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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Cooper could end up being a 5*. Burrell is a weird looking dude but a monster on the field. I like how he just kinda came out of nowhere on Twitter yesterday to announce. Here are some odds on the next UF HC... thought it was interesting. Hugh Freeze 5/1 Brian Kelly 6/1 Bob Stoops 7/1 Jim Mora 9/1 Mike Gundy 10/1 Rich Rodriguez 12/1 Steve Spurrier 25/1 Jim McElwain 30/1 Gary Patterson 50/1 Dan Mullen 100/1 Gus Malzahn 100/1 Mike Shanahan 250/1 Thought Mullen would be higher and did not expect Freeze to be #1.
  2. Muschamp said today in his press conference... "Don't let the next guy come in here and tell you there aren't any players." Hmm... that's exactly what you did when you went 7-6 your first year with Urban's players and then proceeded to go 11-2 your second year with still mostly Urban's players. I hope the next coach at Florida goes in there and says the last coach was a fucking potato.
  3. It's a valid concern given his being a freshman but he's a natural leader. He took the team into East Lansing at night and he had the offense doing pretty much whatever they wanted. He overcame his knee sprain in Happy Valley at night to lead the team to victory in overtime against what may be the best defense in the country. He's had some big moments this year on top of the already huge task of stepping into Braxton Miller's shoes just a couple weeks before the season started and all he's done is break records. I really don't worry about him handling pressure at this point.
  4. Someone on TV (either ABC post-game, some ESPN highlight show, something) said it never got above 21. The suggestion that OSU or even Minnesota are snow teams is hilarious. No one is a "snow team." You don't have teams practicing specifically to play in snow all the time because it rarely happens. I believe that game went down as the coldest ever in TCF Bank Stadium (young stadium - that will be broken - but still) and the coldest game OSU has played in over 40 years. Edit: Found the official numbers... 15 at kickoff (previous low at TCF was 18 set last year) and coldest OSU game since 1964 vs. Michigan.
  5. I pretty much gave up hope when they went down 24-14 after being up 14-3 in the 1st but someone told me they still had a shot so I caught the end. OSU really should have moved ahead of them regardless (with ND losing to Northwestern ASU's best win was vs. Utah) but it's nice to have certainty.
  6. Noah Spence having a little convo with Travis Howard on Twitter this morning and mentioned that he's just been "working out and getting ready for this appeal." Would be really nice to get him on the other side of Bosa again next year.
  7. I obviously agree that OSU should be ahead of them I'm just being cautious in expecting the committee to clear their throats of SECemen enough to move OSU ahead of Ole Miss while also dropping Auburn as much as they should.
  8. We should be ahead of Nebraska in the CFP poll. KSU, Notre Dame, Auburn and Michigan State should drop behind OSU. So that puts OSU at 9th. The question is whether or not the committee can get the SEC's balls out of their mouth long enough to move OSU ahead of 2-loss Ole Miss. Also if said balls prevent them from dropping Auburn below OSU.
  9. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Yeah, they're trying to get artsy fartsy again with the flashbacks and sequencing. I thought it was the only bad thing about the early episodes with Terminus/the hunters although that at least served more of a purpose and now they're doing it inside of already bad episodes. Looking at the preview for the next episode it looks like we're going to see what happened to Daryl/Carol when they left but before Daryl got back to the church and Carol ended up in the place with Beth. Which will probably be better than the past 2 episodes but still... this isn't a Tarantino movie.
  10. I was never confident about VT. Even before the Braxton injury. Bud Foster is too good of a defensive coordinator and he showed that by coming out with a defense that stifled a young QB, OL and even the staff. Unfortunately that D is something of a one trick pony and once people knew to expect it they knew how to beat it and VT spent so much time on it in fall camp, as LJ mentioned, that they kinda screwed themselves over. The Dantonio thing was surprising. Earlier in the week everyone talked about how MSU was favored by no matter what Dantonio makes his team feel like it's them against the world, that they're disrespected, etc., etc. Maybe he was just comfortable enough with the work they'd done this week in practice to say something like that in the pep rally-esque setting that it was said in but it's definitely out of character for him.
  11. Have a big beard. Never watched an episode of Duck Dynasty. The first time I heard "You a big Duck Dynasty fan?" as a result of the beard I considered shaving for the first time in years.
