It's very easy to say "fuck the auto companies", and "let them go out of business" when it's not your job on the line. People want to be mad at the people who fucked up the auto industry, forgetting that there are thousands and thousands of auto industry employees who had nothing to do with the fucking up of the auto industry (besides being overpaid, but seriously, nobody ever says, "I'm being paid too much, here's some back"). Imagine if you were at risk of losing your job because of missteps by upper management that were out of your control. I will be the first one to say that people should not make $80,000 a year to put bumpers on cars in a factory, but at the same time, if these companies just go away, imagine how many more jobs will be lost above and beyond those already gone. And the damage would extend farther than GM and Chrysler employees. They need to lose the unions (and shitty management) and pay their employees reasonable, not extravagant wages.