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Everything posted by 2highpsi

  1. THANK YOU Aaron for the opportunity! I know they didn't end up going that route, but the fact that they gave me a shot is all I ever ask for. I'm not going to sell every car to every person, and thats ok. If nothing else it gives me a chance to show people how we do business, and maybe in the future they will think to come back again, or maybe they will refer someone. Thanks again man :thumbup:
  2. Atleast I'm not the only one.... And I LOVE the current gen F-150. I don't know, maybe this one will grow on me.
  3. http://distilleryimage0.s3.amazonaws.com/f688052478b311e3aaf40a5186b325f0_6.jpg
  4. I personally think FB is FAR over valued. 140 Billion dollars???? :dumb: That being said, it's just one of those stocks that people buy. I'm considering shorting it (again) for what it's worth.
  5. This is the first thing that crossed my mind.
  6. It's gonna be awesome. There are only a couple cars in this competition that I could see having an issue coming into the turn at that speed. A Duster and an Integra, I think.
  7. The company LOSES money. At the current price (which is down again) the market cap values the company at 200 Million. A company with next to no fixed assets, and that has never made money. The reason it went up, is because it was in a "Pump" phase. It's now down because people are "Dumping" It's a garbage stock. Their phototrons supposedly sell for $500. They supposedly have sold 150,000 units. However their lifetime revenue is far less than what that would equate to. IF by some miracle of pump and dump super schemes... this stock ever got above $1, you would be looking at close to a Billion dollar valuation. At those levels you would see some SEC intervention and the house of cards would come crumbling down.
  8. Pump and dump stock. It will be back to 5 cents soon
  9. Is that Lamborghini balloon white? Gonna look great!
  10. No title... damn. The bike is an 03 with 12k miles. I would probably need the quad and $2k
  11. I could use this to clean the lot. Interested in trading the quad plus cash for a GSX-R 750? http://cimg.carsforsale.com/503149/D0421554-50B3-4717-86A0-3099EF8DBCD7_1.jpg
  12. If you pick up an S2K, I have the Race version of an InlinePro turbo kit sitting in my parts room for one. http://www.inlinepro.com/s1/p-16-stage-2-s2000-turbo-kit.aspx
  13. You really should drive one. If you wait for a deal on an 09, I think they are the best value out there. The MSRP on new is ridiculous now though.
  14. I have had both. If you take either a Cobra or an Evo and you make it a 10.x car, it no longer handles well at all. I LOVED both platforms. But pushing them that far, ruined them IMO.
  15. http://images.thecarconnection.com/lrg/nissan-gt-r_100408324_l.jpg
  16. Speaking of iPads.... How does the Gone Wild Trophy Room of Victory look when viewed with a Retina display? :gabe:
  17. After the run the GTR owner found a hole in a charge pipe coupler the size of a quarter. So, it was nowhere near 1300hp during that run.
  18. Good to see ya made it on buddy. :thumbup: Doug is a good guy. I told him he needed to add a couple of the CR track days to his schedule this year in addition to TX2K14 and Zdayz that he is already attending.
  19. Hope he recovers. I'm also not sure I have ever read such a contradictory article ever....
  20. Lol. You should buy a GTR for sure. But don't rent one. They are common enough to where you could take a ride in one from a dealership, or with someone from the forum.
  21. :thumbup: Very cool. I would be torn between McLaren and the Aventador.
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