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Everything posted by LPFSTheFett

  1. I have nothing but great things to say about wheel Medic!
  2. +1 was at trails about 8 years ago. Very sweet!
  3. LOL, my wife saw this sign last week and told me about it. It makes me angry only because I don't feel people should push their religon and it's signs like this that push more people away from church then towards it. JMHO
  4. LOL... I had to get a single tire over nighted from them on Wednesday. $260 and then I ended up not even being able to race anyway.
  5. I really don't care for the show at all. I watched it when it first came out but the way they drag it on killed me, so I stopped watching. So nothing was really on tonight and they were supposed to have a million dollar winner so I figured I'd watch it. Now granted, I am a conspiracy theorist, but there is no way that wasn't planned. She got down to two cases. $200,000 and the $1,000,000. The offer was $561,000. From watching any of the previous shows the family would always say take the offer. They didn't even hesitate and told her to go for it. Then when she won, there was no shock in any of their faces. She never even considered the $561,000 deal, not even for a second. Not like any of this really matters, wondering if anybody else saw the show and had thoughts on it. lol
  6. All Z06's have hand made motors and pull w/in 10rwhp of each other.
  7. Paid 3ML06849V94053224 I'll have Mark pay later today!
  8. Tripple FTW!! Even if there was a third canidate running and somehow he magically won the election. He wouldn't do any better. Do you really think the republicans or democrats would approve a bill that he had made.
  9. Another issue I'd like to see addressed by Obama and McCain is what they are going to do for our schools. As it stands the United States is ranked 21st in the world, which imho is an embarrassment. Bush passed his no child left behind act, which was atleast a step towards fixing the problem and all you hear is crap about it. At least he made some kind of attempt. The next thing that needs addressed is immigration and what's going to be done about that. The Democrats and Republicans bicker so much back and forth nothing happens. They both agree there is a problem, but refuse to work together to fix it. Thats the problem with our country. That's also part of the reason Bushes last 4 years in office have been useless. Can't exactly pass any laws with both sides boycot each other.
  10. Understand I'm not saying either arguement is right or wrong, which is why I welcomed a Obama supporter. McCain has actually said he agrees that taxes do need to be raised and the government needs to be downsized. Bush was supposed to be a republican which doesn't believe in big government, but it's actually increased more with him then anybody else(not 100% on this fact, coming from memory). I'd love to see why you think the goverment has lent money to the upper class in the country. As I see it, the government gives a hell of a lot more money to the lower class. Obama and Hillary with all of their universal health care and other programs that they want to push mearly take us closer to a socialist economy. I'm all for a universal health care program, until they tell me I don't quality because I make too much, which you know will happen. Then your still going to have to have insurance because there are going to be doctors and the best doctors, and your going to want to have insurance just to be able to go to a better doctor, which will charge more then the standard rates. Ok... so lets say it's 100% covered for every american regardless of how much you make and they mandate no doctor can charge over a certain amount. What do you call that? Sure as shit isn't capitalistic for the doctors and look how many Insurnace companies and Hundreds of thousands of people that puts out of business. I agree taxes blow and i'm certainly not apposed to a tax hike, however Bushes tax cuts expire in a few years as it is. How much higher does it really need to go? Raise my taxes, but damn atleast let me get some write offs. The other arguement for Obama that you didn't mention is what he "will do" for the american dollar. Many supporters say even though you'll clear less you'll have more because the american dollar is worth more. This is by far his best arguement IMHO, however I don't see it having the impact everyone says it will. Jason
  11. I've been to Kil-Kare, Marion and Trials with the car and all three tracks had the same 60-330' problem. I think the car is settling down too soon and I don't have enough weight over the back tires.
  12. Stock 05 converter is killing me, but I will say the car was consistant. Ran 10.29, 10.23, 10.18, 10.13, and the 10.08. As the night got cooler the car got a little faster. Can't wait to race when it's not 80+ degrees outside. Mark and I have to work on the suspension some. We are losing traction after the 60' mark up until about the 330'. Right now it's not too bad to drive through, but Mark had a pretty good scare tonight. It's certainly something we need to get fixed.
