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Everything posted by desperado
Gee, now let me think... I pretty much remember you making several dumbass comments my way not so long ago which you just repeated here. I also remember you begging for someone to tell you how to fix your door after you desided to kick the bastard in. I wonder who it was that told you how to repair it and offered to help if you couldn't get it together. And went out of my way to track your number down, call you and tell you that the instructions were on the board. As far as the original post in here, I would figure that after the bear comment, you woud figure that I was fucking around, if you didn't see it that way, well then I suppose that's the way it goes. Seems I don't remember what it was I specifically said to you that pissed you off, so at least now I know you have a reason. And me being an arrogant prick ain't all of it, cuz there are plenty of other's here fitting that description. So have fun snow boarding in Colarado and watch out for the bears. Enjoy it while you are young, someday you will be a crabby assed old fuck just like me that can't do that shit because it will hurt too much when you fall down.
Like I said before, if you don't like what I got to say don't read my posts. Otherwise, get over it. Either way, I don't give two shits. As far as not saying anything at all, seems that make you could take some of your own advice. That being said, your opinion have been noted, and will be given all the consideration I feel it's due.
I would advise against trying to learn to weld then doing car chassis work. I don't know what your project is, but if you are building a chassis or a cage, you better make damn sure that your welds are top notch, your life may very well depend on it.
OK?!?! I fail to see how it's his doing. But I am sure you have your reasons. Seems that since Bush has taken office, we now get a tax break for using renewable resources. That's not a good thing for the oil industry. There has been alot of money spent by the government in research of BIO diesel, fuel cell technology and other fuels that are not petrolum. What did Clinton do on these fronts? And I bring up Clinton because the ones I hear blaming Bush always say by default that Clinton wouldn't be handling it the way Bush is/did. Which is the truth, Clinton would have made a bunch of empty promices and done nothing. I suppose that you will say something about this war being about oil, so why are we paying so much for it, we took over the country over there? We are paying through the nose for gas because we lost 25% of the ability to product gas during the hurricane. And since Bush didn't build the refineries below sea level, I don't see you being able to blame him for that. So we have left the hurricene it's self, I suppose you could say that Bush caused the hurricane. After all it's about as reasonable a statement as saying that you blame Bush for what we are paying for gas. What would you have him do, he's trying to get it through that we drill for oil in Alaska, that we build refineries, that we find better renewable resources. So what's left?
WHAT???? At least I was honest with the guy. There are a few people on here that are tight with Ben, and will miss going out and drinking or bullshitting with him. The rest, with all their "See ya man, I'll miss you" bullshit, well it's just that, bullshit. It wouldn't be any different you left Tilly, I don't fucking know you, so if you leave, then your just not here any more. So the fuck what? I ain't gonna sit here and lie to the guy and act like I been swappin spit in the shower with him for the past 6 months. And just who the fuck put you in charge of the morals on CR anyhow. You just deside to take it on yourself to defend Ben here all of a sudden or what? Maybe all this 84% gay shit has been directed to the wrong guy. You got a thing for Ben? Find yourself staring at his ass alot?? Get over yourself, and don't give up hope, he said he will be back. So maybe your chance to slap your man meat between his butt checks will come at that point.
So why not have someone that knows carbs and setting them up look at it first.
Well, I would like to say that I will miss you, but I'd be lying. I would tell you to watch out for bears up on the mountain and not get eaten, but the reality is I couldn't give two fucks. I could even say that I hope you return to the Columbus area soon, but it makes no difference if you come back or not. Hell I would even say that I am glad that you let us all know you were going, but it would have been all the same to me if you had just gone and not said shit. That all being said, I should say have a good time, but I could care less if you do or not. Remember though, at least I was honest with you about this.
Howard Stern had his last show broadcast here today.
desperado replied to SpaceGhost's topic in Dumpster
Stern sucks. Who cares... his show has been going down hill for years, I personally am glad he's gone. I would rather that they played music in the morning. Maybe do a metal show, nothing like pre 2000 Iron Maiden, King Diamond, Slayer, Crippled Squirrel, and Danzig. Maybe even through in some Pantera and Ministry for good measure. And someone mentioned the Grover shoe out of Cleveland. I have heard that guy as well. Give him enough time to get big and he will be gone too. There is no reason for people to get on the air and act like fucktards, then sell it in syndication as "entertainment". -
What size is the EGT gauge and what face color (silver I assume) I am interested in it so let me know. Also, does it have a thermocouple with it?
did this sell??? Board's been down so I couldn't remember who had it... PM me or call me (614) 989-2459
I bet there was all sorts of hot lezbo sex goin on in them walls. Oh Boy!
