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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. They really looked silly coming out and bitching about it. These things are very common. I didn't see the outrage when Mora and Beckman got the same privileges at UCLA and Illinois respectively. Maybe it's because neither of them are in the same galaxy as Urban as far as recruiting is concerned. Also, OSU's final official sanctions will be announced today at 3PM. The level of mad nationwide is going to be staggering. Already happened... http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/very-early-college-football-top-25-2012 I think top 10-15 would be more appropriate.
  2. There were always rainbow skinks that came out of this crack in the foundation of our garage when I was little. Wanted to catch them so bad but they were so fast to get back under the garage. http://i.imgur.com/Zmcek.jpg Of course, with the head being somewhat fire-like I think we should exterminate all rainbow skinks because there was fire on 9/11.
  3. If you read the Snopes link posted above you can't even use 2 identical items with a flying anything. Starbucks had to pull an ad with 2 drinks and a dragonfly a few years ago because people thought it depicted 9/11. Fucking morons.
  4. And Spence is like, F the UA game, I'll just commit today...lol. Urbanator strikes again.
  5. Yeah, the plan all along for Spence was for him to announce at the UA game. nevada said he was ====OSU yesterday afternoon.
  6. Doubt Spence gives a shit about Fickell/Pitt. The main competition OSU has to worry about is if Larry Johnson Sr. gets the job at PSU (highly unlikely if using common sense but it is Penn State). Spence likes him for some odd reason (Johnson is a giant racist - always called OSU out for having basically old, white slave owners and not giving a shit about their black athletes) and he could end up there if they go with him but PSU has to be thinking 'clean house'. You have to believe the interviews for Johnson and Bradley are just courtesies. Lots of rumblings going around that Pitt is going to get Chryst. Definitely want to keep Fickell so that would be good news.
  7. 5 years/$10mil is what I've read. Definitely has something to think about. Lots of people still leaning towards him staying though. He, Vrabel, Meyer and Johnson were in PA tonight doing an in-home visit with Noah Spence (#1 DE in the country).
  8. Still hasn't decided yet. Right now, with Fickell, Vrabel, Johnson and Withers, there really isn't room for him and it looks like a reunion with his brother at Oklahoma would be likely. I have no idea if this is realistic, was just throwing it out there because I can't see Vrabel sticking around if Fickell goes to Pitt so that's 2 defensive staff positions opened back up and Withers' title/position is still unknown.
  9. Yeah, all but the Miami loss (aka Bauserbowl) were a TD or less. Will be interesting to see what Fickell does. If he leaves you have to believe he takes Vrabel with him. Maybe that opens the door back up for someone like Mike Stoops.
  10. Fickell had little/no part in calling the defenses as co-DC with Heacock. I think that will change now. That's why I posted "Fickell will be calling the defense for the first time in his career." Also, recruiting rankings update on Scout gave a little bump to the class... all the way up to 6th in the country now with a higher star average than Michigan. And there's still 4-5 more 4+ star recruits that will be committing.
  11. Hoping Community Playlists will have Gun Game. Has to be a lock.
  12. Yeah, I just check Bowling's twitter every once in a while to see what updates are coming. They've been doing a pretty solid job with this game as far as fixing things quickly. I hope the juggernaut/semtex fix isn't what I think it is. It says something about direct impact (like when you throw a frag or flash or stun or anything at someone and you get the weird icon in the kill feed) but I think it means sticks. I've stuck like 5 juggernauts for kills so far. Few things more satisfying.
  13. :lolguy: That's like saying you were a beast with the energy sword in Halo 2.
  14. Yep, noticed this earlier tonight. Voicemail wasn't working either. Internet still going strong so I played MW3 for 3 hours like a bauce.
  15. Should be a new update tomorrow to address "host disadvantage" / "lag compensation." :fuckyeah:
  16. I believe Angry Bird is correct. 1.06 went out just a couple days ago.
  17. Yeah, patches and hotfixes are different. They put hotfixes out all the time. Supposedly another one was supposed to go out tonight to fix some more minor stuff. Patches = download an update, hotfix = it's just taken care of when you log in to play multiplayer.
