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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Open that thing up every now and then and have some fun? Like when we put up 73 (the most ever by a Tressel-coached OSU team, first time he ever broke 60 points) on Eastern Michigan including a halfback pass for a TD to Pryor? OSU is currently 8th in the country in scoring offense averaging 44ppg. Up 41 spots from a season ago and 15ppg. We're top 20 in rushing offense and top 25 in overall offense. And if you don't think the offense has evolved over the past year and a half then you just don't know football. Yes, in a situation like Illinois where it's windy, your QB is injured and your defense is smothering the opposition, Tressel went the safe route and got his national title contending team out of there unscathed. With Pryor still recovering this weekend I wouldn't be surprised to see us go for 300+ rushing yards against the 108th ranked rushing defense in the country and let Pryor rest up for Wisconsin. Also, that Illinois team might be better than anyone thought before the game. They'll most likely be a bowl team.
  2. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.
  3. We're actually #1 in the longest active ranked streak now because they dropped out after losing to Oklahoma. My ONLY concern going forward is the RB situation. Boom is a great, consistent #2. Saine is running like absolute shit right now. There is not a doubt in my mind that Hall, Berry or Hyde could be running better than him right now. But can any of those three be half the receiving threat that Saine is? We have 2 weeks to find out because with Wisconsin losing in East Lansing yesterday they will be pinning their whole season on our game in Madison.
  4. Did they look real good in the 1st half? I caught the second half and they did nothing but sit back and watch Florida shit themselves repeatedly. People have to remember, that Florida team had a real hard time with Miami... of Ohio.
  5. Fuckin' right doggy. I watched the BTTF trilogy at least once a week when I was in elementary school...lol.
  6. That stadium is a fucking wind tunnel (20+mph gusts today) AND our dual-threat QB had a bad wheel for the 2nd half. Tressel knew Illinois was done on offense so he got us out of there with a W without getting Pryor injured any further. I will say that the announcers on the BTN were awful. They didn't mention the wind a single time. The studio guys finally had to point it out in the post-game after Tressel mentioned it about 10 times in his post-game presser.
  7. So some kind of mythical creature like an... action RPG? Which I posted as one of the genres from Wikipedia.
  8. Wikipedia is a great source for general information. Go search for some Fable forums and you'll find all the fans talking about top 10 RPG lists of all time... because Fable games are RPG's. Go check Gamestop.com's page for Fable III. Category: Role-playing I mean, do you have a problem with playing a game labeled as an RPG?
  9. I guess this is the response you're looking for? Vehicles: 04GLI,325is,bronco,atv I really have no idea.
  10. Columbus, Phoenix and Austin in the top 10. Locations of the 3 largest public universities in the country. I'm shocked...lol.
  11. I will repeat for Phil... Examples? And I have no idea why you brought up Clarett and off the field stuff. That has nothing to do with this subject. This is about Bama and other schools down south forcing dead weight off their team to make room for kids they promised scholarships to when they didn't actually have spots open.
  12. bicranium

    Halo Reach

    Since all of my friends who actually bought the game are terrible at it I get too mad in matchmaking. So now we just build crazy race tracks/jumps in forge mode. Been doing that for several hours almost every night since Sunday now.
  13. It was pretty amazing watching his highlights the past couple weeks. I didn't think there was even the slightest chance that he'd come back from prison and be able to move anything like he could before it but he can. I haven't really watched ESPN since about 2007 so the little bits that I do watch don't bother me too much.
  14. The stuff some people do with the tiny motherboards (Micro ATX) is so cool. I prefer the Tumbler from the new Batman movies personally... http://images.stanzapub.com/readers/2008/09/14/2_3.jpg
  15. Just get the new one anyways (I refuse to call it slim because it really isn't any slimmer, it is shorter though). I just sit around hitting the touch-sensitive power/eject buttons sometimes to hear the little beeps they make.
  16. There's actually an ad suggesting this on the radio I heard this morning. Usually there's a big advertising campaign for it around March Madness too...lol.
  17. Pretty sure I was sleeping through all of this. The storm last week though... that was a pain in my ass. Was trying to get to sleep right as the emergency alert system shit came on my cable box all BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. I was like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
  18. Pretty typical Oregon behavior. Also, the guy who was Brutus at the game on Saturday actually posted his account of what happened... "I figured someone would mention this, and yes it was me that was Brutus during this. I'm only going to comment on this once so here's the story. Basically myself and another cheerleader were running the flag like any other game leading the team out onto the field. All of a sudden I see the bobcat running at me. Obviously at first I was very confused and then realized that he was going to try and tackle me. As he went to tackle me, I lowered my shoulder and sent him to the ground and his head popped off (the pinnacle of mascot embarrassment). I then figured that was over with so I started to walk towards the endzone and was firing up the crowd. All of a sudden I feel someone jump on my back....it was the bobcat. He starts legit punching me so I jump and fall back on my back so that I land on him. He keeps punching so I throw him off of me and walk away. It wasn't planned and he almost got thrown out of the game. A lot of people asked why I didn't wail on him and my response is not only did I not want that to be my last game (Big 10 has VERY strict rules in regards to mascot fights) but I didn't want the bobcat and OU to make headlines off of Brutus' name and fame. After the first two OSU touchdowns I decided to exact my revenge with a little more class by waving the flag directly in his face and repeatedly pointing to the scoreboard.....and that's all I have to say about that." This has also made it to http://www.deadspin.com now and one of their latest updates says that the student who was the bobcat on Saturday has been banned from any future team events...lol.
  19. I wonder if Rufus the Bobcat was drunk when he did this on Saturday...
  20. Can't believe it's actually, finally coming out. Might have to get a PS3 for this. And a 3DTV. http://1024chan.org/tech/src/127372370928.png
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