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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. The thing is, we could lose those first 4 games (absolutely not going to happen, but hypothetically) and when the suspended players come back they will be looking at 10 games to play still. 8 conference games, 1st Big 10 conference championship game ever and a bowl game. It stays at 5 and that Michigan State game could be a little iffy as good as they were this season. Then coming back for the first game AT Nebraska would not be easy. Just gotta hope it gets taken down to 4. And I love how faggots like Mark May and a bunch of SEC fans are bashing OSU for letting the kids play in the Sugar Bowl. IT WASN'T OUR DECISION. The NCAA and the BCS people would never let these kids be kept out of the game just weeks before it's set to happen. They'd lose too much money. It would be BETTER for us if the kids were suspended for the Sugar Bowl because that game doesn't really mean that much. We would be able to get 1 game of the suspension out of the way right now and these kids miss 3-4 games MAX next season leaving 10 or 11 for the kids coming back to play. Right now the feeling is that everyone is coming back (as good as Boom has been this season, he was the worst offender in all of this and I hope he doesn't) because the 2008 kids especially do not want this to be their final chapter. I loved Posey's mom coming out today and bashing the NCAA for this. She's a widowed mother of 4 and her son sold things that belonged to him to help his family (either by lowering the amount of money she had to put out for him herself or actually getting the money to her). The quote she has in the article sums it all up... "Nobody told them it 'almost belongs to you.' It belonged to them."
  2. Green served 4 games. We will probably get the 5 taken down to 4. So far Posey (from a very poor family - you can see in the amount he has to repay that he only got $50 worth of tattoo work done, cheapest of everyone involved - the rest went to his mom) looks most likely to go. It's very early and they have until Sunday to really, really think this over with family (Sunday the whole team gets back together - that should be real fun) but it looks like everyone is going to stay unless Posey feels he needs to go. Only losable game in the first 4 (if the suspensions are reduced to 4) is Miami. I say we just run the ball 50 times. Split them out between Roderick Smith, Jordan Hall, Jaamal Berry and Carlos Hyde. Then everyone is back for the Michigan State game and these kids take out their frustrations on the rest of the Big 10.
  3. The responsible reporters/anchors at ESPN know, and even stated, that NO NAMES have been put out there officially. The only jackass at ESPN who named names? None other than Herbie. Biggest faggot ever. Apparently he named at least one person who is 100% innocent in all of this and it's going to cost him in the OSU community (where he isn't very well liked to begin with). And the worst case scenario here is very, very bad. From what I've heard the worst case scenario (remember, this is the absolute worst case scenario and nothing is official yet) is that several juniors end up being suspended for as many as 4 games NEXT season. If some of these kids end up with that being the case (or even think it's a possibility) they will leave for the NFL. So what could happen ranges all the way from nothing to pretty much removing ourselves from national title contention next season. Most people believe no one will be suspended for the Sugar Bowl because this stuff really is just coming up and there isn't enough time to thoroughly investigate and determine if a player really deserves to be suspended yet or not.
  4. i have a linksys im not using, 14 bucks?
  5. Some of them do, some of them don't. My launch Xbox 360 was very quiet. When I got an Elite when they first came out it was as loud as AIDS. Then it red-ringed and I had it repaired and it got even louder. Then it red-ringed again and it was quieter. I have the new "slim" or whatever they want to call it now and it's super quiet. But I still install all of my games just to reduce wear and tear on the disc drive and reduce loading times. I have the 250 in my "slim" and it's nearly half full (game installs, about 800 Rock Band songs, some downloaded games, etc.)
  6. bicraniumXi3haer0f9avdym4x9rcbfn7cbn6v bicraniumX9apk4lis1d2v9uve2htvk6ps8d7eqgocq1s bicraniumX1kgkvp8hhzva2tlmjaynxtzaevwjqdtbws bicraniumXu1bg6wt05f46p5of1risxqffv553 Website is http://www.demonoid.me now BTW.
  7. Oh man, you really gonna badmouth Rally's and Arby's? I didn't even count them because I almost never eat at either but fries with seasoning is basically cheating.