  13. What obama wants to do with taxes is just not right. Most people don't know much about taxes and it's easy for them to say, tax the rich. They can afford it. If Obama gets his way, he wants to raise the max tax braket 5+%, take away the Social Security cap AND count all interest income as regular income. What most people don't know about the max tax brakets is not only do we already pay 35% federal tax, but they take ALL your write off's away. The only write offs are the interest on your house (up to a $1,000,000 house) and money donated to a charity. I don't get to write off the taxes on my house, my 3 children, my wife that doesn't work, anything. So in essance I'm already paying more then 35%. If Obama gets his way, being self employeed, I'll have to pay 40% federal tax, 15% Social Security, 1.54% medicare, 7% Ohio tax. Then after I get my money I have to pay my property taxes, and 7.25% sales tax. So for every dollar I would earn I would net end up with between 25 and 30 cents. Now lets look at the change in interest income. Immediately anybody that saved up money and retired will be fucked. He'd in essance double the tax for those individuals, which means in order for them to keep their same standard of income to live off that interest they would need twice as much money. So anybody on here that has a money goal that they want to hit to retire, go ahead and enter that into a calculator and multiply it by 2.5, then recalculate what your going to need to save on a monthly basis to get there. Now I'm not saying Macain is the answer. I'm just saying Obama is so far out there that he is going to cause a lot of problems for a lot of people. That's my .02 cents on it. I know the arguement for the obama supporters, but if someone want to share it, I'd welcome it.
  14. We are running 4L60E's. Incase anybody was wondering RPM is by far the best trans shop I have ever seen. Mark and I show up unannounced at 8am this morning with the cars in the off chance they can work on them. Not only did they not give us an ounce of crap, they pulled both transmissions, rebuilt them and reinstalled them. Had us done by 5:30 and had plenty of time to hit Kil-Kare up on the way home! My problem was my torque converter walking out because of the pressure, and when the gas was let off the torque converter had sliped out and slammed into my front pump busting it. Bad part was they didn't have a replacement 05 converter in stock, so they had to put a take out stock one. I thought it would be ok, but..... didn't do so well at the track. turned the car all the way up to the 1050 tune and never got full boost, converter was so tight it wouldn't spin at all coming out of the hole and was only running 10.2's @ 144's with 1.9 60's. Ran three passes w/in .05 of each other. Mark went 10.03@139 on his first pass, turned the boost up slighly and had some traction problems netting him simular times to mine. though he was running consistant 1.6 60's. Started losing traction from the 60-330 mark All in all not too bad, we're getting the kinks ironed out. I'm excited to see what happens. Special thanks to Eric and Peanut for coming with me and loading my car on and off the trailer. And peanuts friend Mike for bringing my rims/tires, race jacket, helmet and everything else I needed to race lol!
  15. post up that time slip! and sorry I didn't make it in time to get it on video.
  16. Only thing that I would say that makes it not a line is how wide the spray on the ground was. started off as a trickle and ended with a 20" wide patch of fluid for about 200 yards. I'm guessing an internal seal. Total path of fluid was damn near 1/4 mile long. Too bad too, Marks car was FLYING!!! 1.65 60' for his first shake down pass on the new tire/suspension setup. My trans went out on the dyno also. They pulled 1046/1023, turned the boost up and added some timing went to put it in gear and nothing. Looked under the car and fluid was everywhere. Something tells me the transmissions can't handle that much HP lol. So we'll be in a convoy at 5am to RPM!
  17. I can't wait to see this beast in action tonight! I assure you our tires now are MUCH better then the BFG's we were running before lol. Just ask eric!
  18. may want to try reefcentral also. Go to the CORA Section (Central Ohio Reef Association)
  19. OMG, what an idiot. That tops the list right there. I mean how stupid can you possibly be to look at a picture of a butterfly and call it a horse. He even goes as far as to show the features of the "horse"
  20. I voted for september, but am good for either.
  21. Finally got level 20, wtf!! http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=278426
  22. The problem with the bigger injectors and no controller is the car running at idle. Something to do with it's inability to monitor the flow rates at idle. Not 100% a go on this whole e85 thing now. I really want to do it, for the cooling properties, however the ethanol absorbing water sucks, plus the inconsistancy of the amount of ethanol actually in the fuel. I dunno, we'll get it figured out!
  23. just read that whole thread. saying you'd have to retune the car depending on what time of the year it is. Because E85 can be E70 during the winter because they reduce the amount of ethanol due to it abosbing water. Which really isn't a huge deal as I don't drive in the winter and more gas in the mixture means the car would just run richer. So much to think about!
  24. Jet Hot use to have a really good product. Seems about 5-6 years ago their coatings have gotten a lot thinner to save on costs and in the process their quality has went down considerablly. I'm not sure who IPS goes through, but they send their 3000GT kits there, so that's where I'm going to send mine. I'm going to do black because I heard it has the best heat rating(about 1400degrees)
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