There are some body shop supply stores in columbus, but I bought everything online at
They were offering 10% off special at the time. I spoke with the detailerdomain guy about what products to use for my specific car, my desired outcome and location (different waxes for different climates).
I would talk to either of the 2 CR detailers to get a good idea of what you want. VW's have hard clears and paint and require more elbow grease(products and pads) than other makes.
I too would like to find a good brake caliper brush, and wheel brush to get the entire barrel of the wheel without taking the wheel off.
I got a Porter cable buffer, 2 polishes, a wax, various pads and some microfiber for about 350. Good starter kit, but I am finding out that there are better products out there, and ones that are easier to use as well.
Good luck, and nice car!