  8. That sounds like a good idea. I like salt and vinegar potato chips, never had vinegar on fries though. Rarely eat fries but I did try the new Wendy's ones and definitely prefer the old ones at their best (was kinda rare to get them at their best though). Burger King and Dairy Queen have my favorite fries.
  9. Never got carried away with buying something but once or twice I had friends bid too much on my items trying to boost other people's highest bids...lol.
  10. I had something very similar to this happen last year with a computer I built for my parents. Was probably the smoothest build I've ever had, no problems whatsoever. Then about a month after, same kinds of problems you're having. Tried a new video card, got a new motherboard, etc., etc. I worked on it off and on for MONTHS and just gave them my laptop to use until I fixed it if I ever did. I gave up on it for probably 3-4 months then took a look at it again randomly one day and everything worked perfectly fine. I did nothing. So try that... nothing.
  11. Yeah, I'm not one of those people who calls every few months to get their bill adjusted by threatening to leave either. It's amazing how easily Insight will offer people discounts and whatnot when they threaten that and how hard it was for me to get an actual credit from Insight when they weren't delivering the service I paid for. Also, their people never, ever call you back. They say, "Oh, I will e-mail the tech team and get a response over the weekend and call you back Monday morning no later than 11am." No call ever. Then you call them because they didn't call you and you get routed to Louisville (Insight's HQ) who has no idea about your situation because they don't have shitty Roadrunner down there and they get pissed off when you ask to be transferred to the Columbus offices and the people in the Columbus office lie to you and you have to repeat these steps 3 times before you finally might have a shot at talking to the person who was supposed to call you back. My U-Verse seems to have a few issues with picture quality (some blips, kinda jittery on smooth scrolling stuff like the ESPN bottom line) but luckily one of my friends I've known since 3rd grade works for AT&T and was my installer so I can just talk to him whenever I have problems.
  12. Well Hazell did have a lot of influence at one point last season. Then we lost to Purdue and his influence was pulled back a bit. The current offense is definitely a mix of Bollman, Hazell and Tressel though. As far as wanting new coaches, I like the guys we have. Siciliano has done a pretty damn good job with Pryor considering how much of a project he was. Brewster is going to be the 1st center drafted either in the upcoming draft or the next one thanks to Bollman (and we wouldn't have Brewster or Shugarts or a lot of the 2008 class without Bollman). There is an opening on the offensive staff now though but it's probably going to be filled by current WR coach at Rutgers PJ Fleck. Played at Northern Illinois then for the 49ers for a bit then got into coaching as a grad assistant at OSU, was hired as an assistant at Northern Illinois then moved on to Rutgers. I also like the guy lined up to be our next OL coach when Bollman does retire, Keith Uecker. Was an All-American OL at Auburn in the 80's then played in the NFL for 10 years. Currently our "offensive quality control" coordinator (position held by Siciliano before Joe Daniels had to step aside for health reasons).
  13. Haha... double joysticks giving you problems. I remember the first time I picked up a PSX controller like that and just thought Sony had no shot at competing in the video game world with some crazy bullshit like that. Of course, I was like 9 so my opinions weren't very well formed.
  14. Yeah I've read that a lot of people think Hazell might be a better HC candidate than Fickell down the road because of the "it" factor. Fickell has been great for us in his role but it's odd that he hasn't been grabbed yet by a MAC school (like Akron last year).
  15. I'd just hit up Newegg and find the best/most reviewed nvidia card under $100.
  16. I switched to U-verse last week from Insight. Paying almost $40 less a month, about 10mbps upgrade in download, 4x the upload speed and we have about 15 HD movie channels vs. the 2 we were getting with Insight. Insight actually seems to have gotten pissed off that I made them do their fucking jobs so they increased our bill as much as they could from November to December and I was like, welp, see ya later.
