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Everything posted by 2highpsi

  1. This. The sad fact is that any dealer (or bank for that matter) can be shady, or just plain bad at their job.
  2. I signed someone up at 1.65% for 72 months on a used 2011 today. That's not a special manufacture rate. That's from a regular bank. They also kicked us a couple hundred bucks, that I was able to pass on via additional discount to the customer to put the deal together
  3. Dealers typically get "reserve" which is money from the bank for lining up the loan. They can also usually get better rates than what you can direct from the bank. With that knowledge, you can usually save on interest (getting a better rate) and save on the car (knowing they can draw some of their profit from the financing) Plus you can get it all done within 15 minutes at the dealership and drive your car home. EDIT: Not all dealers are honest. So just call your bank and ask for their best rate to make sure the dealer is giving you competitive terms
  4. Are you serious?? I pay both to list our cars, and I could never figure out why people even used cars.com I hate their interface.
  5. I know a guy that can hook you up...........
  6. I am going to be the contrarian here and say go all in. Do it right or don't do it at all. I do however agree with Ken's advice of talking to other shop owners before hand. The planning stages should take months (sometimes years), and you should have hundreds of pages of notes. Meet with people from the SBA (it's free) and they will give some good direction. From there you should meet with an attorney and an accountant. Personally I like using a huge dry erase board to organize pieces of my notes and draw up a game plan from all the info gathered from everywhere, but everyone has their own way.
  7. Franchise capital requirements are crazy nowadays.
  8. http://www.bankrate.com/financing/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CD-rates-and-Treasuries-graph.png :barf:
  9. Honestly, aside from starting your own small business that you own and operate 100k needs a lot of time to earn you any real cash. If you found a safe investment that paid 5% annually tax free (good luck) and you reinvested all the interest, it would still take you 14 years to double your money. 100k just isn't enough to "earn on it's own". To make real money on 100k you will have to throw in some of your time one way or another.
  10. Have you seen savings interest rates? When you factor inflation, it's a negative yield.
  11. The best defense is a good offense. File a harassment suit against her first.
  12. If you were earning an income I would be happy for you, not chapped at all. I am also fully aware that a Doctorate is not required to be wealthy or "achieve a GTR". pro tip: Kirk's wealth and cars don't make him "cool". His general demeanor does.
  13. My mustang is indeed weak ass. It would however beat anything you own if we were to race today.
  14. How much talent does it take to............... Complete Med School, Become a surgeon, pay cash for a car that with little mods and minimal driving skills can run nine second ETs....... Answer: 8
  15. Let's play "How much talent does it take to......." The game uses a scale from 1 to 10. 1 Being something that takes almost no skill at all. A single celled organism may be able to complete this task. 10 Being something incredibly difficult. Think putting a man on the moon. I'll start. How much talent does it take to............ Defraud the government out of welfare, use those funds to build a shitbox Salvage title car, then benchrace the POS while it's in pieces...... Answer: 1
  16. I have been running ie10 on Windows 7 for months (pre-release) It was actually a little faster than the newest Chrome at the time. I attribute some of the Amazon Lightning deals I picked up during Black Friday (when milliseconds count) to IE10
  17. It's hard to understand looking at it in the perspective of one game. But look at it in the context of a million games. If the initial location of the winning prize is random, keeping your initial choice should net you 333,333 wins (give or take a small margin of error) Run the same million games changing your choice every single time, and you should net 500,000 wins (give or take a small margin of error)
  18. You are better to switch. The initial decision gives you a 1 in 3 chance to win. When the host shows you a losing door, your odds are still 1 in 3. No matter what door you initially chose, he will show you a loser door. By changing your door, you have made an entirely new decision. A decision in where only two doors are unknowns. You now have a 1 in 2 chance in being correct.
  19. The whole system seems really impressive. You will be waiting for a while. They went with the AMD processor so they could come to market at a lower price point, but they plan on holding that price longer than they held release pricing last time.
  20. I listed one on here a couple weeks ago for more money, and had 6 people interested in it. I also had damn near that much money in it. I know it's crazy, but that just really is the market on these things now. 5 years ago Apple stock was selling for under $100 a share. The same exact stock is now around $500. Gold was $900, anod now it is $1600 + Unfortunately sometimes stuff goes up in value..............
  21. How many can you get me at $550 a piece? I am talking bulk pricing here. Can you get 50k worth?
  22. After you get them for $300, I'll let you make an easy couple grand and give you almost double your money on the whole lot. :gabe:
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