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Everything posted by jjjxlr8

  1. If this guy realized that she was out of ammo, things could have been very different.
  2. https://www.popvox.com/bills Sign up and let people know how you feel about the Bills being introduced in Congress. Don't forget to write your government representatives, too.
  3. jjjxlr8

    speak out

    https://www.popvox.com/bills Sign up and let people know how you feel about the Bills being introduced in Congress. Don't forget to write your government representatives, too.
  4. He'll probably be well enough to be at it again in a few months. People like that never learn. Too bad she didn't have an 'evil' AR15 with a 20 or 30 round magazine.
  5. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/woman-hiding-kids-shoots-intruder/nTm7s/ Here is a good example of why people NEED semi-auto firearms with large capacity magazines. This woman and her kids are very lucky. If she would have had a few more rounds, she could have positively neutralized this threat.
  6. They will get you sometimes!
  7. Yeah, I'm waiting for the buy back programs. I can't wait to get a $50 gift certificate for my "assault" rifles.
  8. You won't be alone... http://www.guns.com/2013/01/03/marine-writes-letter-to-sen-dianne-feinstein-i-will-not-be-disarmed-video/
  9. Most of those people are way too lazy or ignorant to read this document.
  10. http://www.sobran.com/articles/tyranny.shtml
  11. They aren't going to come confiscate weapons, but they can pass laws to make you a felon if you don't comply (registration, no transfers, whatever). Re-classification of firearms has happened several times and could certainly happen again. Write your government representatives NOW! What have you got to lose?
  12. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/--7m5CcxFUi4/UNx7pgZot0I/AAAAAAAATWs/cZ2TOzuU56o/s1600/DianeFeinsteinwicked%2Bwitch.jpg Create an account and sign it...just for fun... https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/impeach-sen-diane-feinstein-violating-her-oath-support-and-defend-constitution-united-states-re-awb/sdKKkKJ5
  13. http://larrycorreia.wordpress.com/2012/12/20/an-opinion-on-gun-control/
  14. Contact them. I told them that as a law abiding citizen and gun enthusiast, I was deeply offended by them taking firearms off the shelf in a knee-jerk reaction to the horrible crime committed in CT and that my family would no longer be shopping a Dick's Sporting Goods.
  15. Make your communications short and sweet. A couple of sentences is all you need, just to let your government reps know that you "do not support additional regulations on firearms." Ask them what their position is so you know who to vote for next time...
  16. Perfect! Fun stuff. Last time I battled with my 5 year old I ended up with a suction cup Nerf dart sticking to my forehead right between the eyes!
  17. USPS Money order is a good alternative to cash. They are fairly difficult to counterfeit. I always bring two copies of a simple firearms bill of sale, check the buyer's ID to make sure they are a resident of the State, and then have them sign the firearms bill of sale. They sign to the fact that they are not a felon and are legally allowed to own the firearm. They also include there DL number and/or address on the BOS. It really protects both parties and if one of the parties does not want to do this, there is very good reason to be suspicious as the buyer or the seller. Both the seller and buyer's full information should be on the BOS. The last thing you want to do as a buyer is to purchase a stolen firearm. At least with documentation, you can provide the sellers information if the police come for some reason. As a seller, you want to have proof that you sold the firearm in case it turns up at a crime scene. As a buyer, you can bring the BOS for the transaction. If the seller isn't that prepared, he might appreciate your effort and feel more confident that he is selling to a "good guy." There are lot's of free online forms available... http://www.google.com/imgres?q=firearms+bill+of+sale&hl=en&sa=X&tbo=d&biw=1920&bih=951&tbm=isch&tbnid=qTJjyZF9zoOUBM:&imgrefurl=http://utah-concealed-carry-permit.blogspot.com/2010/07/sample-firearm-bill-of-sale.html&docid=WHoxU0YJKwwFLM&imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bVfGTWHA7Uc/TFJNdkfzR0I/AAAAAAAAAJM/XgaIY42c9Tk/s1600/Firearm%252BBill%252Bof%252BSale.jpg&w=1179&h=1600&ei=sZzbUI-MG9DOqAGiuoGQCA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=469&sig=109595912719886163655&page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=106&start=0&ndsp=70&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:90&tx=65&ty=68
  18. jjjxlr8

    AR parts

    A good set of flip up backup iron sights and a nice trigger. The standard military triggers are OK, but a trigger upgrade is going to help you shoot better.
  19. What better solution is there? Armed security seems like the most practical solution that can be implemented quickly. Banning "assault weapons" and "assault clips" surely won't help prevent murderers from committing horrific acts.
  20. jjjxlr8

    WTF Ammo?

    Yeah, you throw machineguns in the equation and that deal is just the start of a good day at the range. There are guys that spend SEVERAL MILLION dollars on ammo just for the Knobb Creek Machinegun shoot weekend! Pallets and pallets of ammo. I wish I had that kind of money to blow...
  21. jjjxlr8

    WTF Ammo?

    Is that too much?
  22. You are correct that he is a hypocrite, but what people may not realize is that, while it is illegal for citizens in Illinois to carry, it is LEGAL for Senators and Congress persons. They believe they are above the law (and they are in some cases!) and that's probably why he didn't think twice about bringing it to the airport. Laws are for common folk, not a Senator like himself. Of course there will be no negative consequences, legally, but I hope some of the sheep that follow this loser see him for the hypocrite he is.
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