  17. Yeah, Nebraska doesn't get to skip any of the big boys, their division or not. And from what I've seen most Nebraska fans are thrilled to be in the Big 10 now because they don't have to deal with Texas. Not so much on the field (although losing to 5-7 Texas this year was pretty embarrassing) but off it. Texas has been holding that conference and its members hostage for years and that's why so many have left or are still looking to leave. Nebraska will be getting a lot more money in the Big 10 from TV deals and whatnot than Texas would have ever let them in the Big 12. The smart Nebraska fans understand that.
  18. I haven't run into any Nebraska fans in their right mind who think that, at least on the internets. They'll be tough for us in Lincoln next season though. Also, we lost associate head coach and WR coach Darrell Hazell to Kent State. A lot of people think he was really the ONLY aggressive offensive mind on the staff. Be interesting to see how the staff shuffles and who ends up getting a spot on it as a result.
  19. Think it's 120 teams in FBS now but 66 is still more than half of the field and that's ridiculous. Also, I posted some stuff about Shazier about a week ago in this thread... Shazier announced last night at his graduation party (graduated already and enrolling at OSU early) and several other recruits were out at dinner with the staff when Shazier called to let Tressel know so it was announced to all the other recruits at the dinner so it gave off a good vibe. Have a couple 5-star kids on visits this weekend and one of them was thought to be a big-time Florida lean so maybe the Shazier news will have an effect on him too.
  20. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=5930029 "I think we have enough experience with names, and expansion and development of divisions, to know that you never, rarely, get 90 percent approval rating," Delany said during the interview. "But to get a 90 percent non-approval rating was, you know, really surprising." I seriously haven't found a single person yet who likes the names. Big 10, non-Big 10, no one. Just go East/West or North/South and be done with it. North/South seems to make the most sense because Wisconsin would be the only team that wouldn't fit (would be South with OSU, PSU, Illinois, Indiana and Purdue). Going East/West means Illinois and Wisconsin wouldn't fit (would be East with the aforementioned teams) because both would be west of Michigan and Michigan St. Also, if we were in the South we'd have "southern speed."
  21. The logo's color is obviously the conference wanting to be as neutral as possible. I saw black and white as a suggestion somewhere but that's too plain. The light blue isn't a bad option for neutrality when you start to think of the available colors.
  22. Yeah, the blue isn't great for the logo but the logo itself isn't awful. It'll work eventually. The division names though... Stars and Stripes and Bo and Woody were pretty cheesy I thought but either would have been better than this. I was really hoping they'd find a way to do geographical somehow. Great Plains division and Great Lakes division or just a simple east/west or north/south. This is a tragedy. Personally the divisions will just be "the one Ohio State is in" and "the other one" so it's not a huge deal but hearing these on telecasts and stuff is going to be like nails on the chalkboard.
  23. You're actually happy with that hire for Florida? I guess we'll see how he does, he's young and energetic and Florida has all the talent they could ever need. So if he can't do it there he can't do it anywhere. I was expecting more out of Florida.
  24. Pelini is a Buckeye and another Youngstown guy. They'd offer him if he continues to be successful. If he keeps it up at Nebraska or ends up at Miami (which might actually make it easier to move to OSU down the line since he won't be switching within the conference) he'll be a very attractive option when the time comes.
  25. Some people think Braxton Miller will be the last QB Tressel sees all the way through to graduation. There's always talk that "this extension/contract will be the last for Tressel" but you never know. He's talked about how there are so many things outside of football he still wants to do with his life and there was a quote a couple years ago when the home and home series vs. Tennessee was set up (2018/2019 I think) where he said he was pretty sure he'd be sitting in a rocking chair at home watching that one but he seems to go back and forth between being gone in the next 4-5 years to possibly sticking around for another 10. There is already that talk that "when Tressel does decide to hang it up, Urban's batteries should be recharged." But if that's not for another 5-6 years there will be a whole new crop of hot coaches to pick from. The pool will be entirely different. Right now the odds on favorite to replace Tressel is Pelini but who knows where Pelini will be or how good his resume will look when Tressel does retire. And I think you're right with Urban having some clauses in place for Ohio State and Notre Dame. It may have only been Ohio State though. Think I remember reading somewhere that he has a giant painting of Woody somewhere in his house and he always carries a buckeye in his pocket.
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