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Rice Eater

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Everything posted by Rice Eater

  1. Wife saved it for me, just wouldn't work on my phone. Pm me the cost of a full res one as I might go for that.
  2. How do I get a copy of my picture, I tried saving it to my phone but it just saves a full black image. This one: http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/Leannes-Track-Day-Pictures/38798094_N3vpqQ/3206603820_dVCX9H2 Great pic, thanks for taking it. Mark
  3. I had a good time, first time manual shifting my auto at the track. Still need more practice reacting to the shift light but posted a new personal best 10.815@124.37. Thanks to those who did the work while the rest of us played! If there are any good launch pictures of my car from the front I would be interested in buying one, flat black third gen Camaro #68, Thanks.
  4. That was the best I have seen it prepped on a Friday night that I went to. I was never anywhere close to the front of the group so the water wasn't a prob. My car has always been at 1.60 60', but my second pass it went 1.50 and then back to 1.60 on my last 2 passes. I foot brake and launch around 2400 on a 3500 converter and it was rattling the tires some on the later passes.
  5. I made 4 passes Fri, 1 easy "clear the cobwebs" pass and 3 serious ones. My 2nd being the best with the best 60' by .10 and the last 2 trailing off a bit like your 3-5. Curious what time you made the 3rd pass, if it was about the same time as my best at 7:25? Thinking the weather/track prep was just very good at that time.
  6. Digging this back up. Thinking this is the year I do it, probably Charleston to Crown Point then break off and visit my old stomping grounds in SW Mich. I was curious how the route went and such, if they would come through central Oh or take I-77 to Cleveland and cross up there.
  7. Reliable Truck Parts on Old Refugee just east of Fairwood. http://rtparts.com/
  8. I made the mistake of putting in my truck in the website then searching the part # in your pic and it said it wouldn't fit and wouldn't show me what it did fit. I have a 99 suburban 4wd. Glws
  9. Thanks. I just found the website with the info, it's supposed to be done tonight.
  10. Anyone know if the I-70w to I-71n exit is closed completely or just at night? I work in the Alum Creek Dr area and the electronic road sign says that interchange is closed when I go into work at 3am. Thanks.
  11. Having managed auto parts stores I have a very high expectation for the interaction whether on the phone or in person. Very rarely are my expectations reached letalone exceeded. I always have my part numbers in hand and always check that the part offered is correct. When parts stores replaced catalogs with computers the knowledge of the parts guy went down the tubes. I have had Managers of parts stores tell me they didn't carry a part and got pissy when I told them they did in fact carry it and had it in stock. I was there for many of the milestone transitions...cash registers to computers, typing in sku-qty-price to scanners, catalogs to computers, creative merchandising to planograms and "tell me what a combination valve does" to "can you understand english" as an interview question. Hire people who know more than how to put a cold air kit on a civic, and NEVER hire a hot cashier, even if she does come to the interview wearing her cheerleading uniform, because every guy in the hood will be hanging out at your counter flirting with her and she'll never get the cleaning done!
  12. Edco tools on Phillipi rd..they have everything for 1/8" and 1'4" mandrel..burrs and cartridge rolls cross buffs etc...as said do your research, bigger isn't always better. and you will kill that dremel very fast porting anything..get a cheap air or elec grinder from Harbor Freight.
  13. I had issues with DT in Lancaster 2 years ago and wont go back. I used the Dt in Hilliard when I lived up there and got great service. I have been an installer in tire/lube shops and managed them, and the problem I found was that too many of the techs thought that all they needed to do was get the job out the door and get to the next one. People thing that just because they start out at entry level wages that they don't have to do any more than just show up.
  14. Check which type seal it is, it would be getting bored, decked etc, just need it to be able to end up at 030 if possible. If it meets what I need, I will pay you for it.
  15. Quick fix, they have bale wires clipping them on like 70's GM master cylinders.
  16. Very common for the o-rings to leak on the oil cooler, especially on those single port models.
  17. Looking for a standard bore or hone ready .030 over 350 bare block, 2 pc rear main seal, 73-85 driver side dipstick model. Need nothing but the block and matching main caps.
  18. Ok gonna do it now Thank You!
  19. So far it looks ok, The laptop is online and updated the malwarebytes and I'm rescanning with the updated version. Hopefully it's gone.
  20. malwarebytes found it and said it removed it, it's restarting now. its a toshiba laptop I bought like Feb of 2011, it didn't come with the disc, pretty sure it told me to make it like my desktops had..I can find them but not the one for the laptop. If the malwarebytes doesn't work, is it too late to make the disk, or there is a 1-800 number that came with the laptop that says I can buy a recovery disk from them at a "nominal fee".
  21. Ok, running the malwarebytes right now. If this doesn't work and I have to reload windows, we talking about the recovery disk or can I do the reset to an earlier time thing? or someone explain what I need to do in idiots terms haha. I moved last summer and I cannot find the recovery disk, I'm sure I didn't Not make it, I have all the others. If I didn't make it, is it too late? BTW thanks everyone for the help so far!
  22. Reinstalling windows will get rid of it for sure? Akula, my laptop wont let me connect to the net in safe mode, should it?
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