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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Yeah, my connection was great up until I'd say 4-5 months ago. And like you said, I just keep calling. They replaced everything they could replace in my house months ago and there was no change so I just keep letting them know my speed sucks. Figured it was an overloaded node. If they don't get better upload speeds soon I'm probably going to kill someone.
  2. Well shit on 1 and 2. And of course the FCC changing a definition did nothing. But I still bug Insight about it every time I call (since I call as much as possible since my internet slows to about 3mbps every single night around 8pm). Since you're saying you're running the RR stuff, do you have any idea when RR Extreme will be available here? I've read where it's in Middletown (SW Ohio) so I'm hoping it eventually makes its way here. The current stuff is garbage. It's not even broadband.
  3. Oh, you're on Insight BB. I'm on Insight RoadRunner which is absolute trash and maxes out at 768kbps up unless it's business class (1.5mbps up). I forgot they have 2 separate things. Insight is balls.
  4. Broadband is now defined by the FCC as 4mbps down and 1mbps up. Insight only offers 768kbps up. It is not broadband. I have the 15 meg and all those HD channels (which pixelate and block non-stop). The second Verizon Fios is available here I'm firebombing Insight.
  5. It was last seen today at 6PM. So you're somewhere in Europe. We can't help much.
  6. Insight sucks ass. They don't even offer broadband internet.
  7. Demonoid invites right hurrrrrrrrr.... bicraniumXbr9do5zuhprcmiasnqo3yea4pjwsgwipzlp bicraniumX1h77cjc9us7mijbk2vauy0mfakryp9yxo4n bicraniumXkxalk5hbch8b7qfpt8ttt1528s8zmn8qezv bicraniumX7ow95axik9gsugbgsxo72h4a7797v0oh8y4 bicraniumXw9y9vqungppgesyd7p2w6f5ot9cb31c
  8. Yeah, I mean, I'm a liberal/hippie/whatever and the people replying in that thread saying "OMG that's so awful!" Really? It's prison. It's not a vacation. And the guy himself didn't seem to be complaining too much, just explaining what went on. Then all of the people replying are like "JESUS THAT SOUNDS LIKE A NIGHTMARE!" It should. Judging from the word filters I picked up on (band = pedophile group, wife = sister, etc.) it looks like it originated on the misc at the bodybuilding forums.
  9. Haha, seriously... wtf is up with that? I haven't even stepped foot inside a Blockbuster for a few years but I remember renting games or movies there and you would leave with essentially a booklet of receipts that I never even looked at.
  10. Won't give Cincy a win and won't change that snoozer we all watched back in January...lol.
  11. Holy poop sticks. He was a bigger guy so I figured I'd read it was a heart attack or something... that sucks. The one time I met him he was awesome. Was at a Big Room show with the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. Dude was always just wearing a sport coat over a band t-shirt with jeans...lol. RIP.
  12. My power has only gone out for more than a flicker once in the 12 years I've lived where I currently live. Flickered twice yesterday during the storms. Has to be a pretty severe storm to even do that. Funny thing though, I live right on the edge of the Pickerington city limits in Violet Twp. My aunt and uncle live right across the city limits in Pickerington in a condo about a minute from my house and their power was out for a while yesterday.
  13. Sucks. Dude was a Buckeye. Always wore his national championship ring from when he was a grad assistant under Woody.
  14. bicranium

    the heat is on

    Nothing "sort of" about it. It's 100% wacky talk. Cleveland might be able to break 40 wins next season because of the extra motivation to "show" Lebron he made a mistake. But it will go downhill from there and they will eventually be back to 20-win seasons and 8k people at the Q.
  15. bicranium

    the heat is on

    Yeah, the rookies the Heat have are 2nd rounders from a draft that was pretty dried up even before the lottery picks were gone. I believe Butler has a torn ACL from the tourney? Pittman didn't do anything in college.
  16. bicranium

    the heat is on

    Yeah, that letter will keep fans interested for an additional season or two but once they post a couple 30-win seasons everything will return to normal, pre-Lebron levels.
  17. bicranium

    the heat is on

    My momma always said "Two wrongs don't make a right."
  18. bicranium

    the heat is on

    Means that he's the first reigning MVP to switch teams since Moses Malone in 1982?
  19. bicranium

    the heat is on

    He definitely gave up any chance of him ever being "the next Jordan" with this decision. Edit: Yeah, see it's been posted now. Letter is a little unprofessional, not a lot of substance to it, just empty promises, but it's absolutely hilarious and entertaining.
  20. bicranium

    the heat is on

    Cassell was averaging almost 10 a game in the 7-game 1st round series against Atlanta in 2008. Powe had a 20+ point performance in the Finals. Think Davis maybe didn't contribute as much that season (his rookie year) as he does now so I'll give you that. Either way, Miami isn't going to come close to that bench so the comparison is still awful.
  21. bicranium

    the heat is on

    I'd question whether or not you watch basketball after that comment. The Heat essentially have 4 guys under contract right now. That Boston team in 2008 had a deep, veteran bench. The Miami team might get an old, overweight, essentially useless Shaq (like he was in Cleveland last season), sign their rookies then get a bunch of minimum salary scrubs. Not anywhere near the same as the Celtics bench in 2008 which had Leon Powe, James Posey, Eddie House, Glen Davis, Sam Cassell, PJ Brown and Tony Allen. These 3 stars in Miami are going to have to play 40 or more in just about any game they feel like winning.
  22. Buy at a big box. Returns and whatnot with online stores with regards to TV's can be a pain in the ass. Panasonic is probably the best bang for your buck when it comes to plasma. Samsung and Sony for LCD/LED stuff. If you're a pretty serious gamer I'd go plasma. No burn-in issues anymore and input lag is much lower on plasma's vs. LCD.
  23. Yeah, I was going to add, it sounds like the dishes were washed just not "sanitized." When I worked at Kroger in the meat department there was soap and sanitizer. Sanitizer was this pinkish/light red liquid that would mix with water and you just let stuff soak in it after it was washed.
  24. Every wing place I ever like always gets shut down or just closes. Bullshit.
  25. Yeah my friend got me to retry Chrome the other day (hadn't touched it since it first came out) and it still wasn't very good. Installed both adblocking extensions he told me he used and had ads all over the place still. Hadn't seen an ad using Firefox in years. GTFO Chrome.
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