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New generation Columbus Chevies Columbus L Series Enthuiasts Next Gereration Chevies of Columbus I hate carbs (Columbus Chapter) Fuck carbs " " I can't tune a carb (Anthony would be a charter member here for sure) Do I get a cookie if I get you a reasonable name???
swap you a 90 Geo Tracker, 4 wheel drive 5 speed. It ain't fast, but $20 fills it with 2.89 a gallon gas and I get 300 mi to a tank. email me some pics of it. kfoor@columbusracing.com I just bought the Geo, it had a burnt valve, so it got a new valve of course, head and exhaust gasket, timing belt, water pump and the $120 alternator is new as well. Also has a new battery and good tires (other than the spare). It is a soft top and the top will come right off and you can pimp it around as a convertable. Let me know either way. ANd I drive this thing to work EVERY day so it's very relaible as far as I can tell.
What do you have to swap????
There is a way around this, but I have to warn you that you have to make sure that its got antifreeze cuz it will break the block if you don't. One of the mods that some engine builders do is to take a strip of sheet metal and riviet it across the freeze plugs, because a plug coming out going down a track at speed, with slicks, will turn into a wild ride more times than not. As far as what's causing it. I don't believe that water pressure has shit to do with it. Freeze plugs are taper fit and concave in the block. So when pressure pushes it, it flattens out and gets tighter. And the pressure required would be blowing hoses, and the seams out of the radiator, so I would look elsewhere. Two things can cause what you are seeing, improper installation not withstanding. And I know that aint the case anyhow. 1. The motor has been apart/had a bad plug at some point and the hole has enlarged from either having plugs in and out of the block or from corosion. Hope like hell this is it. 2. the block is cracked at that plug and the crack is opening up and the plug simply cant be held in the hole. Not much to do here but strap it and start looking for a fresh block to transfer your internals to. If you want to buy the magnaflux chemicals I have the light to do magnafluxing, at least teh photodye chemical type of crack checking. But if it's cracked through and through, green antifreeze lights up real well to and will show a crack otherwise not seen. Short of that, plug off the radiator ports and heater core ports on the motor, fill it most of the way up with antifreeze/water and pressureize it with air and see if the crack appears. But don't get overzelous with the air pressure.40 or 50 PSI in plenty.
As far as I know the holes are there you just bolt it in. Thing is, getting a motor in a car is the easy part. Hell I have set 350's in chevette's. No they don't really fit well, but it will sit in there. exhaust is another story, but that ain't what you are concerned with. I would sit down and figure out if you are goign to want to run EFI or a carb first. Second is what sort of money do you have to spend to do this swap. The hard parts of a swap like thing are made easier with some well spent money. If you are going EFI, get ready for some big bucks or some headaches. Moving a computer into a car without a computer is a bitch, if it DOES already have a computer, it's worse. So that's the first pile of money, a stand alone EMU. And we are talking $1000 to $2000 for that, but it plugs in, the fucker will fire up at the hit of the key every time and always be in perfect tune, pretty much. The other route there is a carb. Much less expensive, requires no PC to tune, but there is NO carb that will run a perfect mixture at all throttle positions in all RPMS and loads. Second is the Ignition system. Again, money or you better know your wiring. Easiest thing to do is go spend $200 and buy a MSD 6A or a Mallory Hyfire. Reason is that if you supply it with 12 volts and a signal from the pickup in the distributor it will fire and run. Trying to setup a factory system, especially one that is part of the computer is a bitch. It's not that it's not possible it's just tiem consuming and complex to get all the wiring in right. And for those that notised, yes, computer distributors don't hav a vacuum or a mechanical advance. But for $135 MSD has a box that will do it and is fully tuneable for the advance curve, and will not change over time like a factroy mechanical advance will because of the springs loosing tension. As long as you have all this considered, go for it. I have seen 460's in fox bodies, and they will set tight in with the right kit. So dropping ina 302 or a 351 is not going to be hard at all.
