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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I'm assuming the funny part was when you uncontrollably got out buck-naked and tried fucking them all?
  2. Shaddap. You talk like monkeys when airplanes pink run tornadoes. Olives.
  3. I'm digging the 'wheelie bars' but missing the hex exhaust.
  4. ImUrOBGYN

    Cuban coffee

    I'm Puerto Rican and I have some coffee here but it's not Puerto Rican coffee. :dumb: Seriously, though, I want some PR coffee... I would prefer to pick it up from Puerto Rico myself, but oh well. If anyone turns up with some extra, I wouldn't mind a shot at it. Or really any coffee for that matter. I'm always down to try some new beans.
  5. Welcome, Staph. I mean Steph. Get some pics up of the beast!
  6. The Irish are know for the figthing/boxing. Well, they're known for that once you get past the drinking thing.
  7. Disclosure: I've only read the title and refuse to read through this thread's entirety and what I'm sure are many (but not all) ignorant ass comments. That being said, my anwswer is "No". The thought is absolutely fucking ridiculous. You can justify it all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you are deciding to mutilate another person against their will so they may simply have help. Do I think there should be a limit enforced on spitting out kids when you're not financially viable? Yes. Demanding someone "get fixed" for some help is far overstepping the boundary. Of course, this is all a matter of opinion. Mine, in this case.
  8. Please, do your family a favor and find another vehicle. This is coming from someone who's always had a soft spot for Jeep/Chrysler products. I don't know anyone who has really been happy owning one and this includes average joe/non-enthusiasts. Also, it is NOT a Jeep and the 4x4 system is NOT equivalent to many other Jeeps.
  9. I have a ct-26. Is that comparable? :gabe:
  10. One wheel on each one then add HP totals together. :gabe:
  11. Right?! Funnel that shit into your ass like a bauce! Edit: Maybe I shouldn't use the term "shit" in that sentence...
  12. Watch the beer goggles and the fatties. We don't wanna spread it more.
  13. It truly does. You need a break here and there to catch your breath, to let your balls settle back into the seat and your ass to unpucker.
  14. I always thought it'd be cool if they'd genetically engineer a dog that only ate other dog's poop... Maybe, you get bag of dog mints with each poop eatin' dog purchase. Probably shouldn't let it lick you.
  15. Some of you are picking women who are technically over 50, but their face, tits and ass are less than 5 years old. :megusta: You might as well get on ebay and find you a vintage blow up doll. I feel that would be equivalent.
  16. You know you want that damn phone...
  17. This. I've seen the system running and the cameras used. Very nice. Two nights ago, someone or some people, came through our block taking anyone's change etc that was left out in the open with an unlocked door on the car. We lock our autos so no probs for us but neighbors got petty shit taken. Was thinking of harassing Thorne about it myself.
  18. This. As to the rest of you whining, good. That'll keep the pack down and the negative Nancys away. The way I see it is I'm not the one setting it up so it's not my problem. If someone comes along who can't drive with a head on their shoulders there are countless roads out there for good driving and I'll simply peel off from the group and finish my own drive. Edit: Also, depending when this goes down, I won't; be in the Supra so I'll probably just take my place at the back of the "pack".
  19. I'd be down to go tear up my rental car next weekend of the 21st. It's been 2-3 months since I've been to 555, etc. No way I'll haVe the pipes fitted and the supra tuned by then. Econo rental ftw.
  20. Toyoda did, so by relation if nothing else, yes. That still doesn't mean much to us without solid numbers and possible parameters from their engineers, however.
  21. ImUrOBGYN


    Welcome. Nice http://addins.kwwl.com/blogs/thedirt/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Colorado_potato_beetle.jpg Needs moar racing stripe :fuckyeah:
  22. That's a very long, deep, complicated, family involved tale that I'd rather not get too deeply into within this thread. Craziness back in the days...
  23. What's fucking new about this?! Oh, now it's "official". I had my house raided back in 91, nothing was found and no charges were brought. They kept every fucking thing they took: one of my cars, all the shit and paperwork in my drawers, anything informative looking. They even tried to take my dogs after I expressly warned them not to go in the backyard with their drug dog that my dogs would attack. They did. They didn't take the dogs, however they enjoyed threatening me. Their dog shit on my wooden floor and they left that, though. Thanks. Again, I never saw a single, solitary object of mine that they took ever again. ATF was involved in the raid though they may not be the actual ones who confiscated my shit officially.
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