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Everything posted by LPFSTheFett

  1. I'm down. I don't need anything other then someone else going lol.
  2. That will be Verya Niiice!
  3. I hate dog parks. I use to go, but couldn't stand the owners of the dogs. Drove me nuts. My favorite was my friends male Ridgeback. Dog must have some gay in it because I swear he got mounted by every male dog there.
  4. You can pretty much always count me in for a track rental. So if you want to plan one, I'm in. I'm sure Atomicfusion feels the same. so +2, Just tell me the date/time. Jason
  5. I may have to get Andy for the Hummer. I haven't cleaned the thing since mid March lol. It's horrible. So he just comes to your house, you don't have to do anything? Is there any specials. Buy one H2 Ultimate detail, get one Viper wash free?!? lol
  6. LPFSTheFett

    i like this

    I was at a McDonalds today and it had a painting/picture of an american flag. I was waiting on my boy so I figured I would just count the stripes, make sure there was 13. Then looked over at the stars and noticed that they weren't staggered. Sure enough 6 rows of 8 stars... Making 48 Now I know the flag was recently updated to have 50 stars, oh like 40 years ago, but looking at the art/picture it was made recently. I just thought it was very poor taste. I 100% support american made amercian flags. The kicker was someone had taken a pen and wrote on the glass of the picture Made in China, which is why I looked at it in more detail in the first place... Wonder if they saw the same thing?
  7. How about this for a roll over.
  8. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=bb8_1189588839 Looks like the wizard of oz... lol Hope nobody was inside
  9. Yes seems that way! Thanks for the tip. I went ahead and let the paint sit over night and wont be driving the car until later today so it will have had 24 hours to dry. If that doesn't do the trick, then I'll use the barbeque paint! Next thing I'm going to have to do is get some new tires. Since IPS fixed my belt slip issue, I get zero traction on the street in 1st and limited traction in 2nd. Damn you IPS for making my car faster!
  10. That's a great idea. I don't know if I can get my hand back there though. Of course, it's only an area 3" by 3" I'll have to hit up Jegs on Main st. Thanks!
  11. Thanks for the offer on the Viper Blue, but it's the black part that I'm having the problem with. Though maybe I'll have take you up on that blue paint. Someone kicked the drivers side of the rocker pannel last year when it was at a friends house. It's not 'that' bad or I would have had it fixed already. Brandon at IPS had a great idea about putting a heat lamp on the area to help cure it. The directions say to bake it in the oven, but I can't exaclty take the part off, so the light will probably do the trick!
  12. The paint on the passenger side of the Viper where the exhaust comes out has been flaking off since I've owned the car. The dealership has tried 3 times to fix it and no luck. Always starts to flake back off within 40-50 miles. About 2 months ago I sanded the area down and applied 3 coats Duplicolor 1200 flat black to the area. Let it sit over night. It was a pretty cold night overall, probably got down to 40-50 degrees outside, not sure how cold it got in the garage though. It was on the borderline of not doing it at all when I sprayed it because it was only high 50's and it says needs to be 60-90. Anyway, it showed signs of issues just about as quickly as the dealerships paint, but didn't flake off for about 400 miles, and not nearly as bad as the dealerships. So today I sanded the area down again and applied 3 coats of Duplicolor 500 degree primer and am going to apply three coats of the 1200 on after that. The directions say to apply more then 3 coats of the paint to wait 7 days to let it cure. Does this mean you can't use the item for 7 days, or just it wants 7 days before you should apply more paint? Obviously it is retarded hot today. So I'm wondering If I could drive the car tonight. I'm guessing the paint will do much better with 7 hours of 90 degree weather then 10 hours of the weather it was in the first time I did it. Plus I have the primer on there. Thanks! Jason
  13. I really don't think it looks all that unsafe. As long as you took your time and didn't rush and paid attention to what your doing, I think you'd be fine. The problem is most people would fall into the wheel when they went to sit down or something. The main thing would be to hold your hand at an angle, so that if your fingers did hit the spokes, it moved them out of the way vs. jabing into your finger. You can touch a moving object, like a moving wheel, if you do it right.
  14. I've only got two rep comments also. I think it's because people only use the rep on newbs.
  15. That fight was a joke. I wont go as far as to say it was rigged, but it certainly as fishy. Dude had Kimbo on the ground and was in a good position, was working somewhat slow, but was still making progress and they stand it back up. Then Kimbo punches the guy one time and the ref is already getting ready to jump in and stop it. This fight basically proves Kimbo is a joke. Worst part about it, his showing was so bad here, they'll pick an even worse fighter for him to fight next time. I just don't see Elite taking any chances in their cash cow loosing.
  16. LPFSTheFett


    Like Gahanna needs any more excuses to write tickets. Hate driving through that town everyday.
  17. Welcome, always nice to see another East Side Member!
  18. I have direct TV, but I don't think that I get the other CBS's?
  19. That would have been nice to learn how to scuba in. Looks cool, expensive as shit to keep warm I bet!
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