Hmmm, I think I mentioed something about BEING FROM JOHNSTOWN. And you have Alec (Alexandria) as your location. So I think I know where you are. As far as the junk yard, I am talking about the one out on Sportsmans Club Road. That's Houcks Garage and Wrecking, and its' run by Ma and Pa Kettle and their boy Bub, Not Bubba but just Bub.
Now, what the hell kind of tool, does a stunt like that, pointing at a group of other people? And dude on the red bike might have been paying a bit more attention to what the tool was doing and not been right in front of him either. Glad to see that he was alright though.
basic alarm w/ remote start $100 if you are providing the materials. It goes up from there. I've done remote windows, power tops, remote neon lights, all sorts of shit. Basically if it runs off the battery, and you have an alarm with enough outputs I can tie it in. I have even put actuators on doors and setup remote opening doors on two cars. So, other than custom speaker enclosures, I can do it.
Mold release, don't bother with other "tricks" especially for something on that scale. That much carbon ai'nt cheap, and other "tricks" may marr the finish to much to sand out and save it.
Craftsman, bought from eBay... it's saved me a TON of money. Thing to do is sit down with a Sears tool catalog, look at the mid range sets and then get those tools as you can. Start with the 3/8 and 1/4 drive stuff, then get the 1/2 drive stuff. Tool boxes can set you back as well. I have to agree that getting a blow mold case to start off with is the thing to do. Then as you start buying wrenches, if you are working out of a garage, get some peg board and hooks and hang stuff up. It's easier to get to, it's easier to identify and it's a clean. Again, as long as you are in a garage, save up your bucks and buy a LOWER chest first. That way it will have rollers and can be moved. a top chest full of tools is nothing that you want to move around. Once you have it filled buy a top chest and continue to fill it.
First off, I don't believe he meant that liberals should die, I think he believes that the liberal agenda should die. That I agree with. Having people die, or killing them, I don't get behind. Now, as far as conservatives imposing there beliefs/morals on America, well personally I don't have a problem with kicking every able bodies American off welfare, and making them work. Nor do I have a problem with forcing people to be responsible for their actions, and not relying on the state to take care of them because of their habits/bad life choices. And while I don't stand completely on the side of pro life, I do have a SERIOUS problem with partial birth abortion. And it seems that after 6 years of a Rebublican house, senate and president, Roe V Wade not being overturned completely sort of takes the wind out of the sails of the whole notion that republican/Conservative leaders are going to "impose" their views with abortion. As far as gay marriage, and the Terri Schivo situation, seems that the gay marriage thing has gone before the people of anmost every state that there are bans on it, and Ohio specifically, which already had laws on the books stating that a marriage could only exist between a man and a woamn and by a landslide, the breach of gay marriage being acceptable got larger. people, not just republicans/conservatives wanted that ban. It passed with more voted in Ohio than Bush got votes, so implying that it's simply a conservative thing is a pipe dream. Terri Schivo, well consider that it was your child, your exwife, or your mother. And that your stepfather/brother in law/ whatever said that she would not want to live like that. Even though you knew better. Say that hse was at one point showing signs of improvement and that person disallowed treatment. The law says that euthenasia can only be an accepted treatment of illness as long as it was in writing by the person agreed with it, and had so indicated their wishes. It is not to prolong suffering, only to put in a control that would verify the wishes of the person. Would you really want someone else deciding if you lived or died?? As far as PETA, people that bomb clinics, and other wacko's I guess NO ONE wants wacko's to be ascociated with them. And you have to admit, there are a bunch more wackos's that are left leaning. And BTW, giving "rights" to animals other than the right to be treated humanily, and cooked properly, is not only wacko, but perverted, and twisted. And as far as your comment about Bush'es spending, war is expensive, it seemed that Kerry claimed thet he was goingto send MORE troops, which cost money. And I remember them bitching that there was not enough money being pumped down south, or for the tsunami victims. So who spends the money? the 87 Billion would have been a drop in the bucket for Kerry. It's ok though, Hillary will be president next, and then you will get to see what a REAL tax and spend president is about. 4 years of her will break the bank, unless of course the books get doctored like her husband did.
I have one that has room for 2 Proliant 5000's underneath, and has a top area that is slanted. and has a keyboard shelf on it. Free for the taking but you have to come get it. I can load it for you.