Hmmmm, like ALWAYS, the real truth is missed. If you are going to remove ALL religon from school then you have in fact selected a religon, that being Athiesim. Yall, just don't get it. It's not that they are trying to remove religon from schools they are only doing it to Christianity and Jewdism (SP?) there are schools that the ACLU is forcing to put a place aside for Muslims to pray, and to allow the females to wear shrowds over their faces. But wearing a cross, or one of the little hats (sorry guys I am not Jewish, I don't know what to call them) to school and the ACLU would be in there saying that the school was favoring religon. If schools are going to remove religon, then it's all or nothing. This nonsense of not allowing "under God" in the pledge, but setting aside a class room for Muslim prayer is bullshit. I am not trying to pick on the Muslim religon mind you, but that is the curent trend. So lets remove religon, so you tear up or mark out most of the text in american history books. Now with what's left we remove Thomas Jefferson from them to make the blacks happy because he was a slave owner. Hell we cut out most of the civil war because it was suppost to be about slavey, but really wasn't. It was about secussion (SP), Now we can't talk about the Indian war any more either, because it is offencsive to Native Americans. The Spanish American war needs to go to,, And the Mexican war. We give Texas and Califorina back to Mexico, Louisiana back to the French, the rest back to the Indians and we leave and go back from where we came. Dumb shits. Fuck em all if they ain't happy. I have ancestors back to the revolutionary war in this country, and indian blood on my mothers side as well. I ain't pissed about nothing. Other than these do gooders that think that we need to not talk about history because a few find it offensive.
Personally I don't see why everyone is in an uproar. He's pretty much right. American cars are not designed or built to a high standard. I know several people with esclades and excursions that bitch about them rattling and all the plastic interior coming loose. The brits simply will not accept the cars that we buy and drive every day. As far as the specifics of handling, he's dead nuts on. Americans want cars that ride like a air ride Lincoln or Cadliac, even the trucks are full of bullshit that has no place in trucks. Trucks are utilitarian vehicles. The original design idea was to haul loads, pull trainers and to be used to work. Now there are a large number of trucks that the only load they see is a few bags of groceries. Go back and look at trucks of the seventies, those were designed to be work vehicles. Vinyl interior, rubber mat floors, stiff assed suspensions and piss poor fuel mileage because of low gears. Today they have leather, bucket seats, real carpet on the floors, dual climate zones, GPS navigation systems, and all sorts of shit. And they ride like a luxury sedan, not a truck. Because that's what that's what sells. Brits don't even like luxury cars to handle like luxury cars, they want EVERYTHING to drive like a race car. Tight steering, stiff suspension, and the ability to corner hard and fast. Damn few Americans what any of that sort of thing. They want it to ride like the shocks are going bad and steer like it's a wet noodle.
Well, it was neither a hole in the piston or a head gasket. Turns out it was a burnt valve. Damn thing, at least that's cheap to repair. I can just go get a valve, the seat is in good shape and is concentric. So that's one down. As far as the truck, I will start thrashing on it once the Tracker is back together and on the road.
Hmmm, I don't know, but isn't alouncing not only to your girlfriend, but all your buddies, that you have an STD sort of a silly thing to do? Eli, I really don't want to hear what you have contracted myself, and I REALLY don't want to hear about the skank you you got it from. SO please spare us all the details.
Hey, maybe we need to can bomb Adams to look just like it. Then it will be worth 13 grand too
If it is blowing the 100 amp main, it's a pretty good short on a heavy wire, first thing I would look at is the alternator wire from the alt to the battery. That would be the only wire capible of carrying such a high current and not getting overly hot (burning in half). Make sure one of your buddies didn't connect the alt wire to the ground post. Also check that it's not burnt through someplace and shorted to ground. Those fuses are not cheap either, I would suggest that you go get a couple seales beam headlights, connect them together in parallel and connect them across where the fuse is. That will pass a good bit of current nad let you trace and troubleshoot without blowing fuse after fuse. Basically if the light glows at full brightness then you have a short. Once you locate the short, and eliminate it the bulbes will glow dimmer, you are looking to get the lights to not glow at all with the key off. Hope this helps some.
Tracker is a top end problem I think, maybe a head gasket. As far as the truck, it will fix. It's just a pain in the ass to have two vehicles that are down. The timing for having all this hit, just as I am going out of town sucks. But I will get things done in Chicago, get back here and get this shit all fixed, I suppose I just needed to bitch about it some.
Well, murphy (the law guy) stopped by today to say hello. And while he was around, knowing that I am looking for a house so I need to keep my cash outlay to a minimum, he got up to his tricks and broke the motor mount in the Dodge Pickup I have and sat the motor down with the passenger manifold laying against the frame rail. So now, I have a Geo Tracker (just bought) with a stunning 30 PSI of compression on the number 3 cylinder, the pickup with a motor that is trying hard to fall out on the ground. Abd the Camaro that seems to be leaking a bit of oil from the left cylinder head some place, but not sure where just yet. And I am going to Chicago on Sunday for work. This sucks!
