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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I did see your car there but forgot it was yours. I was parked behind and a couple spots over at Target. Can't forgot that hood exhaust.
  2. Possible Friday Night Snow Fights? I'm ready with some all-seasons and a peg-leg.
  3. lol Ricart Forbes: "Yesterday, in a blow for capitalism and common sense, the Ohio House declined to attach the amendment to the bill. For the moment, Tesla is free to open dealerships there, but the battle isn’t done. The legislature wants to look at the issue in greater depth again next year. But in Ohio, existing franchise law made that leap impossible. The only reason an anti-Tesla law was needed was because the company had no existing dealerships to compete with. GM, Ford, or Audi already couldn’t open a corporate-owned dealership in Ohio whether or not the new law passed. But that didn’t stop Rhett Ricart, owner of a dealership in Groveport, Ohio from hyperbolically declaring: “Tesla is Armageddon” and insisting the legislation was needed." http://jalopnik.com/tesla-scores-win-against-car-dealers-in-ohio-as-amendme-1476300041
  4. I was in my white Faktrix, I mean Pontiac Vibe.
  5. Hmm, you all look goofy... I did see a handful of people I know, so at least I wasn't completely alone. I was caught a bit off guard with the number of people and didn't really know who was who or what. Still, it was good to get out for a bit and do some good if only a little. I wish I would've had a line of people unloading boxed like that when I moved a couple months ago. What did that take? Like a minute for 3 or 4 trucks?
  6. Agreed. Nice pick up... pun definitely intended.
  7. Damn, man... Be strong and keep it together. I wish you all the best of luck.
  8. I see you're not going to Cali, but this statement still stands firm. haha Or a MKIII RAV. Decent idea. Just sell it before its stolen once you get there.
  9. I ventured out from the SW side of Cbus. Wanted to get out of the house for a bit anyway and might as well do a little bit of good while doing it. Turn out was bigger than I expected. I don't do Facebook so any pics/vids would be great to see. Thanks.
  10. Combination of health issues and bad diet and exercise. I'm guessing without proper care, both mentally and physically, it just spirals out of control. I will say don't be so quick to point the finger and say "Quit eating shit, then!", as even now, scientist are beginning to realize that the bad eating isn't what always comes first. (Though that taco she's eating isn't helping the situation.)
  11. We've used Riverside Animal Care for quite some time, now. Our doctor is very good with our dogs (you'd think they all would be, but that just isn't the case). Her name is Dr. Michelle Wisecup. http://riversideanimalcare.com/ Located right around 270 and 257, NW side. They're open 8-330pm on Sat.
  12. Finish up I/C piping and installing eManage for the Supra. Tune and a little xtra boost. Finished up the Vibe's suspension, now. Also rebuilt the parking brake assemblies in time for some snow fun. (Hate those damn things.) Next is a cat delete. Not for hp, but that'll be a very mild side effect.
  13. The Vibe is chock full of them. This. The put it there so they can say, "Hey, we said that was illegal. Don't act surprised. Now, you get another charge." In the meantime, there will be some who use it outside its scope like many other bullshit laws.
  14. I love that shit. However, I've been ATVless now for years. sadface
  15. *Stands out in yard and shakes fist at most of CR; hurts hip.*
  16. Youtube has some great channels. Can't remember specific channels since it's been awhile. There are a couple good ones I utilized when I was in welding class. I also have an excellent welding book (I won't part with it but have no problems making copies.) I don't know how far you live from me - I'm off of Clime near SW Cbus - so I don't know how viable that is for you. I'd practice with the MIG, too since that's what's currently available to you.
  17. Public is my favorite, you know that. Videos fixed, btw. 2nd clip is better. I was trying to get the other side of the track in the first one.
  18. Couple of very quick clips taken from Turn 5. Let me know if the clips don't work and I'll just switch them to unlisted. It's only an HTC EVO phone and my res settings where botched. Didn't realize it till later. Turn it up loud! http://youtu.be/d2KfrBjvwKg http://youtu.be/Pvp0Ell_e2M
  19. haha Anyone ever heard of moving on? What's he really proving doing this? Sure, it's entertaining to us, but all he's proven is how much control she still has over his life. Man the fuck up, grow some damn balls, take control of your own life and move the fuck on.
  20. vtec? :gabe: Well, dammit, someone had to ask it...
  21. Dude is a weak minded piece of shit, imo. Keep defending him.
  22. lol Right. Somewhere out of sight just behind the Nova, there's an LS motor with its hand stuck up the Nova's ass like so much ventriloquist dummy.
  23. Would've been funny if someone had secretly filled a pumpkin up with strawberry jam or some shit.
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