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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. Yeah, it's pretty effed up that by default school can say "You do this unless your parents say otherwise" instead of "You can't do this unless your parents say otherwise." I remember having to get permission slips signed all the time for field trips back in the day, I guess it's the opposite now? LOL at 7th graders not knowing what oral sex and drug-withdrawal is. As if they don't talk to their friends and watch TV. Ha!
  2. It's a picture of a college-age hooker in some lingerie sitting on a bed, then a bunch of replies about what a hoe she is. Apparently there's a dirty slut in Akron U.
  3. Hmm, maybe NSFW. I'll make sure to stay away from dirty whores around Akron.
  4. Uh oh, Perry Township... Watch your window tint and front tags. Alternately...Call free taxi
  5. Actual SEALs will be doing the 'acting' and footage is of live exercises. This can't possibly be anything but mega-awesome. Bandito Brothers does some other pretty cool stuff as well. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904787404576528293606172306.html
  6. Is your clutch slipping? I'm wondering if you have a broken clutch spring or something. Has someone been doing lots of clutch-drops? Also, you shouldn't be taking off from 2k rpm, all you're going to do is accelerate wear and tear.
  7. RyM3rC


    I almost never see anyone pulling decent bass out of there, and I know I've never caught anything worth keeping. If there are good spots at Alum Creek I haven't found them.
  8. Where's the rest of the exhaust? So, it's just a metal plate that goes on the exhaust to mark the brand?
  9. I just read that a bit ago too. The cellophane is clear, but it was all wrapped up and twisted in the photos so it was no longer transparent. I'd like to think I would have caught that, but I think it was an old woman driving.
  10. Dayum Jones, you're almost as quick as I am. Well it would be helpful to know if it has done this since he owned it, or if it started after a modification or maintenance event. I don't know Mustangs particularly well but I'd start with plugs/wires/distributor cap. So this is random, only at higher throttle openings, and there aren't any other symptoms? No hard starting, poor fuel economy, bad idle, poor throttle response, etc?
  11. This probably should be in tech help. Happy Birthday. Do you have more info about the car? Stock/modified, miles, anything?
  13. I like the "We can rebuild" one better, but that's not bad.
  14. I'd expect to see a ton of these on ebay and craigslist for pretty cheap.
  15. That's nice if you're rich, but shocking a well costs a couple bucks and city hookups are closer to $18k. I had that thought awhile back when my septic tank was acting up. I just got an attack of sulfur bacteria or something that I had to bleach to death. You're not alone in your well-water shenanigans. Don't forget not to do laundry or drink from it until the bleach smell goes away.
  16. I'm guessing a lot of you are on the East side? Crap my assessed value keeps going up
  17. Nice. When was the last time the county reevaluated and how much of the increase did you get knocked off?
  18. Yeah but it loses 10 tactikewl points for the factory pistol grip, and non-floated barrel. How am I supposed to snipez wit dat? OP's rifle has a float tube and a non-crappy grip.
  19. I just can't get into Top Gear US. The hosts don't have any chemistry, and they seem like half-witted idiots most of the time. At least when the British guys script in stupidity they sell it better. They have had a couple of decent ideas though on the US show, and that's all I'll say for them.
  20. That does look pretty nice. S4 wheels, sport package, heated seats, 2.8 manual is pretty nice. I'm a little jealous.
  21. Not sure. I vaguely remember his username (panduh), and posts implying that his dad gave him money for stuff including an STi that I think the built motor blew on...? I don't know man, you'd have to search. It was too long ago and I didn't know him.
  22. What? Is that the kid whose dad bought him an STi or something? Is he dead? I must not be "in the know" enough for this to make sense. Edit: No, I don't know enough for this to make sense.
  23. All the places I've used have some form of payment plan, but if you want to be safe call them first. I know Medvet does that, and Wedgewood Healthy pets does as well.
  24. Please don't be another Odyssey going 10 under the limit in Dublin. Please? I have enough of those assclowns clogging up the roads already. Otherwise, congratulations on your purchase.
  25. RyM3rC


    Cool thread. Boom roasted.
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