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Everything posted by jjjxlr8

  1. I've read that the wait will be more than 1 year for 30 round PMags.
  2. Funny thing is that the Mini 14 is specifically named in the "exempt" list! Even if the ban were to go through, the Mini 14 would still be manufactured, just with a 10 round mag.
  3. http://sofrep.com/16644/1000-green-berets-sign-letter-of-support-for-2nd-amendment/
  4. Why not just purchase the US made AUG A3? Worth the extra money over the hit-or-miss MSAR version, IMO.
  5. jjjxlr8

    Gun Ban List?

    Here it is with all the gory details... http://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/files/serve/?File_id=9a9270d5-ce4d-49fb-9b2f-69e69f517fb4
  6. jjjxlr8

    Gun Ban List?

    Stranger things have happened. It wouldn't surprise me if there was another gun related 'emotional event' in the next week or two and then this thing will get 'pushed' through. I hope not.
  7. jjjxlr8

    Gun Ban List?

    Here are some details of Feinstein's ban... Ban the sale, transfer, manufacture or importation of 157 named firearms. Presumably, these were chosen by looking at pictures, as Sen. Feinstein has said she did before introducing her first legislation on the issue in 1993. Ban all semi-automatic rifles that can accept a detachable magazine. This is because the bill would ban any semi-automatic detachable-magazine rifle that has even one "feature," particularly a pistol grip—which is defined to include any "characteristic that can function as a grip." Other features that would cause a rifle to be banned include a forward grip; folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; grenade launcher or rocket launcher; barrel shroud; or a threaded barrel. Ban all detachable-magazine semi-auto pistols that have any of the following: a threaded barrel, second pistol grip, or magazine that mounts anywhere other than the grip. The bill would also ban any handgun that is a semi-automatic version of a fully automatic handgun. Ban all semi-automatic rifles and handguns that have fixed magazines that accept more then 10 rounds. Ban all semi-automatic shotguns that have just one of the following: a folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; a pistol grip; a fixed magazine that can accept more than five rounds, a detachable magazine; a forward grip; a revolving cylinder; or a grenade or rocket launcher. As with the rifle provision, this could potentially ban any semi-auto shotgun, because all of them have "characteristics that can function as a grip." And of course, countless Americans have pistol-grip shotguns for home defense. Ban all belt-fed semi-automatic firearms, such as semi-auto replicas of historic machine guns. Ban all frames or receivers of banned guns, even though in many cases they are identical to the frames and receivers of guns that would not be banned. Ban "combinations of parts" from which "assault weapons" can be assembled. Read broadly, this could ban the acquisition of a single spare part that could be combined with parts you already own. Ban any "part, combination of parts, component, device, attachment, or accessory that is designed or functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic rifle"--a vague definition that could ban items such as competition trigger parts. Ban the sale or transfer of all ammunition feeding devices that hold more than ten rounds. Even those lawfully possessed before passage of the bill could never be transferred, even to your heirs through a will.
  8. When did Mauser stop using the secret S/42 code on the Lugers? I know that they changed to a "42" instead of the "S/42" around 1938 on the K98 rifles, but not sure on the Lugers. BTW, both matching mags is a VERY NICE bonus on a pistol like this and significantly adds to the value. The holster appears to be in good shape, too, and is probably worth $200 on it's own.
  9. jjjxlr8

    Gun Ban List?

    They already have the M1A covered with the combination of the detachable magazine and the flash hider (and/or bayonet lug). OR, if you have one with a pistol grip and an adjustable stock. The proposed ban covers most if not all semi-auto military style rifles.
  10. “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” - unknown Patriot “A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.” -unknown Patriot “The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.” - unknown Patriot
  11. What crazy talking points? Have you read the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, or The Constitution of the United States of America since grade school? I'm not being a smart ass, I'm really curious. I would recommend reading through the documents again if you haven't done so lately. They are surprisingly brief and to the point.
  12. Syria might be a better example. The government opposition is doing very well against modern military equipment. A few AKs can get you access to much more advanced gear if you use them correctly.
  13. It looks like a 75 rounder, not 100. The 100 round mags have only 10 "fingers" on the inside and are a little larger in diameter. Here's a photo showing the 75 (left) vs. the 100 (right). The Chinese 100 round mags are rare and very pricey ($350+). Chinese 75 round mags are common but still pretty pricey. I think you have it priced very reasonably, especially in today's market. The Chinese drums are THE BEST quality drum mags you'll find. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k239/jjjxlr8/Chinese_75_100_open.jpg
  14. jjjxlr8


