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TA In Progress

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Everything posted by TA In Progress

  1. Yeah, as long as it's not your house or family getting owned......j/k, they are really amazing to watch, so much destructive power.
  2. Man how long has it been since that car ran?? I remember it being fucked up over a year ago!
  3. Game wasn't all that exciting, but the outcome was awesome!
  4. TA In Progress


    Mondavi is good stuff, I've had it a few times. Go to Anderson's, they have a great wine selection. Also, you could go to Trader Joe's and get some 2 buck Chuck (Charles Shaw), even though it's like 3 or 4 buck Chuck in Ohio (taxes).
  5. %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//members.fortunecity.com/oldlaptop/Railfan/grs/roster/373_jkelley.jpg[/img]
  6. That car is hot! I'd like a set of those wheels for my TA.
  7. Welcome back.....nice lookin' Cobalt too.
  8. I think he's really intelligent. Especially considering the name of his latest album....lol. http://music.aol.com/popeater/2007/10/31/nas-speaks-out-about-latest-album-title-controversy/
  9. Can I pay with a check saying "For Man Love" in the memo...?? :asshole:
  10. The only way it wouldn't have taken off is if the axle (spindle) nuts were so tight that the wheels wouldn't turn, they had a brake locked up, or they left the emergency/parking brake set (Creating more drag than the engine could overcome). Even then, it might still go. That said, I've had several planes come in at night with locked up brakes and overtorqued wheels, and they still took off, there just wasn't much left of the tire once it landed.
  11. Agreed. That car would make a great sleeper, throw some whitewalls on it and you'd probably fool everyone (J/K, I probably wouldn't do the whitewalls). BTW, I've always liked those cars, too. I'd buy it for sure, especially considering how clean it is.
  12. Agreed - I specifically remember this because I was bitching about having to pay tax on my previous refund.
  13. Some paint store have a device that they take out to your car and place it on the paint and it analyzes (not sure how it works) your existing paint and tells them what to put in the new paint. I have had this done with mixed results, one time it was dead on and the other time it was a bit off, and I ended up having to paint a lot more of the car than I wanted to. I know Moore's PBE (they sell PPG and Omni) has this equipment, not sure who else does.
  14. Are they still available from the dealer? You might be surprised at the price, too. I just bought one for my TA ( I know we're talking Ford not GM), brand new GM part, it was $22. For that price it wasn't worth trying to find a decent used one.
  15. It's good to see Ford finally came to their senses.
  16. I think everyone who gets ANY kind of government assistance (welfare, food stamps, EIC, WIC, etc) should be subject to drug and alcohol testing, and shouldn't be allowed to use tobacco products either. As an aircraft mechanic, I am subject to random drug/alcohol testing (just like a lot of jobs) to have the privilege to earn the money the government gives away. I think it's about time that the people receiving our tax dollars should be tested. If we have to be tested to earn it, they should be tested to receive it! Nothing irritates me more than being at the grocery store behind someone using food stamps, and they have two piles, one for the groceries that food stamps cover, and one for their beer, smokes, lottery tickets and Mt. Dew. If they have enough extra money for beer, smokes and weed, then they don't need government aid.
  17. My wife and I went to the Sandals Royal Bahamian last year, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Our first room was filthy, disgusting, very shabby and the toilet leaked all over the bathroom floor. Our second room wasn't any better, but at least only the mildew-infested shower leaked and not the toilet. We didn't ask for another because we didn't feel like moving all of our shit again. Out of about 30 light fixtures in our hallway, only 3 worked. All of the buildings and facilities felt very run down. The food wasn't any good either, I've had better from a mall food court. I didn't expect perfection, but for what you pay, the place should be nice. I know they aren't spending all of your money to provide you with the very best booze/food. The only redeeming quality was that MOST of the staff was very friendly. We were originally going to go to the one in St. Lucia, but we didn't want to spend the extra money. I'm glad we didn't, if the one in the Bahamas is any indication of Sandals quality.
  18. I've actually had great luck with the Autocraft Titanium batteries from Advance (I started buying them when I worked there). I've had one in my TA for over 5 years, and it sits for all of the winter, and I have them in all of my driver cars. Also had good luck with the red top Optima, I have one mounted in the trunk of the '51, had it for over 4 years, and it sits most of the year.
  19. Nah, it would take at least $1500. I'll keep my eye out though, I'm hitting a couple of salvage yards this weekend......BTW, I didn't think they brought the Impala back until 2000?
  20. I don't think you're going to find one that cheap that isn't wrecked or severely trashed. BTW, I'll sell you my 04 SS (L67), but for a little more than $1,000
  21. Kamchatka, now that's the shit!!! No seriously, I really like Ketel One, that's what I usually drink, but you need to try Hangar One vodka, not many people have heard of it, and it's kind of hard to find, but if you ever see it, buy it. It's the best vodka I've ever had. It's named Hangar One because it's made in an old aircraft hangar at the old Alameda Naval Air Station. It's definitley worth the money.
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