By providing him a stable, nurturing envrioment that he can learn in. Keeping him in one school and not moving him to 5 different schools as she did while he was in the first grade. When I got custody, he went to Johnstown from the 2nd grade to the 7tgh grade, then he moved in with her, he went to Johnstown, then ther Heath City, then to Fallsburg (can't remember the district) then to Tri-county, then to school in North Carolina. Then back with me, and guess what, he's back in Johnstown, I even bought my second house in the district so he could continue to go there. I realize that this don't sound like a big deal, and to many normal people it's not. But it's something that she was never able to provide for him.ANd its'not something that I could have provided to him being married to her, because everything has to be about her and what she wants, even at the cost of hurting her own child. Like I said before, this is only a small portion of the story. I would one whole page with not even half of it to type it all out. But the short version is that not once have I ever litterally cut myself up with a razor (across my arms) and then stood there bleeding in front of my son and blamed him for multilating myself (yep, she did, and blamed him). There is a saying about there are people that are alive only because it's not legal to kill them,,,, she is that person in my eyes. That and as much hurt as she has caused Keith Jr over the years, she is his mother, and I couldn't take her from him, even if he would be better off without her influence in his life. -
Frustrations over Child Support get worse ...
desperado replied to chrismindless's topic in Dumpster
Geeze, I been through this shit with Keith Jr, who's now 16. Some of you have heard the stories and others have not, and I ain't gonna type it all out here as it would take a week of typing. Short version. Lori (Keiths mother) gets knocked up on purpose to get me to marry her. Keith's born and we continue to date (still in highschool at this point) Week before graduation Lori and I get into a shouting match and she admits she got pregnant on purpose, I kick here to the curb and she runs down and gets support. 6 mnths later she marries the guy she was screwing while she was dating me. She take's Dale (her new husband) to the cleaners, spending money like it was water, going through his college savings, inhearitance and any other money the poor bastard had till he had to borrow money to file for divorce. She then starts dating a dude named John, who was a crack dealer (mind you I have not seen her or Keith Jr in 3 yrs). She then adds to the list of addresses that I will be receiving from the court soon enough. Either her or this John asshole beat the hell out of Keith Jr and he is then dumped with his grandfather. He's now 4 years old. I get a call from his grandfather telling me what has happened and that he needs me to sign an emergency change of custody to remove Lori's parenting rights or he will be put into foster care. I go sign papers and get to see my kid for the first time in 3 yrs. I get a copy of the papers, with her previous addresses, it takes 3 sheets to put them all on, printed like address labels would be printed on a laser printer. I begin discussions with her father about getting custody of Keith and things are worked out and custody is transfered. Mind you I am STILL paying support, and part of the agreement with her is that I will not attempt to get support from her, so I let that go. She decides to move to Johnstown to be close to him, and he decides to move in with her. My biggest mistake short of having sex with her to begin with. (I love my son, but he is attached to her forever, and she is about as unfit as any crackhead ever was.) He moves in, she then moves to her grandmothers house in Fallsburg, after he decides to get me and her investigated for child abuse. That was fun!!!! She then move again to Frazysburg, and me being a dumbass don't force my hand about him living with her as long as it was in Johnstown, mind you, I have had custody of him the entire time. They then move to Heath for about 6 months then skip out on the rent there and go off to North Carolina. Then over the last Xmas break Keith comes up for a week, I go to take him back down and meet her in West Virgina, drop him off to her and then get a call from her 10 minutes later telling me that I hca come back and get him because he has told her off for laughing at him becasue he was upset that he wouldn't be seeing me for awhile. He's been living with me ever since, is straightening out, enrolled at the Vocational School for welding trades and seems to be getting on track. As a final fuck you from her, when she sends his stuff up she sent all his crap, broken toys, clothes that didn't fit, and other crap. His Xbox, coin collection, silver certificates, television and other valuables did not get sent. And after numerous calls to her from him, and her father. She still hasn't bothered. Yes, that is the very short version. Here's the thing, if you have to play within the rules of the system, you can make EVERYONE else involved play within those rules too. Visitation is seperate from support, but if you find the right judge, he will escrow the support if some cases to motivate the mother. Also, the support enforcement agency are officers of the courts, is a way and unless there is a protection order the judge will provide you with last known address. And women keep that address up to date so they can get their check. More over, as long as you don't have a protection order against you, it's not tresspassing to show up on her doorstep as you have a reason for being there. And in order fo it to be trespassing, she would need to get a protection order. Now that will require a judge's signature and a good reason. You showing up wanting to see your kid is not a good reason and will motivate the judge and courts in general to start looking into things. Also remember that a custody decree is a legal contract and has civil repercussions if not followed, but you have to bring charges so that a notice of contempt of court will be issued, so don't file about her not following the agreement, then when she gets the notice and says that she will let you see the child if you drop it, dont drop it. Tell her you will, if needs be to see your child, but don't back down. She will know that you will bend and the second time around the courts will not bother with your contempt charge. -
