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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I agree completely, hardly the right place.
  2. Correction ... it uses the blood of children as fuel. That's totally different.
  3. Flux capacitor malfunctioning ...
  4. I'm not arguing that certain people shouldn't breed lol, cause I totally agree. However even if you broke up the bully breeds and didn't lump them together, many would still top the list.This would probably bump the Rottweiler to being the most lethal of domesticated dogs in the US, but as I stated before I would prefer to not pick specifically on bully breeds, and concentrate on making sure responsible owners make up the majority of the more naturally dominant, or potentially dangerous/aggressive breeds.
  5. I see where you're going but not being able to track breed populations doesn't change the death toll. Also the wording here is loaded and biased, as is the response. I could care less about bite statistics on their own, its what occurs as result of a bite that matters.
  6. That goes both ways though. I hate how pitbull "defenders", if you will, inject their personal anecdotes into their arguments instead of using some basic objectivity. I always hear "Well I had a pit and she was awesome, and I loved her ! How dare you hate my dog !!!", or the " ... my (insert family,friend,acquaintance) had 20 pitbulls and they were angels, they even helped the elderly cross the street, and collected food for the homeless, you're a retard for questioning me." I'm being sarcastic and somewhat reductive but you understand me I hope. Yes "pit bulls" are not the problem, the owners are the problem. However the breed attracts problematic owners. Folks can throw around that labs and terriers bite all they want, but the Center for Disease Control (i.e. not "guy on internet") puts the bully breeds as #1 in bites that resulted in death. Not stitches, not sore ankles, not a tetnus shot, a trip to the morgue. Also 70% of the victims were children. Those are stats that you cannot defend or ignore. Any breed in the top ten "deaths resulted" list should have prerequisites that need to be filled before the sale of, or ownership of said animals is allowed with the possibility strict and harsh punishments that could follow. Unfortunately even with the laws we already have on the books, no one is enforcing them, and when attacks occur the punishments are nowhere near as harsh as they need to be. When a terrier gets off his leash and goes into the neighbors yard he might bite a child and severely injure the child resulting in stitches, and hopefully a dog getting put to sleep. However when a pit does it that child is very much in danger of losing his/her life, which is why pits get such a poor image in the court of public opinion. I would say reasonable regulation and accountability to breeders and owners would be a good start, try to prevent the morons from getting the dogs in the first place. This should also include Rotts, Chows, and a couple other notable breeds that under proper training and socializing can be wonderful, family pets. Loving a dog isn't enough though, not when generations of specific-trait breeding was done to create a dog with particular attributes. You can't "love" those instincts out of them, it takes training and discipline.
  7. Pretty much followed this guys directions. http://forums.evolutionm.net/evo-tires-wheels-brakes-suspension-sponsored-tire-rack/160762-finally-fixed-my-peeling-brembos.html Thanks, though I am curious how long they will hold as well. If its another couple years or so I'd be happy for the amount of work I put in, though the car might be sold before I find that out.
  8. So thread summary: Raced STI Lost Salty Dislike Hazards
  9. So Evo Brembos have a known issue with the clearcoat peeling, discoloring and looking basically like total shit. Mine had very minor peeling when I bought the car but you really had to look for it. Recently though it just went straight to hell and pretty much every caliper was looking pretty awful. (cell phone pics, not so good but they do) http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/brembobefore.jpg On Evom it had been discussed that some dealers were replacing them for free, and others were flat out denying you and making you jump through a bunch of hoops to get anything done. I called two, and both denied me right over the phone (thanks dicks). Mitsu blames Brembo, Brembo blames Mitsu and now you're in the 7th circle of hell talking to assholes who seem like they want to do everything possible to not help you out. Well I read on Evom that re-clearcoating the calipers revives the color, and looks pretty new if you do the prep. Taking off all the old clearcoat (razorblade and fingernails) and a little sanding. I have to say I am pleased with the result, and I didn't have to totally repaint the calipers and deal with the buying new stickers. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/bremboafter.jpg
  10. While I see your point, I would argue the main difference is when I am at home, I'm not amongst the general public, therefore I do not see a thread on the internet being analogous to door-to-door, as that is being conducted on private property and not an airport, or bus-station or what have you. I would count myself amongst the "anti-religious", if you will, in the sense that should I see something online I find to be interesting, or curious I may provide an offsetting counterpoint. Which to me is fair game, if the material in posted in full public view(forum, chatroom), I would never walk up to a strangers house and lecture them on the "evils of religion" with no specific invitation to do so. Nor would I lobby to have others to have to acknowledge (not believe) *whatever* without some kind of scientific study/information to backup my claims.
  11. Lets make sure in the Oven that the good noobs know about this.
  12. You're missing my point, making a thread on an internet forum that you don't have to read, in any way shape or form, hardly constitutes "jamming your agenda down someones throat". He even gave fair warning to anyone who might be offended by the subject material. They don't have to read the thread or hit the link. Like I said before, I agree Thorne can be abrasive when it comes to expressing his opinion on this particular subject, but regardless, you don't have to read it. You can hit the "ignore" button and set free the Thorne from your side(terrible pun I know). I don't see him out trying to pass laws that would effect the religious specifically, or take away their right to practice their religion. Knockin on your door when you're eating dinner. Passing out tracts ... etc. Thusly I have reworked a song featured in The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror VI. Paul Anka: To stop those Thornes 1-2-3, Here's a fresh new way that's trouble-free, It's got Paul Anka's guarantee... Lisa: Guarantee void in Tennessee. All: Just Don't Click Just Don't Click Just Don't Click Just Don't Click Just Don't Click Just Don't Click
  13. Way to go with the big brain Brandon. Or bring a noob to a meet night like Rob said before.
  14. Even if Thorne can be a bit heavy-handed about his approach regarding this subject sometimes, I would hardly equate him starting a thread with a joke poking fun at some of Christianity's most obvious hypocrisies, with "jamming down throat", especially when he warns people that this thread topic very well may offend. No argument there ... bwahahaha.
  15. That was great. I'm off to find me a wife in Dayton.
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