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Everything posted by kirks5oh

  1. +1 there's a guy on the svt website, that has a modded one, and its unbelievable. i'll try to hunt down the thread. here it is. http://svtperformance.com/forums/showthread.php?t=363682
  2. file a police report, document everything, and move out. next time family asks you for anything (and that time will come), tell them to fuck off.
  3. and if you go to an urgent care, they can't really do shit. if you go to a real hospital, and something needs to be set, it will be set right then and there. if it needs set at the urgent care, you will be sent to the e.r. at a real hospital and be waiting even longer. your best bet, is to go early in the morning. i just got to our hospital and saw NOT ONE SOUL in the er waiting room.
  4. why?? some dickhead will come along and vandalize them. put them in the car
  5. i might be able to show up for a bit.
  6. if they need to go to the hospital, they need to go, regardless of insurance/money. this is why are health care system is fucked. people don't have family doctors to deal with routine problems until they get way out of hand, and become emergencies. there are plenty of clinics around town that cater to the uninsured
  7. the hospital eats the cost---period. we deal with homeless people constantly. where do we send their bill?? to the bridge under west broad st.??? i've had people come into my clinic and ask about their $30,000 bill from surgery that they received. the hospital works with them to reduce the cost, and they end up not paying for it.
  8. well if it didn't get caught in the hood scoop, it would have been decapitated by the 6 foot tall rear wing. j/k
  9. i was behind him when he lost it, and i didn't even see it fly off. i don't know if he went back out on the freeway to try to recover it, or what. but his windshield was focked. i guess its a nitrous powered stang
  10. harsh in here. the car is not my taste/style, but i can appreciate someone who takes pride in their car, especially if they do all/most of the work on the car themselves
  11. x-rays are your friends. as long as you can fully extend (straighten) your small finger, you're probably o.k.---i.e.--fracture is not angulated too much, if it is broken. also, when you make a fist, your small finger should NOT rotate underneath your ring finger--if it does, then there is a rotational deformity at the fracture. you're probably o.k., but won't know for sure unless you get an x-ray
  12. thanks. hopefully, i'll have some time this summer to get away from work and hang out with everyone, and enjoy my car.
  13. good times. your car is loud as hell. best color for a vette, by far.
  14. oh. i don't have a GM........(unless you count a '90 grand prix)..............................................................................................................................................yet. more to come.
  15. i might actually be able to make it out there. i'm on call right there at st. ann's and the wife is in akron visiting the in-laws.
  16. you'll be chasing parts forever to do that swap, when they already make a car with everything in it that you want. TBSS's can be had for mid $20's used. beware of the tranny, its been know to take a crap early, and at stock hp levels. i would not buy one without a warranty.
  17. woops. good luck with that. whatever you do, be a man, a father (if the child is yours), and respectful.
  18. kirks5oh

    yellow vette

    probably at the dragstrip
  19. kirks5oh

    its on.

    this is good news for me to hear. congrats on the new car. i'm still looking for an '05/'06 GTO
  20. kirks5oh

    Today 6-10-07

    sometimes antrum park, but i don't like all the people fishing there. sometimes we take them to the bike trail off of hayden run. my wife started taking our dogs to a newer park much closer to hilliard. i think its on cosgray, or around that area--has water
  21. it says "out of stock" already. any way to get a raincheck at that price???
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