I fail to see how this actually is a surprize. A chassis dyno is only an indicator or wheel horsepower, and works on the principal of inertia, if you add rotating mass to the driveline that is being tested it's gonna show different numbers. It would be no different than adding weight to the drum on the dyno and not telling the computer to compensate (sp?) for it. Look at all the different mathematical equations for figuring horsepower with weight of the car and 1/4 mile time. This is really not that far off from that, change the weight then the numbers of course change.
Hmmm, he has a valid bitch even if he don't know it. Johnstown got into trouble here not too long ago for randomly running peoples plates. State law requires there be a reason that the officer runs the plates, not just for shits. It goes to the whole illegal search thing. That is the reason he got let off, Johnstown don't let ANYONE off for nothing.
Lurking...... I been on from time to time, just not saying anything. As far as two maps, I would have to agree that is easier than lugging charts and graphs and a portable weather station so you can tune to hte barometric pressure and humidity of the atmosphere. The car does it for you, I guess it's lack of knowledge to some degree and a major lack of funding that I don't go with the computuner stuff. I can still find carbs in need of rebuild and rework cheap and intakes are a dime a dozen. I have looked, and I can about do a full fuel system for what a set of new 42 lb injectors cost.
Oh boy.... Where to start. First the comments about anyone not having Indian Blood to STFU.... Mothers side, her mothers father was Soix (sp?) and just as important, on her fathers side, I can take you to the burial plot of John Jacob Storts, who fought in the revolutionary war, two plots over is his grandson Daniel, who fought for the North in the Civil war. I realize that names follow the fathers side, but I would most likely be here either way. My mothers side has been in this country before it was a country, and parts of have been here since before Columbus discovered it and possibly even before the Norsmen (sp?) stumbled on it 400 years before Columbus claimed to have discovered it. So yea, I have a right to bitch, what's more I have the right to say that ANYONE that calls themselves an American (not Aisan-American, Mexican-American or whatever else) has the right to stand up and say this is bullshit. The first problem with this is that folks seem to be coming here and concerned with where they left, spouting off about their heritage and what not. Personally, if you were born here, you are an American, if your heritage of another country is so important, get on a plane, I am sure they will take you. God knows that everyone there is coming here. Second, coming from another country, then running off at the mouth, and waving the flag of "YOUR" country, not the American flag as a sign of protest because people have came here from 'YOUR' country illegally. Get on the boat and go the fuck back. You can NOT turn your back on OUR flag. Poncho Villa lost asshole, deal with it, or go home. No one here cares about your heritage here but you. And if you are going to protest against our country, in our country, maybe you should be protesting from the other side of the border. Again, everyone there is coming here, there must be a reason. But if you feel that "your" country is such a wonderful place to be, I am sure they will let you back in without and problems. The issue of illegal's being here is easy to deal with. 1. Pay local law enforcement processing fee's to detain illegals for the INS. 2. Buy 2 greyhound type busses for each INS field office, more for the areas that have alot of illegals so they can be directly deported. 3. Modify regulations and minimize 'red tape' on deportation of illegals, if they are here illegally civil, human, and constutuional laws do not apply. These people are not citizens and do NOT have the rights we do. Run busses as soon as there is a full load. 4. Bullets are cheap, and illegals crossing the border is now a matter of national security, it should be handled as such. 5. Increasing border control is expensive. Instead move military bases 20 miles from border, creating a 20 mile deep 'DMZ' target ranges are setup so the border is downrange, post signs at border indicating that they are entering a military firing range, signs to be printed in ENGLISH only. If you don't speak it, shame on you, this is America, we speak english. 6. Make assistance of and employing illegals within the United States an act of treason, punishable by deportation. If they like the illegals that much, let them ride the bus back with them. For the established assistance groups like Red Cross and church oriented groups, they can either assist Americans or go to other country's to assist people of other counties, in other countries, not here. This shit ain't hard to deal with, someone just has to have the stomache for it. And yes, I am an extreemist, but sometimes extreem problems require an extreem solution. And I never said that we need to get out the flamethrowers even, so shut your liberal agenda trap.