No, it shouldn't clog injectors. What it does to O2 sensors is similar to what happens with exhaust valve seats. The same stuff that would build up the seat gets all over the sensor and makes it not read. A tank of leaded once in a while probably wouldn't screw a sensor. But it could effect tuning because of the bad readings as the coating got on the sensor. It does the same thing to the cats, because a cat doesn't get hot enough to burn the crap so it deposits in the cat.
You ARE kidding. Right?????
What???? Peta attempts to force an agenda, sometimes voilently. And like most other extreemists, specifically the treehugger sect, continually push for more regulation by the governemt to control people, and what they eat, think and do. Conservatives are about less government, and more freedoms. As far as the communist comment. It's time you get back to high school, and retake govenment class. Communisim is the ultimate in government contol. That would be the government forcing people to eat or not eat meat. And that it what PETA wants, not the normal, free thinking people.
Are the rockers a roller trunion or the ball type??
Well, most cars I have seen if the belt was off a tooth it would barely run and 2 teeth it wouldn't run at all. As far as the starter connecting,, I am not sure what you are talking about here. Either the starter is turning the motor over (the crank is turning) or it's not, so that one is pretty simple. I am not sure how you tested the fuel pump, just turning on the key a couple times and pushing the needle in the fuel pressure port and getting sprayed with fuel is NOT testing the fuel pump. But if there is any fuel there it should at least fire and die. So that runs us back to either the timing of the cam is off, or the motor has some internal problems. Once you put a new timeing belt on it, if it still will not run PM me or call me at 967-4324 and I will come up and look at it I am right up the road in Johnstown. First thing I am going to do is do a leakdown test on the cylinders. I am not sure if that motor is an interference motor or not. What that means is rather or not the pistons can come to the top of the cylinder with the valves open. An INTERFERENCE motor means that the pistons WILL hit the valves. And that can happen if it's jumped cam time. I don't know where your civic came from, but if some kid had it and liked bouncing it off the rev limiter all the time, that could have bent the valves even if the timing is ok. Fair warning BTW, don't bounce the motor off the limiter, it is NOT designed to take that, in stock form anyway.
Sold and delivered. Thanks Kris
is this still for sale... call me if so, 740-967-4324... I have money in hand
this is a three bench seat minivan, to hall kids to soccer practice and crap. not a delivery vehicle.
Well, I think I found the ultimate sleeper/embarassment ride. A guy over here at work has a Chevy Astro, 383 motor, running one muffler one one side and two on the other. So it sounds like a 4 banger with an exhaust leak. It's running a 10 bolt with a posi unit, 373 gears. This all sounds great for a Camaro or a Chevelle, but this is all stuffed into a MINIVAN, with the "my kid is a honnor student" bumper stickers. We went out for lunch the other day in it and toasted a couple 3 gen camaros, and Eclipse. All driven by young guys that were just floored when we would let them get up to 80 or so sittiling right on their door, then punch it and drive past them wiht the tires fighting for traction. (The factory tire size on those ain't very wide).
You don't say. Jericos, as well as the Tremec's and the Liberities are like that. And I do agree that there is a bit of difference, but the way that dude worded it, he speficied auto's in general. And while pro stockers don't run auto's, ALOT of bracket cars and numerous 10.5 Outlaw cars are running auto's, and the ones that can't be air shifted due to the regulations of the class they run lights. Does a stock driveline Honda need a 5 inch tach with a lite, fuck no,,, but it don't need a 5 inch tach to begin with. So there is that, and the way dude said it struck a cord. So I over reacted. dude ain't a douchebag, I retract that and applogize. I just needed to vent.
I saw a guy on TV do one with his toes. You have to remember that as complex as a Rubix Cube looks. It has a specific way it works, and a set of "rules" once you master the rules and the manner that the thing works. It's like putting a motor together, there is an order that shit has to be down. That guy can see the order, and hwat nas to be done with every step. Thing I don't get is why in the fuck would you dovote that much of your life to being able to solve a puzzle that most of our parents threw away 10 years ago.