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Everything posted by desperado
Bwahahahahahaha!! graemlins/thatfunny.gif
The place I was looking at that you speak of is no longer an option. It was going to cost in excess of $10000 to concrete the garage floor, not to mention the additional wiring and other needs that the shop would have posed. I have found another, even better place though. Although the shop isn't quite as big, it's alot better suited for my needs and is quite a bit more turn key with floor and wiring needs. If things fall apart with the one I am after, I might consider the other one, but they are going to need to come down on price a good bit. I will still have room if you need to rent a bay though. I am also considering scrapping the metal nose on the camaro and going with fiberglass. If that happens I will let you know so you can get the tins off me for a reasonable sum of money. The hood (80 Z28 cowl hood) I have and it is taking up space/ going to be something I need to move but don't want to. If you are interested talk to me. We'll figure something out. [ 15. July 2005, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]
I haven't done the final polish yet, I am up to jewelers red rouge at this point. I am going to try to just use Mothers polish but I don't know how that will work out. As far as time, I have about 4 hours in it at this point not counting taking the alternator apart and reassembly.
Knights of Speed has the ability to register turned off. I don't have nor never will have a disposable speed machine and trackaddicts seems to cater to the roadracing niche, thats great if you are into it, I ain't. So what else have you got, i guess I could sell my v-8 car, go buy a Neon or a Cavalier and a big falking wing and some neon lights and go join up with columbusstreetricing, but that ain't happening either. [ 14. July 2005, 08:54 AM: Message edited by: Aggressor ]
Adam, NP, I ain't going anywhere. After getting over trying to be an ass all the time, I guess I am finding out how irritating it is. Anyway, once I get the house thing worked out maybe we need to move your Camaro up to my place and start working on it. I believe I know where we can get the front frame rails for sure and possibly a whole front clip. I do also have that hood still. I ain't gonna do nothing with it and I have hit the point that the Camaro I have is to modified to restore for reasonable money. If you want this hood, maybe we can work something out.
After spending all evening polishing one alternator, bring it from as cast to a dull luster I have a new respect for hand polished parts. Sure they ain't as bright as chrome, but the level of work that goes into taking a part that's cast, sanding and grinding all the flashing off, and bringing the surface smooth with say an 80 grit. Then cutting all the sanding marks out with a 240 then a 320. Then taking it to the buffer, going over all of it with rubbing compound cake stick, then jewelers rouge. Hours, and hours of work and mine was just a simple alternator case. But even if it ain't as flashy as chrome, it looks alot better to me.
What are the casting numbers on the heads? What prices are you asking for these items? PM me the prices pls.
scanner model number?? pics of nitro RC car or make model of car and motor is the radiator fan an aftermarket unit or is it a factory one?
I honestly don't expect CR members to sit holding hands singing coombyahh (sp) It just seems the attacks are getting more viscous lately. And more frequent. Maybe there is a rash of dumbass noob's that I am not paying attention to causing it. If I wanted a giant e-hug Id get on the WE or Lifetime network message boards. graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gif Good point.
Mind you this isn't just about a Megasquirt or Nitrous or anything specific. It's like the board has turned into a bitchfest. I don't know if someone has been showingup to meets with a dumptruck full of sand for CR members snatches or what, but it's just getting fucking old. Hell, the 3 page thread that was started about Tinmans car by his buddy, and then his buddy gets ripped apart for making the post. Not one of these fucks on here isn't curious to see how a SB2 powered RX7 is gonna run. I know there are a few that are looking to figure out how to beat it, but we all want to see it. So the guy expresses his personal delight in it nearing completion and he gets cut down for doing so. This whole board has turned into a fucking group or keyboard warrior bitch-a-lots each trying to out do the other, and its getting to the point that it's starting to carry over into the real world. And thats a problem, and yeah I am one that it's finally gotten personal with. Specifically, someone that has made numerous asshole comments to me in the past, PM's me asking about do I know anyone that is selling a motor. You know who you are, and me ignoring you was the most polite way I could think of to say fuck you I wouldn't tell you if I had a dozen setting in the garage right now. You all treat each other like shit, sit and laugh at what you have done then expect it to just not matter, after all it's only the internet right. And I am as guilty as any of you. My bullshit cost me a friendship over nothing, and yall better realize that shit in here is taken personal at times. And that shit goes WAY to far. I'll get the hell of my saltbox now, knowing that some will never bother to read this because its long and I posted it, and oddly enough its those folks that need to pay the closest attention to it.