+1 I realize that the computer tuneable cars are the shit for the street when trying to get something resembling fuel economy. But I would rather fight the loading up of a carb, and have to fiddle with my MSD timing adjuster on the dash. True, I can't turn the carb for max performance and drive it around with that tune for long because it's always a bit on the rich or lean side, but wha'ts the difference in needing to drive around with a laptop instead of a jet kit and a screwdriver, other than you will not get anything on your hands. Either way, I hope you get your issues resolved.
NO No no, she is now claiming that it she did not claim it was racial, and specifically said to go back and review the tape, where BTW she specifically says that it WAS racial. Remember folks, these are the people that we elect to congress and the senate to represent our views and beliefs to the nation and to shape the growth and prosperity of the nation. And this is who we chose to do that. (Well, we didn't, but someone sure as hell did.) It sure makes me wonder just how fuckin drunk were they as they voted her into office? EDIT: Just read the whole story, and it ain't there. This woman was specifically ordered by police, in the capital building, that she was not to cross a boundry and walk up to the casket of Loritta Scott King as she laid in state in the capital. Mind you NO ONE else was permitted to approach the casket either and instead they were walking around a mezinene above the casket. This woman disobeyed a direct order from a law enforcement officer, and went into a restricted area. She was ordered to stop again and was detained, at which point she struck the officer that was detaining her. I find this most ironic that she claims racism and excessive force, when in the reality of everyday life for us normal people, if we were in a restricted area, and had been ordered by police to halt. Refused to obey the order and then upon being detained by police struck an officer, while still in a restricted area, we would at best be thrown to the ground and arrested, possibly maced or tazed for resisting arrest and possibly even shot. Remember that this it the Capital Building that they were in, it wasn't like she had jumped a fence at a junk yard, she was in one of the most heavily guarded buildings in the United States. And like I said before, this is a reflection of who is representing our intrest's in matters of national importance and is therefore a reflection of the dumbasses that voted her in to begin with.
Are you completely sure about this??? Cuz I wouldn't advise you to bet your life on it. I DON'T drink, never have, it's a waste of money and time. As far as drunnk drivers, with all the media coverage and as may different people saying that it's a good way to kill someone, I think it should be attempted murder as the law see's it. There is NO FUCKING WAY that ANYONE can claim that they don't know that driving drunk gets people killed. As far as the douche bag that is bragging that he got off of being charged, well I hope the next cop throws the book at you, and the cop that let you off should be fired and charged with complicity and do time as well. It's bad enough that you are a dumb fuck and even attempted to drive drunk, but then to get popped and get off just sucks.
