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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. I heard you can install as you go with this game actually. Maybe that was a different PS3 game.
  2. I saw an article about it on Engadget or Joystiq and switched immediately then about 8 hours later I got the e-mail from Netflix letting me know about the option to switch. I was like, LOL already did this faggots.
  3. It's actually more true to the uniform it's trying to replicate than last year's version. With the red helmets and all. I loved last year's though. Have to hold judgment on these until we see them in action next week.
  4. * · Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster * · Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions * · Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby * · Improved party system to ensure that parties don’t get broken apart * · Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games * · Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads * · Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this) * · Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions * · Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect * · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire * · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses * · Additional online security enhancements * · Optimization to prevent friends list from spamming user while in game – will improve game performance for users with large numbers of friends.
  5. Yeah, it sucks that he's being labeled as a "bust". He was a monster in the national title game against Florida (where he was the healthiest and in the best game shape he's been in since HS). I think 8 of his last 9 games before his most recent injury he was putting up double digits in points and the game right before the one where he broke his knee cap he had 20 rebounds. He definitely has the talent just doesn't have the durability.
  6. Wonder what kind of freak injury he'll have next season to go for a 7th... But seriously, it was fully expected but still great news.
  7. He's played 82 games total in 4 years now. The equivalent of one full season. Really sucks because this latest surgery will make it almost impossible for him to come back. There have been a few players who have made it back from one microfracture surgery (Amare Stoudemire being a good example) but I don't know of any who have made it back from two (guys like Allan Houston and Penny Hardaway were awesome early in their careers then had multiple microfracture surgeries and either retired or never came close to being what they were before them).
  8. Sullinger is a monster. And we FINALLY have a real PG. First one since Conley. Buford took some of his normal, bad shots in the first half but made up for it big time in the second. Lighty looked awesome out there. I know lots of people had this team being better than last year's even with the loss of the national player of the year but I had to see it to believe it. And I definitely believe it.
  9. Just got a Droid 2 (wanted the physical keyboard) a couple weeks ago and have thoroughly enjoyed it.
  10. Well torrent your little fingers off over the next couple weeks. I may be switching to ATT here in a couple weeks and need to know if I'm going to go to jail.
  11. Who is your ISP? I think that has a bit to do with it as well. jeffro mentioned he has Insight and that's who I have (for now) as well. I believe they are one of the ISP's out there who still won't give customer info out when the production companies come calling saying they got one of their people downloading their stuff. Insight seems to say, well, we'll get it straightened out, shuts your internet down, has you call and make a pinky promise that you won't do it again and off you go. I have a friend in Oregon who ended up paying around $2,000 for Constantine because he got caught and I always make fun of him for it because that's just a really, really bad movie to get caught on...lol.
  12. Not an option. We pirates live a life of danger.
  13. You didn't play dumb well enough. Need to act completely clueless. Like you don't even know if you have a router. I have Insight and came home to the same thing one time (because I downloaded something from Demonoid that was using a public tracker because Demonoid is super gay) and you just need to let them create their own scenario. They ask, do you have a router? I'm not sure. Well, if you do, it might be wireless. Oh really? Yeah, and someone else may have infiltrated your network wirelessly and downloaded this. Oh my... Works like a charm. No threat of legal action...lol.
  14. Good sweet christ... looks like I might need to pick up a PS3 for this. Didn't get into GT4 too much but GT2 and GT3 absolutely raped my adolescence. That video was incredible.
  15. This Cam Newton stuff is out of control.
  16. Anyone going 20/20 running and gunning is awful.
  17. Yeah that post was pretty terrible. I always wished in MW2 there was a gametype where you actually died if you stayed in the same place for more than 5 seconds. Where is the fun in sitting in one place sighted in for an entire game waiting for someone to run into your reticule? Of course, the game just came out. It's COD so eventually people will have their camp spots and they'll piss enough people off by camping that those people start camping to combat it then you end up with every other game not reaching the 7500 limit which is what MW2 became in about August. So maybe wna should just wait until about August this time around then he can play the game he wants to play...lol.
  18. Not enough, brah. I have I think over 27 days logged on MW2 on my main account. Not hard to do when you play 2-3 hours every other night for about 9-10 months. I won't be getting this one though.
  19. $3,000 Monster cables is all I let touch my A/V equipment.
  20. Gonna have to wait for them to ship you the subscription card.
  21. Yeah I checked to see if that was still somewhere on the dashboard because that would be easier, instant and the same price at this point but it wasn't there anymore because their price increase took effect November 1st. So since Xbox Live has been $50 a year for so long and we found $30 deals, at $60 a year now I'd say these $40 deals will be more the norm.
  22. Best deal right now is around $40. Newegg has them for $40.
  23. Insight is supposed to be rolling out the total home DVR stuff in early 2011 and I guess that'll be coming with additional HD channels. I'd like a speed increase to come with that but I doubt it. Probably switching to Uverse because of that for their 24/3. 15/.768 is just prehistoric. Especially when it takes them 7-8 months to fix a problem that drops that 15 number to about 3 most nights.
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