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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. Yep those skinny tires would defiantly hurt you at the track but they complete the look. See you at the track sometime.
  2. I like that impala. Nice dual snorkel air cleaner on that 396 also. Have you had it to the track.
  3. BrianZ06


    3 card is ok but I like texas holdem against the dealer the best because you get paid off on your 2 front cards as a bonus if you hit anything from pairs to pocket aces. I hit the river boats a few times a year and do best at the holdem. 4 card is ok to. I want to go !!! Free drinks to boot sounds good but no drinks for me while I play. Maybe a beer.
  4. Will be sending payment soon. 11's here I come.
  5. I would definitely rat rod that. Black primer !!! Looks like all you have is the body/frame. I restored a 70 ss chevelle 396 that looked that bad but it took 3 years and many many $$$$$$$.
  6. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/th_100_1860.jpg
  7. Lets see if a direct link works.http://s216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/?action=view&current=100_1860.flv
  8. Magnaflow. Just for fun and I was little bored , I did my first video.See if it works. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/th_100_1859.jpg
  9. Just curious is parking going to be on the gravel area or paved ? The zoo has a lot of new stuff to check out. Its been at least 5 years since I have been their.
  10. Stupid post, show up next time rather then just talking BS.
  11. The beach and cheap good seafood cant beat that.
  12. Mine is a custom grind comp pretty close though. 228/236 .588,578 114 Intake numbers are the same but Exhaust duration I have more and Exhaust lift you have more.
  13. Um ok I was not sure and did not pay attension to the ram air hood. I found the slip of the run. I am just studying and comparing the video to the time slip.
  14. Interesting I am 228/236 .588 lift on a 114 I just need to get this rev limiter thing fixed so I can get into the 11's.
  15. We should have raced it would have been a good match. I ran a 12.22@111.95mph with a 1.79 60ft. bouncing off the rev limiter and a little spinning. If I can get my 60 down to a 1.65 I might be able to get an 11.99 if my math is correct.Thats my goal right now.
  16. Eric what number were you . That is the easy way to find out by looking at my slips.
  17. Thanks for the videos. I found one of me against someone I never met before. Looks like Eric ? I am not sure if that was my 12.22 pass or not. I wanted a vid of that one. Eric you have the slip of that run ?http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll112/tbutera2112/th_CIMG0585.jpg
  18. Yep that was my best 12.22 with a 1.79 60. I need to get that 60 down and I might be able to get an 11.99. What size cam do you have ? I am curious to compare set ups.
  19. The only pics I got,well actually my wife was trying snap pics of me but I got a few others in the mix. No one else was snapping pics were they ? I dont think I met chad and I was really hoping to get a good run with Brian but I fish tailed off the line bad and just cruized down the track after that. I think that pic was when Brians wife was driving . I could not get my wife to drive. I would be a little nervous if she did. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_1836.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_1841.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/100_1843.jpg
  20. I always wanted to be in that club and now I am finally a member
  21. yep now i remember,the red mustang that was a close race also.
  22. Um you must have gotten one of my slips that I did not pick up. One run I fish tailed and let out and just cruised to the end and another one I bounced off the rev limiter so badley I just cruised to the end. I just waived at the lady in the box to toss em.
  23. My best out of 9 runs reaction .6537 not bad for a rookie 60ft 1.79 I want a 1.65 on 17's might not happen. et 12.22 I know it has more in it. mph 111.95 bouncing off the rev limiter,which will be fixed by the next time out. that is the worst sound when that happens. The first couple runs I forgot to turn off my traction control= no burn out.
  24. Yep Thanks to the guys that put this togather. The old guy had a great time. I made 9 runs I think.Little tired too.I just have to remember to turn off the traction control,lol.The first 4 were the best after that they went to down hill,no traction and hitting the rev limiter badley. Best run I had reaction .6537 60ft 1.79 et 12.22 mph 111.95 I want 11.99 next time,but that might be stretching it a little. Doc you did great ! and Valerie you did great also for the first time.Heck better then my first time out.
  25. I guess I could tie it to the roof on the t tops. . True redneck style. I think I will just do the cooler thing instead.
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