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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Did you talk to Jon personally or his wife Candy?
  2. Your right police brutality is rare... Only 370 deaths from tasers since 1999. http://truthnottasers.blogspot.com/2008/04/what-follows-are-names-where-known.html http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/07/22/taser.death/index.html http://tallahassee.com/legacy/special/blogs/2007/02/state-rules-taser-death-of-disabled.html http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/25/national/main3537803.shtml
  3. That clip is spot on. Here is another one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzFOOcEQtP0&NR=1
  4. Accusing me of defrauding patients is a very serious of offense in the state of Ohio. When I say something about the practice of medicine, I can back it up with references from their own journals. All Kirk brings to the table is personal attacks on me saying I am defrauding patients. If Kirk would like to keep pushing this I can and will contact both the Ohio medical board and Florida Medical Board and then he can explain it to them. He may enjoy the 6 month vacation from practice. I have built a very good practice in Knox county. I see more patients per week in Knox county than any other Doctor in Knox county, including Medical doctors here. I have seen more than 10,000 new patients in 10 years. Have given more than 500,000 adjustments. You don't build practices like that by defrauding people, especially in a small town.
  5. You guys watch to much ER. These fools are not as smart as what you think. Remember Kirk, making accusations of me committing fraud is frowned upon by Ohio and Florida medical boards.
  6. You are a fool. I have more anotomy training than you do... true story. . That sounds real good until it is your child. You should not through rock in a glass house. Look at all the garbage you hand out to your patients. A good number of the drugs will be taken off the market at some point because they don't work or they kill people. I bet is the obesity is directly proportional to the introduction of McDonald's and KFC. Diets of indigenous tribes through out the world did not have obesity, heart disease cancer, dental decay, etc. until western diets were introduced. But of course you have no training in basic human nutrition and wellness.
  7. http://www.cafeoflifepikespeak.com/Videos/Licensed%20To%20Pill.swf This is what Kirk and his cronies are doing to you and your families.
  8. http://www.cafeoflifepikespeak.com/Videos/Licensed%20To%20Pill.swf This is what Kirk and his cronies are doing to your families.
  9. Cant you do anything besides drugs and surgery?
  10. You dont know the difference between a dietitian and clinical nutrition. Typical White coat syndrome MD. God complex has a grip on you. BTW. If I need to know exactly hiw the surgery is done maybe you should have to know how to treat the people you screw up. You dont know how to do that. To sit here and ask me surgical questions is like me asking you to explain spinal biomechanics and it relationsship to Kinesiopathology, Myopathology, Neuropathophysiology, Histopathology, and Pathophysiology. Just giving the facts. You will kill people in your career. Sorry you don't like it sometime the truth hurts. BS. If it is a disease then it would be happening all over the world. This is an American problem.
  11. Kirk, Choke on this http://archsurg.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/short/142/10/923 Death Rates and Causes of Death After Bariatric Surgery for Pennsylvania Residents, 1995 to 2004 Bennet I. Omalu, MD, MPH; Diane G. Ives, MPH; Alhaji M. Buhari, MA, MSIE; Jennifer L. Lindner, DO; Philip R. Schauer, MD; Cyril H. Wecht, MD, JD; Lewis H. Kuller, MD, DrPH Arch Surg. 2007;142(10):923-928. Background Bariatric surgery has emerged as the most effective treatment for class III obesity (body mass index, ≥40). The number of operations continues to increase. We measured case fatality and death rates by time since operation, sex, age, specific causes of death, and mortality rates. Design and Setting Data on all bariatric operations performed on Pennsylvania residents between January 1, 1995, and December 31, 2004, were obtained from the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost and Containment Council. Matching mortality data were obtained from the Division of Vital Records, Pennsylvania State Department of Health. Outcome Measures Age- and sex-specific death rates after bariatric surgery. Results There were 440 deaths after 16 683 operations (2.6%). Age-specific death rates were much higher in men than in women and increased with age. Age- and sex-specific death rates after bariatric surgery were substantially higher than comparable rates for the age- and sex-matched Pennsylvania population. The 1-year case fatality rate was approximately 1% and nearly 6% at 5 years. Less than 1% of deaths occurred within the first 30 days. Fatality increased substantially with age (especially among those > 65 years), with little evidence of change over time. Coronary heart disease was the leading cause of death overall, being cited as the cause of death in 76 patients (19.2%). Therapeutic complications accounted for 38 of 150 natural deaths within the first 30 days, including pulmonary embolism in 31 (20.7%), coronary heart disease in 26 (17.3%), and sepsis in 17 (11.3%). Conclusions There was a substantial excess of deaths owing to suicide and coronary heart disease. Careful monitoring of bariatric surgical procedures and more intense follow-up could likely reduce the long-term case fatality rate in this patient population. Author Affiliations: Department of Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh (Drs Omalu, Wecht, and Kuller; Ms Ives; and Mr Buhari), and Department of Pathology, Allegheny General Hospital (Dr Lindner), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Department of Surgery, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio (Dr Schauer).
  12. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3801.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3801.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3802.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3803.jpg
  13. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3796.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3798.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3799.jpghttp://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3800.jpg
  14. I took the family camping at Mammoth Cave this weekend. Since the Corvette museum is just a little bit down the road I decided to stop by. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3792.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3793.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3794.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN3795.jpg
  15. You have proven that you have zero knowledge of health care. Stick to putting knees in little old ladies and we will all be better off. Did you know that not all of the small intestine is the same? Did you know nutients are not absorb the same in each section? ......Because you have ZERO training in basic nutrition. Stop giving health care advice. You are part of the reason The practice of medicine is the NUMBER 1 cause of death in the US. Keep it up the morticians are thanking you. The dietitians are part of the cause of these people being obese. BTW.... Diets are simple math and life change. People like you make it a disease process so you can make a surgery and bill for it. Medicine operates on the law of addition and subtraction. Add more medicines until that does not work any more then subtract body parts.
  16. The bottom line is the surgery has a fairly high mortality rate, for something that is basic math. Anyone that can add and subtract can loose weight. Expend more calories than you take in, and you WILL loose weight. Having a life altering surgery, to do something a few less trips through the drive through will do, does not make sense to me. BTW....Kirk. Those people that I see in the office are not the exceptions to the rule, they are the norm. Bypassing a good chunk of the intestines cannot ever be compensated by taking a "multivitamin". On top of that, synthetic multivitamins that GB people are told to take actually harm them in the long term. You should really take some basic clinical nutrition, and learn at least basic stuff before opening your trap.
  17. I was on the road all day yesterday and just caught bit and peices of the VP nomination. I am not a McCain fan, but I my now vote for him. I have to hand it to McCain. They shut down the Obamas "I am the Mesiah" speech. I did not here anything about his speech on the radio after McCain's announcement. Plus how much better can you get than this; http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20080829/capt.b96592b61781482792157519c248f55f.veepstakes_palin_ny124.jpg?x=400&y=308&q=85&sig=C.JXkPgWELV81Ea1H6jAoA--
  18. With GB you are making the body permanently sick. In most cases I would say to avoid it. I see the nutritional train wrecks that come into my office with chronic malabsorption. A couple of things I notice with the GB crowd. 1. Hair loss 2. The "death Look"- most cases that I see have a gray tint to the skin. this is caused by not being able to absorb enough nutrients. 3. Depression- vit. B6 is only able to absorb through certain sections of the small intestine. 4. Many gain the weight back they were not taught good lifestyles, they return to a bad diet and the weight returns. BTW kirk, Get a new line, you sound like a broken record.
  19. HAOLE

