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Everything posted by desperado
Chris, how much time does it take you to fuck something up that bad???? Or does fucking things up come naturally to you???
Yeah, mud bogger boy.
Hmm, I guess you haven't heard that Jon was converting his 240 to a hillbilly mud racer. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17731 Maybe that will help.
That's strong words coming from mub bog man. I hear that they are selling rebel flag decals for the top of your car. I figure you would want to know so you can slap one on the 240/mud truck
I finally figured it out, the level of the ricer and his motivation. I figured out all of this watching my 5 yr old with his matchbox cars. Of course making car noises, and it hit me. I always knew that I recognized the sound of a fart pipe muffler. I could just never put it all together. Fart pipes sound like little kids making car noises. And the wild ass colors, huge, gaudy assed bolt on's and other totally rediculous mods that we all see and laugh at. Well, has anyone looked at a matchbox lately??? And the final thing, the kids that sit behind the wheel of their daddies car, making loud obnoxous noises, imagining that they are flying down the road, when the reality is they are just sitting there. Well, ricers think there cars are really fast, make loud obnoxious noises and hardly move. So there it is, the ricer mentality revaaled, as one step beyond sitting in your daddies car making noises and going nowhere fast.
Through the pit, sure,,, of course the pit is only 300 feet long, but supercharged alcohol burners only do it in 3 to 4 so it will take some spray and the obligatory $25000 to get it done. I would need to get with Sam though and see where he's getting his fill tank's. Speaking of which, has anyone ever seen a 240 with mudders on it and a 320 CF pressure cylinder sticking out the roof? With a front mount no less??? Jesse James and Monster Garage would be proud man!!!
Hey there buddy, since you are continuing to show concern for not only my health, but now my headwear, I figured I should do something nice for you too.. So I called up a friend of mine and he set me up with a set of supers wampers for you, they're 38's so it ain't gonna sit quite as high as you probably want, but they are a start. And since you are new to this whole redneck, mud truck thing, I picked you up your very first rebel flag and DIXIE air horn. TV land is showing the Dukes of Hazzard reruns, I would sugest watching to pick up other redneck sayings and the proper way to holler YAAAHOOOOO, as you are catching big air in your 240/mud truck.
I was sort of wondering when the board started caterring to mud bogging and tough truck competitions, with 240's no less. But that's ok, we got room for everyone I suspect. I wonder what a 240 would look like with a set of 40's under it, all jacked up. I figure I will wait for Brandon to do it since he seems to like to race in the mud to find out. Maybe I need to get the Camaro gone and get a truck, I figure with all this mud racing he's doing, he's gonna challenge me to a race in the mud so he can win. On a side note. I remember a buddy of mine in highschool, doing donuts in the parkinglot at Watkins and hitting a curb so hard that it seperated the bead from the rim and the tire went flat. We aired the tire back up and he drove it home. So how the hell could a 10 MPH slid into a curb, in mud do so much damage????????
Well buddy. I see that you still have this concern with my health. It's really nice of you to be worried about my well being. As far as the outside chance, I suppose ther is always the chance that you will get your car back together at some point. I figure that there is also a chance that you learn to drive and not tear up your car "doing like 10 MPH" in your subdivision. There are "outside" chances on alot of things ain't there??
This article really sums up the idiots in New Orleans
desperado replied to Nitrousbird's topic in Dumpster
Well, this mess actually answers a question I have had for a long time. What happens when you take what little that a man with nothing has, and then remove any ability to control that man. This happens from time to time everywhere, the highway shooter, Malvo, Tim Mcvey. What we have here is less control, over a larger number of people. And in any group, there will be a percentage of each type of person, from the wealthy and secure to the scum of the earth. The larger the crowd, the greater the number of each group you have within the whole group. And what we have here is the equivilant of a prison break of all the inmates with no cops around (they are too busy looting the walmart). Someone told me once, the difference between a criminal and an honest man is opertunity, well the opertunity was just given to the population of New Orleans, and we see that statement is true. -
No No.... it's not the butterflies that you need to be concerned with.... the linkage tying the secondary to the primary on a dominator is internal, right in the center of the carb. That is what you need to keep control of. The butterflies are not going to get into the engine, they may get down in and lunch a valve and valve seat, but that's all the farther they will get. make your holes the same size of bigger than the venturi, because it WILL screw with air flow, just make sure that the area in the center of the venturi is covered so that if that linkage comes apart it will not fall into the motor. Jegs actually sells a plate for this very thing... but if your plate is already made just enlarge the holes so that there is no restriction. Will you even hint as to the manufacture and rather it's a small or big block motor???
