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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Insight deserves any dick moves anyone can pull off.
  2. Actually a lot of the money goes into non-revenue sports at OSU. OSU has the most sports and the largest athletic department in the country. The money made from our behemoth of a football team funds all of that crap. Like women's hockey.
  3. bicranium

    Oh Jesus..

    Haha. You have absolutely NO IDEA which side of the aisle I'm sitting on and still managed to go off. Bravo!
  4. bicranium

    Oh Jesus..

    Dumb people entertain me.
  5. I don't think Pryor's numbers will be all that much higher than last season's. Bear in mind, he had more total yards last year than Troy did when he won the Heisman. So the numbers won't prevent him from making it to NYC if he's on an undefeated team on its way to Glendale. Here are my expectations/estimates of Pryor's numbers this year... 2,750 yards passing, 24 TD's, 8 INT's - about 700 more than last season, 6 more TD's and 3 less INT's 750 yards rushing, 7 TD's - right about the same as last season, same TD's - attribute this to fewer called running plays for Pryor due to massive depth and talent at the RB position and Pryor not taking as many silly sacks So 3,500 total yards and 31 total TD's. That gets him to NYC at the end of the season.
  6. You're not allowed to talk about San Diego weather in Ohio. I think there are laws against it.
  7. bicranium


    lol... I actually have like 200 posts but obviously all but 3 of them are in this forum so they don't actually count. I like it though.
  8. bicranium


    Because, first of all, his name is Michael Caine. And secondly, France does have an extradition agreement with the United States. That's why Caine asked Leo if it was dangerous to be there in the first place. And Leo knows from experience. Tom Hanks brought him back from France once before.
  9. OSU @ Wisconsin is definitely the most worrisome game to me. Camp Randall is a hostile environment and they return pretty much their entire offense including one of the best offensive lines in the country. We don't have the depth of talent on the DL like we did last year to just wear those big guys down. I'm also more concerned about the game @ Iowa than the Miami game. Miami may look like a tougher game after the Marshall game though. If the team looks out of sync against Marshall (especially offensively - we've had some pretty slow starts under Tressel) then the Miami game becomes much scarier.
  10. Nothing is especially easy when it comes to that level of competitive sports. I was really just saying that we never seem to have a guy with both sure hands and blazing speed. We always seem to have to sacrifice one for the other. Also, media day was today and I thought this picture was pretty awesome... http://images40.fotki.com/v775/photos/7/798917/8959833/100808_0408-vi.jpg
  11. True. We'll have a completely different guy back there muffing punts...lol. Why do our return guys always seem to have problems simply catching the ball?
  12. If special teams are going to be the difference in the OSU-Miami game then color me concerned. Our special teams were BAD last year. And this year we don't have a big leg for FG's (I trust Barclay inside of 40-45 but past that they might have to throw someone like RS sophomore Buchanan or true freshman Basil out there). Also, check-in for fall camp is today. Shit's getting real.
  13. Must have some pretty bad lag to shoot 6 feet behind someone and get a kill. I've seen a few feet behind and that is lag. And I've seen where the hit marker will be off the body, above the shoulders or whatever and it will be a headshot or a kill. And sure, that's lag. I've never, ever shot at the ground around an enemy's feet and been rewarded a headshot though. I mean, I realized the crazy headshot detection on MOH within the first 1-2 games I played of it. It's just the way it is.
  14. Internet lag doesn't account for aiming at people's feet and being awarded a headshot. That's just shoddy programming.
  15. Beta was poopy IMO. Kept getting put in games by myself or with one other person. Graphics were pretty damn bad. Their headshot detection was hilarious too. I had a friend shoot at nothing but enemy's feet for a few games and was still getting tons of headshots.
  16. Why was their son, old enough to be taking exams, walking behind his parents, clapping and saying "Daddy is holding mommy in his arms!" Some serious bullshit.
  17. Wow, are you serious? Fuck that. They were giving $35 for 60GB hard drives during the promotion and $100 for any version of the console itself. I didn't even use that stuff though because, as I mentioned, I sold my 2 360's for $225 and $200 to get the new one. You still need the physical game. It just won't spin while you're playing it and loading times will be faster. Just turn on your Xbox, put the game in and if you have auto-run on (where the game just starts up when you put it in) back out to the dashboard then go to your "My Xbox" section and whatever is in your console will be the first option. Hit "Y" for "Details" and one of the options will be "Install Game."
  18. The kids who were involved? Williams will be replacing Gibson on the DL this year as our speed rusher and Klein was a special teams guy as a true freshman last season and unless Andrew Sweat's knee feels great through fall camp, Klein is the 4th LB.
  19. Kid they "beat up" is a QB for the club team at Xavier, supposedly underage and got pass-out drunk at his own birthday party. Probably got what he deserved.
  20. Not true. Not until the Jasper units came out did they really have it figured out well enough to consider it "fixed." The first Elites were the exact same hardware as the launch units which had a failure rate of something like 70%. They had Falcons eventually which brought it down to around 30% which is still awful. Jasper's had a failure rate less than 3% and only came out within the last year and a half. I think the dot in the center of the touch-sensitive power button turns red now. Not sure though. Not sure if anyone has even had it happen yet. These things displace heat like crazy. I had 2 360's (bought a 60 GB Pro when my Elite red-ringed a second time and I needed a new one ASAP for something) and sold one for $225 and the other for $200 and got the new 360. As mentioned, it's really quiet, everything runs smoothly, kinda wish it was a matte black finish as opposed to glossy but my 360 is in a lower, darker place so no one can really see it aside from the lights when it's on. I don't even use the Wifi (yet) but the 250GB is good for me. I install all of my games to the hard drive so the disc drive isn't always spinning (reduces wear and tear and noise) and I have ~600 Rock Band songs downloaded so I'm using about 100GB.
  21. Vin Diesel looks fucked up in those pictures. Like he's getting old. Kinda has jowls. WTF? Also, just looked at the Wikipedia for it and it is going to have 3D. Not being filmed in 3D though so it's going to be that lame conversion shit like Clash of the Titans. Enjoy.
  22. Because it's fun/interesting. Pretty much the reason anyone does anything. I mean, obviously it's not something that I need to do but I would like to and people all over the place are capable of doing so. 768kbps upload is really, really pathetic.
  23. The best HD streams on there run AT LEAST 2500kbps. Most upwards of 3000kbps. The highest quality my friends and I can use while trying to stream not even great quality video while minimizing lag is about 200kbps.
  24. You shouldn't venture. There are things I'd like to do that I absolutely cannot with my current upload speed. Like streaming myself playing video games in HD on JTV. That would require about 45/10ths of my current upload...lol.
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