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Everything posted by Crossle

  1. I would want to be able to pull a truck and maximum 20' car trailer inside with how much we used to rescue/buy blown cars and rebuild them. Ideal space would have doors at both ends to pull straight through, plus have room to move cars around the tow rig.
  2. Come out stock and run within a second of Scott's car....oh wait. Jankymiata, Eman has a good hookup on new and used parts for the miata platform.
  3. I'm Crozz Lee on there. Sometimes on in the evenings.
  4. good place, not sure if we will be hungry.
  5. well I guess I'm a year late....sorry guys.
  6. Wanna borrow ours? http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z39/crossle_sean/2013-01-18193953_zps5ee9ad87.jpg
  7. jason's dellllliiiiiii uggghhhh Where's OLD MAN PAUL eating?
  8. There was a video on how they shape the cockpit for the driver and how the driver sits in the car and this is pretty accurate to the driver's description. The driver said that they have to pull themselves up at times to see what they are doing because they are too low in the car.
  9. Good possibility I suppose. The only other thing I didn't like was not being able to do any custom work.
  10. We had someone tell us they had one shatter when the swung a bathroom stall door open and caught their finger between it and the wall.
  11. Crossle


    NOT going to roosters LOL, she's already mad.
  12. Crossle


    NOT going to tipsters LOL, she's already mad.
  13. Crossle


    I thought you were trying to expand your food horizons Nicky.......
  14. Crossle


    rooooosters ...ugh.
  15. Welcome! You over on Central Ohio Subarus?
  16. Yep, we have it in bulk. We love it.
  17. The car changed from the original post. See that old beat 912 in the back ground? That's what it was.....
  18. Two questions. 1. How are you going to tune it? 2. How/ where are you getting a IACV block plate, or throttle body adapter? Each of the EIGHT methods require either tuning, custom parts, or 're drilling the lower plenum. Awful lot of custom work for an unspecified gain, I didn't catch any factual data of gain.
  19. What exactly do you gain from it? Not aware of the swap.
  20. The motor could be worth upwards of $1000 depending in how original the motor is. a lot of 912 guys can't find Porsche replacement parts, thus change over to Volkswagen parts instead. The body in the other hand.......pretty roasted.
  21. Some good reading in here. None of mine have TC, I find it easy enough to modulate accordingly with my under powered AWD car, but in a 2WD application it is nice to have.
  22. Hence my original post when it comes to whom I buy from personally. LOCAL parts houses that go the extra step to get the job done for us.
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