How to deal with a HORRIBLE college instructor?
desperado replied to RedRocket1647545505's topic in Dumpster
Document, and record.... everything, I guess if you REALLY want to burn her ass, retake the class, do speeches on the most conservative topics that you can think of. And make sure to include a speech about the declining quality of qualified, personable instructors in college class rooms today. And make damn sure that EVERYTHING is recorded, to get her comments on tape for release to media outlets, Of course I would condense the comments into a 'best of' file and then follow them up with the rest of the recordings. Additional thoughs would be to talk to EVERY student that has her next quarter, and discuss the way she acts in class with them and try to get them to transfer to another instructor if possible. If she has no students she will not have a job long. Beyond that, when giving your speeches that are in direct conflict with her personal views, go to the class with the reference materials in hand to prove the truth in your points. Being proven undenyable wrong, especially in front of the entire class is a hard pill to swallow. Rest ashured that you will receive a failing grade for the course, but that can be easily remedied with the documentation and recordings that your politica views were not her political views and that is why you were failed. If you have all the course work in hand and speeches on tape for higher ups to review they will not have much choice but to remove the grade from your records. But this would be taking it as far as it could be taken, and being legal about it. -
'95 Skyline R33 GT-R VS for sale in Johnstown
desperado replied to MrMeanGreen's topic in Passing Lane
I think it was ten yrs ago when he still owned Liberty Chevy/Dodge. The guy went from owning a new car lot selling two major brands to hocking used cars. That says alot. Similar story to Dave Smith of the Red Barn fame in Pataskala, he HAD a Ford dealership in Pataskala. Ford came and litterally loaded their cars up and took them, told him that they wouldn't let him sell their cars. That was after the third or fourth time he got caught cranking back odometers. I wonder what Denny Dotson did to loose his dealership. BTW, who is the fuck that has the big home made wing fabbed up from tubing from a swingset and the 1 pound coffee can exhaust tip on hte Nissian Sentra that I saw. I about wrecked my car laughin at his shitbox the other day. -
This whole Alito nomination thing pisses me off
desperado replied to RedRocket1647545505's topic in Dumpster
Myers,,, yes, I am still trying to figure out what the hell he was thinking. Rice how ever, I feel is doing a pretty good job. As far as why is there so much shit flying, personal opinion is that the judicial is the only branch or government that the libs had control of. And they did seem to legislate from the bench (create law by there twisted interpretation of the Constitution). It was the liberals last strong hold of control and Alito's nomination, specifically replacing O'Conner (a lib) changes the balance of power in the Supreme Court (duh, you knew that, but I figured I would say it anyhow) This doesn't really surprize me, the democratic party is imploding. They have lost all sense of direction, other than Bush bashing. Hell, 2 months ago, he was an inept boob that was incapable of running the Iraq war, now the claims are that he is so sly that he "Tricked" the libs into a debate on national security which he obviously has a better record of action on. Add to that, when a high ranking democrat senator was ask simply who the current leader of the democratic party was, he said it was to difficult a question or a leading question, or some bullshit like that. I believe it was Harry Reed that was ask, but don't hold me to that. Thing is, it's not a difficult question, who's in charge? No one seems to know. It sure ain't Howard Dean, unless they want to commit political suicide, again. -
I am not a liberity to devulge that information, more over, I have not ask for, expected, nor will accept any sort of "lengths, headstarts, spots" or other "consessions" on your part. It will be heads up, from a dig, I will give you the go. When I see the nose of your car raise I will release the transbrake, what ever happens after that happens. There will be no looking under the hood, discussions of what mods are done or any of that. And yes, I plan to sandbag you, so you will NOT know what the car will do, other pull harder and go quicker than yours, expect to only be beaten by a fender, maybe less. I have work to do, so quit with this petty bench racing bullshit. I will however go the 1/8 with you, I ask a length in consession, I will be on a gocart mind you, so I don't feel it's too much to ask.
I wouldn't mind coming over and taking a look, Those Chevron lug tires on the white rims look interesting. And I am not sure but is that half a Gravely? I might also be interested in a small saw and a large one as well, and maybe even the parts. Call me at 989-2459 so we can setup a time to meet at this shop, it would be tons easyer than trying to ask if you have this or that. And I am wondering, this isn't over at Linworth at the old Action Rental is it??