What the hell is with all the negitive comments about different things that obviously the person makeing the comment knows little about or the comment is just logically wrong. The nitrous thing was the first, now there are comments about a video of a 10 second truck with a Megasquirt on it saying that no one can make power with a megasquirt. Firstoff, it's a 10 second full size truck. The comment that you can't make power with a megasquirt don't hold up, it's obviously makeing something to get it into the 10's. So then what's wrong with a megasquirt? Is it the building it yourself scare you? The fact that there is no baseline to tune from and EVERYTHING starts from scratch pretty much? All the damn thing does is look at the inputs from the sensors and fire a set of injectors based on the parameters that are programmed into the Megasquirt. It's no different than any other FMU other than it doesn't cost what the others do.
And you thought Ben's truck was cool !
desperado replied to Buckeye1647545503's topic in Pics and Vids
Why?? -
If anyone needs to know what a 6 inch looks like, that is what is on my Camaro for those that have seen it. Bump
Nuff Said
anybody get a count on the number of THO's. Dead givaway of the broads that were from the states just visiting. Well that and the chick dancing. It's like you could read her thoughts... These guys are REALLY looking at me, they never paid attention like this before. I don't want to look really obvious though. Am I jiggling them enough? Or am I going overboard? God that guy from school is stairing that I like, will he come over here and talk to me? My God will he notice that one tit is bigger than the other? Will anyone notice? Oh my God I would be SO embarrassed, this wasn't a good idea, oh God should I just run for cover or continue dancing around? I guess if they are jiggling they can't see that they are two different sizes. Keep dancing damn it. The music stopped, what do I do? Better just keep em bouncing, better to look foolish by dancing with no music than to give away my deformity.
This needs to be made into a commercial, with the tag line... DON'T DO DRUGS!!!
Ferrari 550 painted like the General Lee
desperado replied to Rob1647545496's topic in Pics and Vids
That's nothing. Try a Reliant K car,,,Station Wagon. Orange HOUSE paint, spray paint for teh flag and 0 1 on the doors. Use to run around town here. In fact the guy I got the Camaro from had the car. -
To run it with a card actually you would, unless I read something wrong and the regulator will go down to 4 to 6 psi.
Unhook that battery for about 30 minutes then hook it up and try it again.
Actually this is NOT correct. And YES, I hve been through the whole Childrens Services at teh door routine. Make a long story short, we all got over to the childrens services agency for a meeting. The counsler told Keith Jr that I do have the right to beat his ass (corpral punishment) if I feel it's needed and that they would not be putting me in jail for that. She then placed pictures in front of him of another case of serious abuse and told him that was abuse, and that other attempts to get me or his mother in trouble for beating his ass for being a brat would result in a trip for him to DH (detention home) and that he better have marks the next time they were called. It was BTW the third time that they had taken a report either from or about him. So beating your kids ass is perfectly legal, but it's open hand, across the buttocks, slapping in the mouth is ok as well, but no punching, basically if you don't leave marks that last more than a few hours, you haven't abused them phyically. And thatis from a case worker at Licking COunty Childrens Services, so I would geuss they know the law. EDIT: After I posted this I was listening to the radio, ad came on from the antidrug, about parents needing to get over pissing their kid off about talking to them if they know they are smoking pot. This is a clear indicator of what shit has digressed to, we need TV and radio ads telling parents it's ok to piss off their kid by telling them to not do drugs.
You know, it would seem to me that unless you were wanting to spray in multiple gears, wouldn't it be better to have the spray on the steering wheel? I mean it's safer having BOTH hands on the wheel, especially when you are spraying right?
Someone needs to break out the chains and and the heavy trucks. Put chains through car then pull in opsite directions. Good for a few laughs and a really big mess to clean up. If you invite me to the next big fun meet I will drag down the plasma cutter and we will see just how many pieces that a car can be cut into.
Dude, try at bars. They may have some old ones that they would be willing to give to you from their soda machines. But the would be 15 or 20 pounders most likely.