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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. How much are you wanting the tow? I know a shitload of people who pull the max 5k lbs allowed and some, in a few cases. I know that's not full-size body on frame action but it's something. This is with the v6 4x4 like ours, though. Also, the actual Toyota trailer hitch is a much better and far different affair than any other brand you would buy, as well. Far more robust and better engineered from the looks of it.
  2. Ralph Gilles may've let it slip recently that the new Barracuda could have more HP than the Viper. Of course, it won't be nearly as light, etc, but still impressive.
  3. I used to goto school with a Jeff Lutz. How old is this one? If he's between 35-40, I need a pic. I'd say the go kart he and I built was thrown together quite a bit better especially for two guys in their mid teens. haha
  4. I got mine for free, so... :gabe: I have an email address specifically for shit like this. I'm sure many others do, as well.
  5. I was referring more to extracurricular activities as opposed to work and the like. I can understand growing up in a an area will have you more used to it and accepting; well, for some, anyway. haha I grew up performing hard labor and playing in 95o+ weather and 90+ humidity. Conditions on the other end of the spectrum. I don't really stress about the weather, it is what it is, but I must say I'm getting impatient for spring this year. And as for snow, if it's gonna be cold and shitty brown it might as well snow its ass off!
  6. I agree fully. Now, between the new 2015 WRX and 2015 STi, I'm still tempted to say WRX if it's only for daily driving and back roads. Though, you'll miss out on a few gizmos. Also, the STi's drivetrain is a bit more proven since it's been around longer, although I really don't know if that'll equate to better reliability compared to the newly boosted 2.0. That's the kind of fun research you get to perform when looking for a new car. :-) Fun to me, anyway.
  7. I know what you mean but can you honestly say that there hasn't been days every winter where you would've gone out to do some shit, whatever it may be, and didn't because of the weather? Now, far south, you get into the other end of the spectrum but southern Cali is starting to sound pretty good again. haha I honestly cannot think of a day I ever said, "Nah, weather's too shitty. Staying home."
  8. Everything tastes shitty compared to soda. One of my hardest habits to break. I do still have a one diet mt dew a day. My biggest thing was the soda I drank during the day. I switched over to drinking straight black coffee which I've always enjoyed anyway. I don't have to have it first thing but I look forward to it. The best advice I can give is just to prepare to go out there and buy one of everything that looks interesting and try it. Then, once you've settled on a couple drinks and get used to them, because that's the key - getting used to it, and then every so often, try some old ones or some new ones as your tastes adjust.
  9. The novelty of winter has definitely finally worn off for me. Now, I just feel like everyone wastes a 1/3 of their lives hiding from it up north. I wanna head back south or sw.
  10. That's kinda what I thought but needed a visual confirmation. Thank you. I can see where those could be handy.
  11. Here's something I assume not very many people here would have heard or would normally listen to. Guy's voice is haunting and very real. Was into this guy a quite a few years ago and then kinda forgot. Listened to him today and thought this was a good place for it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitas Vitas - Opera II Vitas - Smile His high notes in this one remind me a bit of the BeeGees. haha Which I also like. At about 2:40 he embarasses and jellies Mariah Carey. While this post is on a Russian kick... I present a russian rapper. I believe some of you may actually recognize this song. Basta - Mama
  12. Seriously, it's bigger than the one you're thinking of. How many stories do you think this guy jumped? Damn impressive especially when considering the size and weight of these things.
  13. I'm not sure I'm getting where the dry rack goes or something. Other than that, nice clean-up. The more places there are for things and the more convenient it is, the more likely it'll stay tidied up.
  14. ImUrOBGYN

    Missing Plane

    Haha Loved that show when I was a kid. Came on after The Love Boat, which I did not like.
  15. Haha @ about 1:10. I will say that I once got stuck on some railroad tracks in my old TR7. It caught the muffler, yanked it out and stood the rear end on top of it lengthwise so the rear wheels spun in the air. Haha Imagine my surprise when my car just revved but didn't go anywhere. Keep in mind, I even went slow and expected the scrape. It all happened so quickly and easily. I paid some guy 10 bucks to pull the muffler out from underneath since I was on my way to a party and didn't want to get dirty. haha Blat! Blat!
  16. Nice pictures, man. And I feel like we're done with any big winter swings for the season. Hope that feeling's right.
  17. haha Oh, and my opinion, to make it official, is that I found the above comment full of humor and truth.
  18. This definitely seems to be an issue from what I've been reading elsewhere. I can't imagine with the notice it seems to be getting how much longer it will go on... Probably until the cold weather is over. What a coincidence.
  19. I considered these while looking for another daily but couldn't find one I could trust at the price I was considering. Eventually, got my current car. For a little hatchback, the Focus handles pretty damn well and is lively.
  20. ImUrOBGYN

    Missing Plane

    In other news, I'm offering $99 flights to anywhere in a third world country. Completely coincidental, btw. :ninja:
  21. Yep, a little late showing, but throw me down on the backup list, please. I wouldn't mind helping out.
  22. That's shitty. Good luck, man. Haha Goddamn you for finally making me laugh at the running joke (admitted or otherwise) in this thread. This seems like sound advice.
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