  12. @MSU and @Wiscy in 2012. I can't find a 3rd so the stat may have been wrong. This site has a good database to look up odds... http://www.oddsshark.com/ncaaf/database Not sure where oddsshark pulls their lines from so maybe OSU was an underdog in some other game but I really can't think of one where they would have been. Pretty cool looking at the lines on that site though. OSU is 15-15 in their last 30 games as an underdog. Had a pretty rough 5-game losing stretch in those games under Tressel though... NC game vs. LSU @ USC in 2008 PSU in 2008 Fiesta Bowl vs. Texas USC in 2009 Since then it's gone 2 wins, 2 losses, 2 wins, 2 losses, 2 wins so following the pattern... OSU has already lost this weekend's game. Welp, they tried. :fuuuu:
  13. Under Urban Meyer OSU has been favored in 31 of 34 games. OSU is 3-0 in the games where they weren't favored.
  14. Cool trailer for this weekend's game... Seems Armani Reeves may be out for this game. No confirmation out there as to why. Have read everything from concussion to academics to him being part of the failed drug tests that got Rod Smith booted. He's definitely improved since last year but still a liability at times on defense. But he's always been a huge asset on kickoff coverage so that'll be something to keep an eye on.
  15. Don't let ESPN find out. They may kill themselves. It's a running joke on another site I post on that Indiana is the current SEC East champ. That was started the second the clock hit 0:00 in that game due to Mizzou winning the East last year but if they win it this year too... the lulz will be immense.
  16. It's a shame we don't play in the SEC where you can pick up top 10 wins over trashy teams like South Carolina or A&M.
  17. So then you agree Utah and LSU are on par with each other. It's settled.
  18. I think a lot of people expect Carlton Davis to end up either not qualifying or going elsewhere. They seemed to want another CB pretty badly though between Norwood and Briscoe (current Clemson commit). Class has a bit of a Tressel feel to it. Lot of 3* sleeper types. Birm at 11w said Norwood is a kid SEC teams will likely regret not getting in on earlier come December/January. Schmidt and Feder have huge, athletic frames for Marotti and Warinner to work with. Then Berry's ranking is allegedly so low because no one thought he would turn his academics around but he did and is supposed to be a freak. Another kid currently in the class people expect to end up elsewhere is Alabi to MSU. He and Mike Weber could flip from OSU and UM respectively to MSU then LJ Scott might end up with OSU since most think Harris is UK.
  19. His grades weren't good enough to get into OSU out of Glenville so he had to go to FUMA for a semester. He's been on the verge of being either kicked off the team or transferring multiple times already. He had 7 pass attempts in his OSU career before Saturday. I think being surprised to see him throw 2 TD's in a full cleanup half isn't too crazy.
  20. I wouldn't be surprised to see Cardale transfer if Braxton does indeed come back next year. He showed me more than I ever expected to see out of him on Saturday. He can play. But he'll be a redshirt junior behind a redshirt sophomore and potentially a redshirt senior next year. It's nice having a seemingly constant flow of at least competent QB's on the roster. I never want to see a Joe Bauserman on the field at Ohio State ever again.
  21. Actually, not burning North Carolina would be evidence of a lack of bias. ESPN doesn't get any money from March Madness. That's all CBS/TNT/TBS/TruTV. I think it's more them realizing that the public is mostly burnt out on college scandals. They went crazy over OSU/Tressel when it wasn't even a big deal, largely ignored Miami/UNC the first time around and didn't know what to do with PSU coverage. It's funny and sad that their most unbiased reporting in the last several years was probably the PSU coverage because no one wanted to say the wrong thing with regards to that. Having an opinion or spinning that story could have been toxic so they simply covered what was happening. Back to football... http://i.imgur.com/RRpvdxG.jpg
  22. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    She and Daryl drove off around the same time Bob was taken. Then we saw Daryl at the end of last week's episode return with a mystery guest who could be Noah (the black kid Beth helped escape). They explained right in the episode that they dump them down the elevator shaft and if they're still warm enough the walkers down there come over and "clean it up a bit."
  23. Double posting glitch happening in other thread. Gameday at MSU this weekend. 2-loss Ole Miss is ahead of 1-loss OSU in the AP. Burn it all.
  24. Dave Brandon (Michigan's AD) allegedly resigning today.
  25. They've messed with Jalin at QB/wildcat since fall camp. I think I posted about that in here saying that we may see someone other than Cardale/JT taking snaps vs. Navy. It didn't happen then but I wouldn't be surprised to see it soon. Either they throw it in vs. Illinois and we get a Tebow-esque jump pass out of Jalin to give MSU something to think about or they just hold onto it until MSU. Or we never see it. SO MANY POSSIBILITIES. Also pretty sure we're getting the double post glitch again here. Seems to happen just after we hit the 30 page mark so I'll start a new one maybe Sunday/Monday after this week's games. To avoid double posts just don't use the Quick Reply box.
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