I need a hug!
Brandon, we all know the truth, we all know that you are relieved that I got rid of that thing on the outside chance tat I might have actually got off my ass and built it, and showed you what fast really was.
Never going to happen. The media will not touch this in because of the bullshit that they will pull, like arresting the reporters for disorderly conduct, ticketing the news truck for parking violations and whatever else they can pull out of their asses.
How did I know it was Reynoldsburg. Quite a few years ago, two or Reyoldsburgs finest pulled over a black guy and his wife. He was driving a nice car and had taken his wife out to dinner at a nice restaraunt. The two police proceeded to give the guy grief, accuse him of being a drug dealer or a pimp and accused his wife of bing a prostitute or some such bullshit. After badgering him, telling him they didn't want his kind (black) being in their town. After all this bullshit, they finally get around to issuing him a speeding ticket, so they ask for his identification. At which point the guy produces, his FBI badge and ID card. And a cell phone that he used to call him superiors. They called Reynoldsburg PD, and sent two FBI agents to the scene as well. Of course shit hit the fan, and the officers were suppose to be fired, but just got to play desk jockey for a bit and went back out on patrol. So when you speak of Reynoldsburgs finest, and ask were they get off shooting dogs, figure that if that was the worst of the shit they have pulled, it wouldn't be so bad.
:funny: Biteme Leafblower boy!
I like it, as a suggestion, you might consider sanding the center caps and filling in the horse with body mud, sanding them out smooth and repainting them. I think it would give the rims an entirely different look. Have someone photochop it and see what it would look like.
Well, it's gone. I figured that it was never going to get built anyhow, so I sent it down the road. It's just better this way. I can get back to whatever it was that I was going to do instead of working on it. Even though I haven't worked on it in months. So whatever it was that I was going to do, I will get back to quicker than I would have if I had not got rid of the car.
Dude, you are in the same shit that I was 5 yrs ago. And there is only one way out, bankrupsy. If you are NEEDING a card with a line of 10K then I assume that you are pretty near that as a balance. So you aren't to far in the hole. I was $40K plus when I did it, I will say that if you are thinking about it, you need to get it moving quick, because the laws are going to change in October on what you can file on. And people in your situation are going to get the ability to file a 13 and get it wiped away taken from them. And consider this, it will hurt for 5 yrs, then it will be gone. Just how long will it take you, at the current interest rate on your card to pay the bastard off making the payments that you are right now. Figuring that on $1000 line of credit, paying the minimum payment will take you 30 yrs to pay it back. And the first time you are late with a payment, you will go to 24.99% interest and be there until the balance is paid. I am not trying to tell you what you need to do, I just know that I went through it and found out what fuckers credit card companies can be. ANd they hold all the cards here. They know if you had the ability to pay off the card that you wouldn't need it to begin with, so you ar eat their mercy to fuck you any way they see fit to, and all you can do is lay there and scream. Now I realize that life has put you in a bitch of a situation when it comes to money. I been in that sitaution too. No job, and trying to live, we lived off the credit cards. And doing that will sink you faster than anything else. I would advise you as a perosn that has been through it, you need to try to do everything in your power to NOT continue living on your credit card.
Damn dude, seems someone's getting WAY extreem. Now as far as your carb, you can clean off about half of the shaft and be ok, but you are going to want to run a plate under the thing to catch the linkage if it comes apart, i understand that happens from time to time and the parts und up in the cylinders, causing all sorts of bad shit to happen. I will also say that mods like thinning shafts and going with button head screws are more pointed to N/A motors that need the extra boost signal. Not knowing how big you are going with the turbo and having any idea of how quick it will spin up, you may have some issues with booster signal off idle when you go WOT. But, because the restriction to flow is going to move up the intake tract to the turbo, it might have very little effect. The other thing that you need to be considering with the shafts, again depending on the turbo size is the pressure down on the shafts/butterflys when you close the throttle under full boost. I assume that you are going to be running a BOV, but even then you are still going to have a pressure pulse hit the butterflys until the BOV see's the vaccum and has time to pop open. BTW, just what in the hell are you putting a 1050 on that's gonna be a blow thru? Inquiring minds gotta know.