  18. 5-star RB Brionte Dunn re-confirmed his commitment to OSU tonight during an in-home visit with Meyer and Fickell. Will NOT be visiting Michigan this weekend or in January as Michigan tried to scramble and get him to visit in January when they got wind of Dunn's plans this afternoon. He's done, 100% Buckeye. Meyer - 1, Hoke - 0. :lolguy:
  19. Sounds like Fickell might actually get to call the defense for the first time in his career. Meyer said he'd be calling the defense today on 97.1. Sounds like he'll either be DC or co-DC with him being in charge instead of how it was with Heacock being in charge and Fickell really just getting the co-DC title.
  20. Hotfixes to nerf the Type 95 and FMG's went out last night. Didn't get to play and see the difference but read about it. Just need them to fix lag compensation and spawns (they say they're working on them) and the game will be tits.
  21. Tweet from ESPN's Big 10 bloggers earlier tonight... The rest of the Big 10 is so mad that Urban is allowed to be recruiting right now. Saying it's an unfair advantage that OSU gets to essentially have one staff coaching for the bowl game and one recruiting. Michigan's HC and AD have both complained about it publicly even though they just did the same thing when Rich Rodriguez was hired (Terrelle Pryor essentially broke the news that RR was hired since RR called him first to let him know he was going to Michigan) a few years ago. Granted it was a different HC and AD, it was still Michigan doing it. Plus, the fans for these other schools are acting like OSU has 15-20 guys out there recruiting and coaching. OSU has 9 guys coaching for the bowl game (Paul Haynes is now gone to Arkansas as their DC) and basically 5 guys recruiting (with 4 of them overlapping - Vrabel, Fickell, Drayton and Johnson). People just read bits and pieces of information then fill in the holes with their imagination. It's pretty incredible. Reading the MSU, UM and PSU boards over the last several hours has been hilarious.
  22. Up into the top 10 classes on Scout. Absolutely incredible. Same number of top 100 kids as Michigan's "best class ever" and 3x the 5-stars. And Urban isn't done. UofMad IMO.
  23. Not out of it for Diamond, others still pretty confident with him. Bill just didn't put him on his list because he has a funny feeling about the whole recruitment. Don't think Meyer wants Kozan. He's more of a guard and we've got basically nothing but guards outside of Norwell and Fragel. Heard that Kozan hasn't even heard from anyone at OSU since Meyer was hired. Dodson and Diamond are the best bets. Davidson is still lurking too as an OSU legacy.
  24. I knew without even hearing the name when the highlights of the fight came up that Yancy Gates would be involved. Dude is fucking scary. Definitely wasn't surprised. Also, OSU didn't drop at all in either poll. Lost some 1st place votes but stayed at #2 with 7 1st place votes still in the AP and 2 in the coaches. I figured OSU would stay top 5 without really looking at the polls but to not drop at all is pretty funny. Kansas only moved up 1 spot. Pretty much no one gave a shit about that game since Sully didn't play.
  25. No ==== on Spence or Diamond yet. Feel better about Spence than Diamond personally. Bill Greene on Scout didn't even put Diamond on his final list because he just thinks there's something off about his whole recruitment. OSU was just his first OV and he'll be taking all 5. OSU will still have in-home visits and they definitely need tackles but we'll see. Here's Bill Greene's final 8 (counting Dunn as uncommitted right now since he's visiting Michigan this weekend)... I don't know what the open numbers look like exactly right now but Graham transferring opens a spot then the potential medical waivers of Melvin Fellows, Scott McVey and Chad Hagan are there too. Greene also keeps mentioning that there are 2 kids currently committed with academic questions. 1 in pretty serious doubt, the other looking like he'll make it. Hasn't said who they are or given any hints (never in good taste to talk specifics about that stuff).
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