BTW, you are aware that you can cut things in half with most software packages, print a logo at half width, then print the other half and line them up as you apply them. Basically what you get out of that is if your cutter is a 24 inch platten, you can make 48 inch letters with it. Actually it can be divided multiple times, and can generate BIG letters but it's wasteful as hell going over double size.
Adam. I seriously hope he gets treatment similar to what Jeff Dalmer did.
I considered editing what I said. But I think it would be better to explain it than to change it because it's about how I feel. First off, its' not that I wanted to see the guy be good at killing people, or that more people died, that ain't the case. What the guy did is discusting, pure and simple. I think he should hang for that alone. But the other part of it is that with what he did, and his lack of motivation to do it, by that I mean he went a long way towards being a lunatic serial killer. Then fell short on the killing part. What sort of looser, desides to start killing people, goes out and starts shooting, then after multiple attempts only gets it right one time? He was trying to shoot people for God's sake, it's not a difficult thing to do once you get past the moral delima of it. Think about how hard the actual act of shooting something else is, say a paper target, it's not hard to hit the paper. Now when you are a screws loose, people killin loonie, the act becomes no different. Point and shoot, because he obviously wanted to kill and had killed previously (Gale Knisley) so he had got past the moral delima of taking another humans life. That's a bigger factor in many people still walking the streets as opposed to the idea of jail time in my opinion. But even after all that, he sucked at it. And he seemed there for a while to be getting a fair amount of practice. So in addition to being a sicko serial killer wanna be, he was a looser to boot that couldn't get killing right. And killing aint difficult if you have teh stomache for it. Then to cry about what he did, saying he was sorry. I don't believe that he was sorry about anything short of he was sorry that he finally got caught.
For 50 I will take it. Being as you are in delaware and I am in Johnstown you can drop it off and save the shipping if you want. What size is it BTW, 2 5/8 or 2 1/16?
Agreed, I don't think that the cleanup of 500 gallons of gas would be as costly, but what I am getting at is this, if he hires a contractor that is versed in this sort of work they are not going to come cheap. If he hires some guy that digs swimming pools and graves mostly, and saves a few bucks, and there is no regulation saying that he can't. It will fall on the property owner first. It will be the responsibility of the property owner to sue the contractor for his losses. If the guy is normally digging 4 by 6 foot holes then chances are he is not even going to KNOW that he needs to carry a bond on the job. Now as far as how full the tanks are. They are no less than 1/4 full of something. They would have to be to have enough weight to stay in the ground. So the question is how big are the tanks. If they are 4000 gallons then yes, there is 1000 gallons of gas in them. Typical gas station tanks are actually 3500 gallon, so they are gonna be close.
Did yall hear him crying ass around about how sorry he was. Panzy ass coward, couldn't even look the people in the eye that he was shooting at. Someone shoulda bitch slapped his mamby pamby ass in the mouth for that crying around shit. The guy is such a worthless piece of human excrement that he's now deciding to ball baby ass around about what he did. He did it, he fucking knew he did it, and then he tryed to hide from it, that ended up not working out so now he's gonna ball ass around about how sorry he is. Bullshit, he ain't sorry, other than maybe about getting caught, and what really perplexes me is that the little fuck never did give a reason. I don't care what his reasons were, hell he was probably doing it to get some kicks, but he lacked motivation to really get to it, and he wasn't all that good at it to boot. How many cars did he shoot at? and he killed one person. And there ain't one of you that will sway me into believing that wasn't what he wanted to do, if he sat out to not kill anyone, when he capped that woman he would have stopped, but he didn't, that tells me he wanted to kill people. But out of all the shots the guy took, he only killed one. Hell Ted Kysinski had a better track record than that, and in the same length of time that he was playing the unibomber bullshit, there were more people killed by fucking soda machines than his bombs, sorry, but that ain't much of a record looking at it statistically. Am I glad they got him, and hes' off the street?? sure am. But I have issues with the guy, more than what he did, but that he was such a failure at doing it. I mean, if you are gonna off people for kicks, walk the hell up to em and dust em. Don't sit on an overpass and take pot shots at em with a handgun. Handguns are for killing when you are looking someone in the eye, that's for people with enough drive to want to see the look on their face when the bullet goes in, how they react when they know they been shot. If your gonna go plinking the drivers of moving automobiles, get a fucking rifle, it works better for being a panzy ass coward that don't what to look em in the eye. And what was with that shit anyhow? Cowardly little bitch couldn't even get up the gumption to walk up on someone and do em, he had to go hiding and sneaking around about it. And then he sucked at it. Look at Malvo, now that was a cowardly bitch, hiding out in the trunk of a car, but he had em running scared from building to building. Gave new meaning to paying at the pump. It was more like cashing in your chips. This fuck couldn't even get that level of fear instilled in people. The only ones that wouldn't go over on the south end were the real serious head cases that always thought they were next and people that didn't have any reason being over there to begin with. I am just let down that the ass hat is gonna have the chance to make his lowly contribution to the gene pool.