That's fucking beautiful man! Run that bitch into the ground. You could just turn up the spray till it's faster than everyone else or it pops. Far as the carb loading up like that, you might consider leaning it out a bit. it would most likely make even MORE power.
Firing order is off, you are firing back into the intake... I bet it makes whooshing noises too as it's cranking Go back, pull all the plug wires, and crank it to TDC, then reinstall the plug wires.
I figured that I would throw this is. Cuz I did learn to weld the same way that you are figuring on learning, by reading and doing it. Get on Ebay and look for college welding text books. Modern Welding is the one that comes to mind that I have. Also, the welding book (paperback) that Lincoln publishes, you can buy it in Lowes and Home Depot are both good for a beginner. You have two choices really on how to start, either stick or MIG. Stick is still a useful type of welding and there are some things that it's simply better and easier to stick. MIG is probably the easiest form of welding to learn, but it's also very easy to lay a good looking bead that has no weld penetration and has less holding power than a piece of duct tape. This is why I said what I did before, depending on what you are welding, your life or the life of another may very well depend on that weld never breaking. I am going to figure that you don't have a welder at this point, so I will give you a few pointers on picking one out so that you will be able to lay down a good bead that has good penetration and looks like a pro did it. If your welder is a piece of shit, your welds will be shit too. The sub $300 dollar stuff that Harbor freight sells should be left on the shelf for somebody else, the quality is too low, getting parts for that stuff will take an act of God too. Lincoln sells a couple NICE MIG units, the 125 being a GOOD starting out welder that has the performance to lay a GOOD bead and will not break the bank. And stay away from the older industrial units that are over 200 AMP. Trying to weld sheet metal with one of these is about like trying to drive tacks with a sledge hammer. It just don't work, as far as 3-phase equipment that's newer, if you can get a good deal on it, building a phase convertor is not hard, nor is it expensive and it will run a 3 phase unit on regular 220 very nicely. Once you get your new welder, you will need a few other MANDITORY things, the first being a GOOD 4.5 inch grinder, get a dewalt or some other brand name grinder and spend a minimum of $60 on it..the $15 swap meet specials will run for about a week and most don't last a day. The second think to get is a Porta-Band (portable band saw). These are pricey so be prepaired to cough up 250 or more for it. Porter Cable, Milwaukee and dewalt here, again, no cheap shit, it will not last you, when you buy tools, figure that you are buying a tool that you will be using the rest of your life, not one that will break after a month of use. Once you get the welder and a grinder, pick up ANY scrap steel that you can find and start welding ot together. Once you have welded it together, get a sledge hammer and try to beat the weld until it breaks, when the welds no longer break and teh metal only bends you have reached a point that you need to be at to weld critical joints. A good welding test it to weld two pieces of steel together and then cut then apart at the weld with a band saw. Look at the faces of the weld to see if there are any bubbles or pockets in the weld. There should be none. Like everyone said here, practice, alot. You really should practice wil a minimum of 2 full rolls of wire before even starting to consider welding critical joints.
I dont get it personally. It costs me 10 bucks more to fill the Durango (25 gallon tank) Shit, it's ten bucks, big flippin deal. everyone freakin out about this is silly. It's like bitching about it raining, or that the weather is hot or cold, there ain't shit that we can do about it. And before some simpleton says boycott, remember that if we don't buy gas, and the demand drops greatly, the production will go down. This will push prices up. Then when we end the boycott, there will be low supplies that will further push prices up. So just buy your gas and be glad that there is gas to buy.
There is a car hauler for sale on Williams Road, just west of Alum Creek for $2000 OBO, just go buy the thing and use it...I am betting it could be got cheap. He started out at 3500 last Monday and it's done to 2000 OBO yesterday