    I need spam!

    I actually sent him an e-mail and gave him the gospel. But sometimes people need a little poke to get their head straight. If we were under old testament I would stone him for being a tool.
  20. HAOLE

    I need spam!

    I know there are good attorneys out here, but this one is a scumbag. He requested records from our office and did not specify exactly what he wanted. Then he calls my receptionist and literally yells at her because he did not get what he wanted. I get on the phone with him to sort this out and I get yelled at. I tell him I have what he want in my hand and I can send it right to him as soon as he pays the records fees of $43.00. He refused to pay the fees and them complains to the court down in Cincinnati that I did not send the records when he refused to pay for them.
  21. HAOLE

    I need spam!

    I know there are some tech geeks on her that can help me out. I need lots of spam. This guy is an attorney that called and yelled at my staff on the phone. pdeining@travelers.com Thanks
  22. I am. The calling your self a personal trainer does not mean squat. There is no state license. Anyone who has $49.95 can call them self a personal trainer. click The are some personal trainers that know a lot but many more don't know squat. BTW there is a big difference between healthy and physically fit. They are not the same thing.
  23. 800 -1000/ a day is to low. When losing weight you need to change lifestyle not crash yourself. Check out the Paige Fundamental diet plan, this is the most sound nutrition work ever done. I know I am going to step on toes and I am sure Kirk will be in to tell me who wrong I am, and I don't know anything because I am not an MD. STAY AWAY FROM MEDICAL DIETITIANS AND THE FOOD PYRAMID!!! They learn what is fed to them by the food manufactures and the FDA/USDA (both might as well work for Nestle directly). click here I have had many type II diabetics, become non-diabetics on this plan.
  24. This is a good reason we have a bunch of pansy kids and adults. I was going to sign my boy up in soccer this year until I found out the league is one that does not keep score. It is one of these "everybody wins" groups. In life you cant win every time.
  25. Maybe someday they will get someone to fight Kimbo that does not have a walker.
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