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Everything posted by kirks5oh

  1. don't be pissed just because you didn't get in. it wasn't like that when i went there, but its a FANTASTIC school---amazingly safe, great education, insanely hot psychotic girls, the best greek system of ANY campus ANYWHERE, decent sports, decent parties, beautiful campus, etc. i'd have no problem sending my kids there.
  2. they kept pins in your thumb for 2 1/2 months??? its normal to have a lot of stiffness from an injury like the one you describe. you don't have atrophy. your orthopedic dr. should be prescribing you physical therapy with a hand therapist. if he is not, you should insist on going to FORMAL therapy. follow your dr's directions, and do not do too much or you will end up worse off. also, post up some x-rays if you have them
  3. some people have asked me about pictures, so i'll post a few i know the tank is dirty as shit, i took these just before i cleaned it, i have some pictures of the fish, the filters, and the stand i'd like to sell everything at once, but would be willing to break things up if i can't sell the package deal http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/8822/s3500085gn3.jpg http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/8312/s3500084jq9.jpg http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/6552/s3500086mh4.jpg http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/2889/s3500087dw6.jpg http://img353.imageshack.us/img353/6531/s3500080cf9.jpg http://img379.imageshack.us/img379/8894/s3500081qa4.jpg
  4. can you even imagine seeing that??? i'd laugh my ass off and cheer as well
  5. that car won't last long on that forum.
  6. miami>all seriously. nothing beats stuck-up daddy's girls with boob jobs
  7. +1 though i wouldn't think you could find one for $15k, even with a private seller, they're holding value pretty well. you'll have to spend over $20k to find a decent '03 cobra--plain and simple.
  8. i have no idea. ours is an '05 eddie bauer. the wife loves it. 3rd row seat folds down and leaves plenty of storage room. with the 3rd row in use, there's not much room for stuff in the back.
  9. SOLD the wife is making me get rid of my fish tank this spring--i just don't have the time to properly care for the fish, and clean the tank. i'd love to sell everything as a package, but may be willing to split things up. everything is 4 years old. --125 gallon tank (6' wide, 18" deep, 2' tall) was $200 new --3 piece glass top for tank was $40 new --two Eheim canister filters--don't know the model # off hand were $100 each new --two 600 watt heaters--bought off ebay--were $40 each new --48" long twin bulb light--was $100 new --48" long single bulb light--was $40 new --200lbs large black river rocks--price new ?? --tons of light brown medium grade gravel--price new ?? --homemade fish tank stand--looks o.k. $100 in wood to build --20 gallon 'hospital' tank with filter everything is well over $700 new $300 or best offer takes everything--i'm willing to negotiate the fish that are in the tank (two large 5" silver dollars, one large black angel fish, large pleco, and a giant 12" silver arrowana) will most likely be given to aquarium adventure unless the person buying the tank wants them. the arrowana sells for $100+ at that size. sucks i have to get rid of the fish, but i'll be moving in a year, and i can't possibly bring the tank with me.
  10. they couldn't send you to Mt. carmel east because it is not a trauma center. the screws are designed to go all the way through the bone, so by definition, they will go through the other side. if they are 3-4mm too long, which is entirely acceptable and easily possible (because they only come in 5mm lengths), then you will obviously be able to easily feel them through your skin--like i said, it is a necessary evil, there's no way to avoid it, unless you make the screw too short, and then the nail has a higher probability of failing. i know you're not being accusatory, and i don't blame you for not wanting extra surgery, but consider yourself lucky that your femur healed--honestly
  11. our explorer has a 3rd row of seating. we've never used it, but it looks great
  12. god damn i miss those days. cherish them, its all downhill from college---seriously
  13. i still don't see the x-ray of the rod at the knee. i know dr. mehta, and worked with him while i was at grant. he is an orthopedic traumatologist. he does not really do anything else but trauma, so the surgery that he did on you is what he trained to do. he does not do sports, or hand, or total joints--all he does is broken bones. be thankful it wasn't done at a poe dunk shithole in the middle of nowhere. is your foot numb on top?? it is likely that the nerve damage was done during the initial injury. your leg was not meant to bend in the middle of the femur, and it is likely that the initial trauma stretched out the peroneal component of your sciatic nerve, which is pretty sensitive to stretching injuries. you will most likely not get that sensation back. at least the motor function of the nerve was not affected. you will have to pay for the surgery, and it is appropriate that you do so. it is highly unlikely that they fucked up--the symptoms you were having are a normal side effect of the surgery--nearly everyone gets symptoms from prominent hardware. i bet one of my buddies helped with your surgery today. good luck with the recovery, and post up the other x-ray.
  14. you need to post the AP film, all i see is a lateral. i can't tell shit from the x-ray you posted except that you had a segmental femur fracture--if it healed without a second procedure (bone grafting), consider yourself a lucky person, and move on--no lawsuit necessary. if you're a thin person, there might not be much covering the bone. a lot of times these screws only come in 5mm increments, and you'd rather have the screw slightly long than not long enough. these screws very commonly cause the problem you're describing. they are frequently taken out for the very reason you're mentioning. was it an open fracture??--bone coming through the skin. also who did the surgery and where was it done?? what were the circumstances of the injury. people are always looking to sue, when you have no idea how lucky you are that the fracture looks healed on the one x-ray you showed.
  15. 'set-up' fights like these are never a good idea--ever. people ALWAYS bring guns- not worth getting shot over if you ask me, and not worth shooting anyone over--either would ruin the rest of your life. your best bet is to see the guy randomly, when he's not expecting a meet, and confront him (and hope he doesn't have a knife/gun). you can't fight today like you used to be able to--guns are much more prevalent, especially with conceal/carry laws.
  16. the burgers are huge, no doubt. i'm not sure they use the best meat, but if you're looking for a huge bar burger, look no further
  17. just don't send anyone to mt. carmel east, or west hospital this weekend when i'm on call.
  18. that's pretty damn funny.
  19. i worked out at world's on hilliard for a couple years--its great for a guy who wants to lift, and use cardio equipment. they've got every weight you could need, and are not generally crowded at all, even in peak hours. my wife did not like it because they have NO cardio classes (spinning, aerobics, step, etc.), and some of the women are intimidating to skinnier girls. there are some real 'woMEN' there if you know what i mean. also some of the roided out guys can be douches at times (one guy refused to spot one of my buddies, because he was only benching 185??). they do have daycare though. i've worked out at lifetime when it was california fitness. i currently work out at the YMCA in hilliard. the wife loves it for all the classes, they have a pool, a gym with basketball, plenty of cardio machines, and decent weights (dumbbells only to 100!!). the gold's on hilliard rome looks MASSIVE, but i try to avoid that area at around 4-7pm due to high traffic--and that's when i like to work out. good luck
  20. i read the thread dickbag. i don't really know how 'fagspace' works, i would think you could just send him a message through that--how hard could it be to sign up??
  21. cookie cutter houses DO make good starter homes. we've lived in ours for a little over 4 years and will be moving on in a year---that's what people do with these houses--they're not your dream house, but for someone who's still in school/training, and will be around for 5 years and is sick of renting, they make perfect sense. my house was built in '94, and i'm the 3rd owner--i've done a few upgrades and the house should sell for more than i bought it, which is all i'm looking for. i've got plenty of time to buy the mansion for the wife, but was sick of renting apartments. congrats on the new house.
  22. so is he a member here??? if not, how is he going to see this??
  23. just think, that guy who streaked at westerville high school will need these plates.
  24. wow, that much power and style, and you still went with the f-body??? holy repost
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