    How much do you think the National Gun registry is going to cost and the enforcement of the new gun bans?
  15. Looks like the NY gun ban passed the Senate vote with a huge majority, including all the so called 'Republicans' in that State. RIP to Liberty in New York. Next up is the 1st Ammendment... On the positive side, NY citizens that already own high capacity magazines and evil "Assault Weapons" (any firearm with a pistol grip, flash hider, bayonet lug, etc. and a detachable magazine) have will have 1 year to sell or register their equipment. Every 5 years they have to renew their registration (and pay the registration fee!). Sounds like a new supply of merchandise for the rest of us for now. Here are the details of the NY ban. Pretty nasty. http://www.activistpost.com/2013/01/new-york-senate-passes-strict-gun-ban.html
  16. They need to know where to come get it when the US goes bankrupt. They will of course exchange it for some paper notes.
  17. Did they get the bugs worked of out of the BodyGuards? Those pistols had some serious reliability problems when they first hit the market. I like the LCP. It's great to carry.
  18. Come on! You're killing me. Have you ever shot a Galil or a Valmet? There are some nice Kalashnikov variants out there. PSL?
  19. jjjxlr8

    What if?

    I ran across this post on another forum today... Talked to one of my Senators Office today . They have already been notified that Biden / Obama want a total ban on all semi auto rifles and pistols with a 30 day mandatory turn in . No more zero zip . They feel they can get this presidential executive order through . My Senator is an A+ NRA and is very worried Apparently they are using the threat of an EXTENSIVE Executive Order as a negotiating tool. They are contacting Senators basically saying that if they don't pass a new AWB/magazine ban/etc. in Congress, that the President will make it MUCH worse with the stroke of a pen. If this happens it will certainly be enough to 'light the fuse' and get us moving towards real change.
  20. jjjxlr8

    What if?

    What is to stop the president from using an Executive Order for this? His administration is already talking about this. I don't see what would stop him if he can't get "sweeping gun control" through Congress.
  21. I removed CNN channels from my listing. Seeing part of the Pier's Morgan show the other day was the last straw. What a bunch of $hit!
  22. Not anymore than any other military firearm with a free-floating firing pin! Many times in surplus military firearms slam fires are caused by old preservative grease in the firing pin channel and/or using commercial (non-military spec) ammo with sensitive primers. It's hard for me to find a firearm I don't like, but this one is probably the least favorite of any that I've owned... Commando Mark 45. Terrible trigger pull, cheap polymer lower, can't accept drum mag, not full auto. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k239/jjjxlr8/P1010005.jpg
  23. jjjxlr8

    22LR Pistol

    +1! Great pistol. Another option... Do you own a Glock? The Advantage Arms .22LR conversion is excellent if you have a Glock lower to put it on.
  24. You know, they did this a few years ago and there was a study performed on the aftermath. What researchers found was that the burglaries of homes where there were firearms DECREASED in the next few years. Maybe the thieves are smart enough to target homes that do not have armed homeowners?
  25. jjjxlr8

    speak out

    We need to respond to this one... https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/113/x101/report#nation The title is written to be very deceptive: Common Sense Legislation to End Gun Violence This is what it represents: 1. Require criminal background checks for ALL gun sales, including private sales. 2. Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. 3. Make gun trafficking a federal crime. (Proposed by: Mayors Against Illegal Guns.) Right now, this one is "supported" by 94% likely because of the misleading title and the location of it on the website.
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