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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. well then. thats a whole diff ball game. that is bs they wouldn't fix it.
  2. to play devils advocate it's not unreasonable for burger king to not fix mcdonalds mistakes of adding lettuce when not wanted. liability is liability unfortuantely.
  3. 10phone2


    man great work.
  4. im really sorry to hear that
  5. maybe we should put the sick in nursing homes
  6. Nelson has some for low $200 and there are driver boot camps the same price. havent been to one myself, but took a quick peek. $195 at nelson: http://autointerests.com/omo-hpde-nelson-ledges
  7. would likely have to do it on a field of grass drunk off your butt to make it happen. to be fair.... that does sound like a fun time until you realize the next day what you bought.
  8. GLWS. I hope it works your for you.
  9. he really is. my dad has come across him and his mom on a regular basis.
  10. man holy fuck thats pricey. I'm curious, what you do think you would have to do to get competitive?
  11. complains about injust towards his race.... then rants about "you" killed him when not happy about a white persons comment. ..... irony. Has a career built on a tv platform that isn't black owned, gets wealthy from sales from all races, and now wants to vent. Dave is a very smart guy and done alot of shows, but hasn't been the same since he left commedy central when he was happy about a contract.
  12. shhhh. were not able to talk about programs built to take guns away and instead focus on blaming police for others actions.
  13. we do agree on some things and disagree on others which is completely ok. I will say that you did not say that to be fair, but focusing on death by police is a distraction from what is really killing african americans in higher numbers. it's a very difficult conversation to have. another thing to keep in mind is that by feeding the protesting which has lead to property damage will only enoucrage more business' to leave struggling communities which means less jobs for minorities to help move forward.
  14. I agree with police reform in not having as much of a financially motivated system, but I will never agree with the narrative that police and other races are to blame for my family down south in the hood not being more successful.
  15. thank you for continuing the narrative of division. (for greg)
  16. I oddly enough fully agree there should be type of reforms and a profit based traffic ticketing system is not the answer. Unfortunately when you look at the percentages of deaths by african americans vs various groups, death at the hands of police is not statistically the problem.
  17. wait. if people obey the law police leave them alone. get outta here with that non-sense. it's always someone elses fault.
  18. greg think about it. one of your children or family has a crime commited against them. according to your logic, the perpetrator stopped for a traffic violation shouldnt be arrested or the police wouldnt be allowed to carry to help with arrest since its "traffic enforcement". Ironically I do agree with you on other points you made.
  19. good stuff. whats the setup on the e36 ( I currently have one)?
  20. you will just write an email to the state, fap to camaro photos, and take a nap. Can't say too much given I would just fap to 2jz.....
  21. yea covid screwed my spring training since outdoor parks are closed. the plus is getting into jogging, biking, and speed drills in back yard.
  22. good for them and they deserve the success.
  23. x4. I can dig some of concepts and they are talented, but never been a fan of rap mixed with rock. If you have other artist your promoting, I wouldnt mind to listen to them.
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