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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Sounds interesting. I've done quit4 a bit of fishing and hiking in the evenings in the lesser seen back portion (through the train tunnel) of the park. Last time I went for a little hike and came within 10ft of some teenagers. Never even knew I was there...:ninja: lol Anyway, be nice to learn more about the area.
  2. I don't think white people should be on welfare. Reperations are for the minorities. :gabe:
  3. Mine is specifically for smacking my own junk with. :gabe:
  4. Now, I know it's shit. lol One thing I'm not seeing here that's is far more important than wpm, is errors per minute. I can type 300 wpm too if none of them are spelled correctly or make any sense. (Full Disclosure: I have not yet clicked the link.)
  5. Yes, but it's not a real Eclipse.
  6. Welcome, Dale. Love me some old vette.
  7. In all the places I've lived over the US, redtail has got to be the most common/widespread hawk that I've seen. I've always thought it'd be cool to own a raptor as a pet. (Including the dinosaur. ) I've especially always wanted a big, beautiful owl.
  8. I am sorry, but that is very clearly a Cooper's Hawk. Not only is the build not heavy enough for a Red Tail, but the tail is banded. Another dead give away.
  9. Good. Someone should bring one up against Enterprise, too.
  10. Gotcha. Contrary to popular belief and stereotypes, my lawn care knowledge is not as extensive as some would like to believe.
  11. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091125000854/streetfighter/images/2/2c/Ryu-sf2-shoryuken.gif
  12. You could always rent an aerator. Is the need truly that dire?
  13. Be sure they use a mechanical core aerator (Hollow tines). Other aerators such as those with spikes don't work as well and may actually further compact the soil.
  14. I believe the issue was the people on the train didn't lean into that corner...
  15. If you find something that works, be sure to post back. I have the same problem you describe in the Supra. It's especially noticable after a good wash.
  16. There's a sizable chance of my gf and I having to move back there next year for work. Told myself I'd never go back. lol Guess I'll try focusing on the positives, at least, of which there are a few.
  17. Welcome. I'm a little jealous as New Zealand is beautiful. The gf and I came close to moving there a few years ago for work but obviously Ohio is just too awesome to let us go. lol Unlike Doc, I learned most everything I know about New Zealand from the show Flight of the Conchords. haha
  18. Takes a long time to cross Texas on horseback.
  19. Nice buy. I do not like red but was suprised to find it looks really good in that color.
  20. Are the legs noticably spikey? If not, it's just a common grass spider. Very easy to confuse with a wolf spider if you're not familiar with the various species. One of the big give aways is its abdomen which is thing and drawn out unlike the various wolf spiders. Like the wolf's, it's venom is not generally considered dangerous to most people. As someone mentioned above, this time of year it's pretty common for insects to start looking for somewhere warm and safe. I'm finding all kinds of shit in my house, too. I always find them in the same spot to the left of where I sit on the couch. I believe it's due to the variouls aquarium, etc lights that seem to converge on that spot on the floor at night. It seems to eventually attract all the wild bugs running around at night. lol I have a bug catchin' container I use. If the gf isn't paying attention, I'll let some bugs live just to help rid my house of the possibly harmful ones I miss.
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