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Everything posted by 2highpsi

  1. Scratch my last question. After further reading I saw up to 325mm is acceptable
  2. Makes sense. What happens if someone runs faster than their index? One more question, in reference to the "True 10.5 inch wide tires" How is this figured out? Using the metric calculator... the stock rear tires on my car are 11.2".. Although I don't think they actually measure out quite as wide.
  3. So ideally, a car that runs X.01 consistently would do the best? So like if I say my car is in the 10s. I would be racing cars that run between 10.00 and 10.99 And if someone in that class runs a 9.9 they essentially "break out" and lose?
  4. What do you expect the ET range of the competitors of this to be?
  5. It depends. Sometimes I take it off, sometimes I leave it on. Mowing with the FEL attached doesn't bug me, except for when I am really close to the house. It only takes a minute to attach or take off the loader or deck though. Very easy.
  6. I'll start things out. Alex. The race we talked about. Wooden nickel vs titanium coin. Grant. I will give you a 4 second head start in whatever you want to bring. :gabe:
  7. Well, Registration is up. Let the fun begin. Who is gonna walk who?
  8. I have around 5 acres. Lots of hills and some woods, etc. I ended up going with a Kubota 2360 and added the Front End Loader. It does a GREAT job cutting the grass, plus I use it for odds and ends around the house all the time. I was very skeptical spending so much on something to "cut grass" but it has been worth it's weight in gold. They also hold a very good value. So if you can find a new dealer willing to invoice one out during one of Kubotas 0% sales, you would be better off than buying a used one. http://twentywheels.com/imgs/a/a/c/o/g/kubota_bx2360_with_front_loader_and_mower_deck_1_lgw.jpg
  9. That sucks man. I am assuming the Benz? Not sure what kind of total value you are talking on the property, but was it not enough to justify turning it into insurance? I can make a couple calls and get some pricing on a window tomorrow if you want.
  10. I have come to the conclusion that I will never like, nor understand stretched tires, crazy camber, or zero ground clearance. On this car however, it doesn't matter. It still looks bad ass.
  11. I have had an iPhone since they first came out, so close to 7 years now. Always updated with the newest model, not because of the "cool factor" but because it didn't cost me anything. I would pay the $199, extend my contract, and sell my old phone for $200+ on eBay. After using the same phone for so long the familiarity kept me tied to the brand. I can navigate through the phone without paying much attention because I know it so well. That being said, I think I am jumping ship. The last couple iPhones I have got have been plagued with problems. From screens going out, to poor reception, to this most recent one that can not be off of a charger for more than a few hours. I know the phones well enough, that I can do my own repairs, I am just sick of having to do that. So I think when the S5 comes out I will bid farewell to my old friend the iPhone. **OT: When a loyal user like me is willing to jump ship... it's probably time to dump your Apple stock **
  12. Thanks for the recommendations guys. :thumbup: Mike, I tried to PM you and your inbox was full. Feel free to PM me, or shoot me a text/call. My cell is 740-229-9222.
  13. You can get a slightly used Fusion Titanium Ecoboost for less money, and I think it's twice the car. http://www.greatenergychallengeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/ford-fusion-590x344.jpg http://www.carrentingreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/2013-Ford-Fusion-Titanium_ambient-lighting.jpg
  14. Unfortunately, aside from the videos that TRC and 1320 are still processing, there won't be a whole lot more. The entire drag portion of TX2K got cancelled for the first time ever. Too much rain.
  15. 2highpsi

    Missing Plane

    Well hopefully the lesson learned here is that tracking components should be inaccessible in flight, and not remotely controllable. That would seem like common sense....
  16. The bank is setup to where you do not have to turn the wheel at 100 mph. The guys that were trapping 190+ all said it was pretty scary. Most of the UGR crowd ran R888s and didn't have much problem. T1 Racing GT-R went 198 (IIRC) on drag radials, and said with those tires and their drag suspension, the turn was just too dangerous. They did not partake in the second day.
  17. Exactly! And since I posted, I will add some more:
  18. It seems like a "short race" because these cars are all MONSTERS. The races started at 60mph (up to 65mph) and one car trapped OVER 200mph. Most roll races end far earlier than that. Edit: Not sure I would have had the balls to keep my foot on the right pedal at close to 200mph with that turn so close, lol.
  19. This was only for yesterday though. Seeding was based on Trap. Today's eliminations were ET. So first to finish, no matter the trap, wins.
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