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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. I did that during the 2009 season. Not so much during the 2010 season. Half his picks this year came in garbage time trying to force TD's to guys like Taurian Washington or padding his stats. Any longer throws for the duration of Pryor's suspension next season will probably be cringe-worthy once again though...lol.
  2. There's a new story on what the plot for the next Batman will be every week it seems. In Nolan I trust.
  3. Working about a mile from your house http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTUET3XQaMPvyw80xUCvtts-ShM-CHT3HXpV9T_nCw8uHG919l1MQ&t=1
  4. Hell, I'm in the warning area and I'm fully expecting to get no more than an inch.
  5. It's a warning here in Fairfield County... http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t292/smiliegirl2007/emot-fappery.gif
  6. If Tebow can go 1st round, Cam can too (same goes for Pryor after next year). Doesn't say much for potential success though.
  7. Wouldn't want to force Auburn to vacate 2 whole seasons.
  8. Honestly, as much as I truly believe (and have heard from people who would know) that there is a bit of a rift between Herbie and OSU, I do like what he does on/for ESPN outside of his unnecessary jabs at his alma mater (note the word "unnecessary"). He does his research and is well-spoken but his anti-OSU sentiment is bothersome given his history (he was a captain here for fuck's sake). Since you're owning up to saying you think his opinion is objective, let's focus on his final AP vote. Since I don't feel like typing too much more on the matter take a look at this article pointing out some truly puzzling rankings from his final AP ballot... http://theozone.net/football/2011/herbstreitballot.html And the only somewhat public explanation from Herbie thus far is that he was half asleep when he filled out his ballot. I say semi-public because I believe that was texted to Bruce Hooley then Hooley said it on the air. Fowler, who must have been half asleep with Herbie, was the other person to vote us 9th in the final AP poll (the lowest rankings out of any voters in the AP poll - every single other voter in the country had us higher). His explanations on Twitter have been high comedy. Said we were lucky to win the Sugar Bowl (can't entirely disagree with that considering what happened in the 2nd half) then justified having Alabama ahead of us in his final poll by citing the fact that they were up 24-0 on Auburn... a game they ended up choking away and losing. It's really pretty incredible all around.
  9. What I'm saying is that what he's done over the last 6 years crosses the line as far as trying to maintain perceived objectivity is concerned. If you've been paying attention it's obvious that Herbie has a problem with OSU. And OSU has a problem with him. Been that way for a while. You can continue to defend Herbie and think that it's some kind of act for his job. I'll continue to judge him based on my observations over the last 6 years and the program's general feeling towards him.
  10. Where did I say you said Herbstreit is merely being objective? Maybe you're totally asleep. I said it seems that you think that's what's going on. Going back through your posts you said that if he puts OSU too high then he's a homer and if he doesn't rank them high enough he's a traitor. So it's all about perceived objectivity? Is that why he joined in on the irrational attack on OSU during the 2004 Alamo Bowl? Is that why he's used OSU as a punchline since the 2006 national championship game? Is that why he named innocent players on national TV with regards to TattooGate? So he can be perceived as objective in the national spotlight? If that's all you think he's trying to do then he needs to take some serious lessons from a guy like Clark Kellogg.
  11. Since you seem to think Herbie is merely being objective then explain why he moved OSU from 6th to 9th after a Sugar Bowl victory over the 2nd or 3rd best team in the best conference in the country. His explanation was impressive... "I was half asleep." I'm sure yours will be equally eloquent.
  12. Guess the majority of the guys currently in the program are idiots as well then...
  13. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=average+price+of+a+ct+scan+in+columbus+oh
  14. Their OOC schedule is 2 directional Michigan schools, ND (first ever night game in The Big House) and... San Diego State. I'd lol hard if they lost to the school Hoke just left.
  15. Jordan Hall had a long kickoff return vs. Miami where he did exactly what the Arkansas player did, it was reviewed and because it was the back of his hand and not the ball or his wrist they let the play stand. But, like I said, it doesn't matter... Mallett threw an impossible-to-defend fade the very next play.
  16. Believe Tate will not be returning. Read that he's not enrolled for winter classes and is no longer in the student directory. But this was all decided before Hoke was hired hence his ineligibility for their bowl game.
  17. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=average+price+of+a+ct+scan
  18. I will always take what Pryor says over Herbie. Like I said above, Herbie's nickname among the current players and even some of the STAFF is Judas. He's allowed to hang out around the WHAC because OSU doesn't want to lose what little positive ESPN exposure they do get from time to time but he's not exactly welcome.
  19. Also has a little Mike Golic to him. I think he's a very good coach and could do well at Michigan. We'll see. Not nearly as obvious a failure as Rich Rod appeared right from the start.
  20. There's a reason Herbie's nickname among a lot of the players and staff is Judas. This re-ranking of OSU (he had us 6th BEFORE we beat the SEC's 2nd or 3rd best team and dropped us) is a sign that Pryor is getting to him. Love it. "Has he beat Michigan?" Herbie's real butthurt.
  21. I seem to remember hearing something about that. I think the Arkansas guy got a bad call (not very clear if his wrist was or wasn't doen) but they scored on the play right after so it didn't matter. Seeing the pic posted earlier... definitely think the wrist was down. But like you said, not having the ball in that hand may have given him leeway up to his elbow.
  22. FYI - sledding in the woods is bad for your knees.
  23. Yep, just started buying toner from Monoprice for my office ($140 for the HP one at Staples, $20ish for the one at Monoprice). I bought off eBay for about a year but I never received one set of toners and before that the quality was wavering a bit (some of the toners would come with the chip that tracks how many pages you've printed/how much toner you have left, some wouldn't). The Monoprice toners all have the chips and I've bought stuff from them for years now.
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